Warning: Major pissy rant coming up. You may want to turn away now.
So, I finally have a nice clear place to set up my pole. It’s a little short and I still can’t leave it up, but I thought I had the installation and take down down to record time. I had been working out regularly and was even planning the do the April ’10 challenge. Then I went to take my pole down the other day after working out. The top came off just fine, but the two big bottom sections (naturally) would not unscrew. I bent my release rods trying. Even using the door jamb wouldn’t budge them. After thirty minutes of messing with it, I decided to just throw it in my closet and put it up the following weekend. I thought that maybe if I could get it warm again and spinning on it would help loosen it. Wrong. I got it all put together and went to open the adjuster to snug it up against the roof and nothing happened. Apparently, in the course of trying to get the two sections apart, I got my adjuster stuck closed. I have one of the upgrade sections to convert the old-style X-Pole to a bottom-loading pole. Once again started to bend release rods trying to get my pole to work. After ten minutes of cursing, I once again took the top off and threw the rest in my closet. Time I guess to order the super release tools from X-Pole. I go the website and they’re back ordered until at least May 5. Fuck. I know that Challenges can be done at any time but dammit, I wanted to try to do it for real. Blearg. Plus, its back to being cold here. Hard to be motivated to work out.
Anyway, if you happen to still be reading, thanks for letting me vent.
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