Forums Discussions A few different questions.

  • Koidragon

    July 22, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    I think a combination of the both is best – and don't get me wrong, in a perfect world I would be super motivated and do all of my training at home. But, going to the studio is also a really great head-space thing – as soon as I walk in those doors it just feels great. ANd I have learnt a whole bunch of moves/combinations simply because I watched someone in open practice and said 'Corr, how did you do that?'


  • Jag5303

    July 22, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    I went from a size 8/10 to a 2 ( total of 30 lbs) doing nothing but pole!  3-4 hours a week

  • Palace

    July 22, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    Jag, how long did it take you to lose the 30 pounds?

  • Jag5303

    July 22, 2013 at 8:42 pm

    I'd say about a year. I was building strength that whole time as well. If I had hit the pole with some strength already under my belt I'm sure it would have happened faster, but I was a weakling. Like…could barely pick up a gallon of milk kind of weak!? Now…..I carry allll the groceries on one arm to save myself a trip. Because…aint nobody got time for multiple trips to the car to unload groceries

  • Palace

    July 22, 2013 at 8:51 pm

    Thank you for sharing. Do you have before and after pics? That is awesome. So how did you build your strength?

  • bformosa922163

    July 23, 2013 at 3:30 am

    Hahahaha jag that is very true. I’ll do the same thing. My fiancé doesn’t like it though because he always wants to try to be the man.

  • calipolepixie

    July 23, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    1) Have you lost weight since starting pole dancing

    Not through pole dance alone but I know alot of girls have been able to lose significant weight with pole dancing as their only exercise. However, I am one of those girls that has to do multiple forms of exercise in order to lose significant weight. I have to do cardio 2-3x week, weight training, pole and diet/healthy eating constantly in order to lose significant weight. I have lost inches more than weight from doing pole. I have toned up and gained muscle.

    2) if so, what did you eat while losing the weight and how many times a week did you pole? I am a low carb dieter have been for over 5 years…I only eat carbs 1x a day(sometimes less depending on my mood) and I eat ALOT of veggies, salads, fruits and drink tons of water & coconut water. I pole 2-3x a week.

    3) did you pole just at home, at a studio or both?

    I was poling at a studio and doing SV lessons for close to a year but a few months ago I quit going to the studio due to finances and for the last few months, I have been solely learning on my own using SV lessons and other web pole tutorials. I enjoyed the studio lessons and miss it sometimes but I have been progressing well learning on my own with SV lessons and with the support of my friends here on SV and in the pole community 🙂

    4) what was included in your lessons and how did you integrate studio veena in your sessions?

    When I went to the studio, I enjoyed the group interaction and 1-on-1 help from the teacher but I also had SV lessons while I was going to the studio because it was a great supplement to what I learned in class. Also SV's lessons often taught me things that I DIDN'T learn in class or different ways to get in and out of moves, which I didn't often get in studio classes. In many ways, I found SV lessons more proactive in my progress in pole, than studio lessons.

    Last question I have is:
    Have any of you had any self esteem issue that pole dancing has cured? Please explain. Would you prefer pole dancing just at home or a studio?

    I did have self esteem issues–past anorexic and just felt terrible about my body after my 3 rd baby.  I had lost all confidence and didn't feel sexy anymore. Pole awakened my sexy, made me feel comfortable in my own skin, it's powerful, addictive and liberating. Pole has made me strong, brave, fearless and proud to be me. I'm special and unique and pole allows me to express who I am and how I feel and that is the most amazing feeling. Pole has changed my life.

    Like I said above, I have danced in a studio and learned solely at home. I like both for different reasons, however now as a more advanced poler, I am finding that learning at home and attending workshops occasionally, has been more indicative to my progress ðŸ™‚


  • abcollins1

    July 23, 2013 at 7:54 pm

    Veggies and fruits are carbs…. if you are eating a lot of veggies/fruits, your carbs may not necessarily be low in relation to the rest of your diet. Be sure to eat adequate protein and fats as well… a lot of women say they are "low carb" but what they mean is that they have cut back on grains, not necessarily carbs. Unless you are specifically tracking cals and grams you do not know if you are truly low carb or not.

    Usually when we talk about true low carb diets, we are talking about 100 grams or less of carbs per day, which is not a lot of foods if you are eating a lot of starchy veggies.


    For instance, 1 medium potato is about 40 carbs, acorn and butternut squashes are also starchy and tend to be higher veggies in carbs… so if you are having troube losing weight, its important to track.

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