Forums Discussions About time I said Hi

  • About time I said Hi

    Posted by faerymoon on May 5, 2011 at 9:35 am

    Hi everybody, well I've been lurking around this site for the past three or so weeks, and I thought it was about time I introduced myself.

    My name is Rebecca & I just celebrated my 40th birthday last weekend.  That seems like such a mismatched number for how my spirit fills.  Anyway, after the birth of my child in 02, I had gained a tremedous amount of weight for my body. Long story short, I started hooping, (as in Hula Hooping) with my daughter which changed my life forever.  

    For the past 6 years, I've been teaching Hoop Dancing which lead me into fire spinning, which lead me into aerial hoops (lyra),  which has lead me here.   It's been an unusal path of progression I know.  I'm really new to the pole but I decided to get into it as a way to keep my upper body strength when Im not in my home town where I have an aerial gym & can easily rig.  My thought was well I can get an X-pole that travels so when Im at my BF's house in the summer I can take it with me.    What  I didn't expect is to fall so madly in love with it.    Im addicted!

    I find it not only physically challenging, but it challenges my spirit, how I view myself, how I hold myself and really pushes me beyond my comfort zone.   We all have body issues right?  So for me, the ability to push beyond that, and quite the inner chatter of .. OMG, suck in that tummy, you look ridicolous booty scooting across the floor.. etc has been a big accomplishment.

    Anyway,  I take classes in a local studio here, but found this site by accident.  I have to say Im so impressed Veena with the quality of your instructions, your knowledge and explanation of the muscle groups etc.  It is exactly what I was looking for!  Thank you so much.

    Anyway, I don't have many poling friends here locally.  Most of my friends are supportive of my crazy endevors although they think I've gone off the deep end on this one.  Not that I care, I have fun with my pole, but it would be nice to meet other polers and be able to get together sometime. ( I travel often)

    So that's my story…Again thank you.
    Belief. Strength, Grace~
    Rebecca (aka faerymoon)

    nymphdancer replied 13 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    May 5, 2011 at 10:21 am

    YOU NEED TO LOOK UP MARIA!!!  She is Nymphdancer here on the forum and she is also in Louisville.  She will be ecstatic to find another poler in the area.  She had taken some silks classes in town recently but I believe that the person was only in town for a short bit.


    Also, as a side note, do you realize that Karol is going to be teaching workshops in Columbus this weekend??

  • Veena

    May 5, 2011 at 10:36 am

    Hi, welcome to the site! I'm glad you decided to say hello! I'm so pleased your enjoying the site and the lessons, I have more new ones on the way soon

  • faerymoon

    May 5, 2011 at 10:37 am

    Thanks for the response.  I have found her, I believe and sent a friends request some time ago, but haven't heard from her yet.   I probally know also who she took a silks class from as I've been climbing around on them for the past two years.  Actually poling has increased my strength dramaticly for silks, which pleases me greatly.    I've said to many friends, next to silks, the pole is the hardest thing I've ever attempted, hands down.  (I love the odd look on their face when I say that).

    I do know that Karol is going to be in Columbus, but i have a workshop in Cincy this weekend with a hooper GF that I only get to see once a year, so unfortunately I am going to have to pass on it.  When my daughters out of school we go to Nashville to stay at my BF's house, so Im hoping to meet up with some polers there.  I will be taking silks and lyra classes from a gym in Brentwood, but if there's any N-ville polers out there, contact me too.

    One of my best sista's in the hoop lives in Cleveland though… I've been promising to come up sometime this summer.  I would love to get together with you though, especially since you're in the >40 club.   🙂


  • faerymoon

    May 5, 2011 at 11:07 am

    I also must say @Veena Im in awe of your body after 4 children!  Are you serious?
    IDK, I had a baby that was > 10 pounds & a rushed C-Section left serious lasting effects on my lower abs.   I've lost 60 of the 80 pounds I gained with her but it's taken me almost a decade to do it… Im so jealous of those of you who can have children and bounce right back.   At the same time, very inspiring.  I was impressed and encouraged by it.   Thanks.

  • chemgoddess1

    May 5, 2011 at 11:17 am

    I sent Nymph a text message.  She has been very busy lately plus she works nites.


    Who in Cleveland is doing hoops?  Is she teaching anywhere?  I know Cleveland Exotic I think has hoop classes and I am also on Cleveland Flow Collective's FB page.  I would love to learn (in my spare time…HA).  Whenever you are up just let me know!  I can usually open up my schedule to meet a fellow poler!

  • nymphdancer

    May 5, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    Hi I'm here 🙂

    we MUST get together! I don't know how I missed a FB friend request from a local poler. There are so few of us. More now that there is a studio in town but I only went there for a couple of months. I also took Aerial Hammock while Mikey was in town and would love to learn lyra as well. I have the stuff to hang a hammock in my barn.

    oh wait I'm starting to piece things together….hooping. You know Krista in Indy right? I believe we have emailed about hooping????




  • faerymoon

    May 5, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    Oh most awesome @chemgoddess1, thank you.  I know many of the people on the Cleveland Flow Collective site.
    Colleen Hartman is one of my best friends and is teaching hoops.  I would certainly suggest contacting her through FB.   She teaches at Jasmin Dragon, here's the address.





    I know they have silks and some other classes.   I believe the studio that you are referring to is where Renee Kellog is teaching.   I know her too.. awesome hooper.    I recently had a workshop weekend here called Snow Flow Fest, where I had a strong Cleveland representation and Nick Wheeler came down to teach poi.  Not sure if you know any of these people yet, but you all should meet for certain.  They're fantastic people.

    You can find me on FB too, just look up   Thanks for your help and information!  



  • faerymoon

    May 5, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    Hi Maria,

    It's quite possible that yes, we've emailed each other.  I've know Krista via Lynn, and just very recently learned that she poles.  I had no idea!  LOL, the world gets very small doesn't it.
    I also know Mikie well.  He's actually back in town (fyi), I however stay pretty much at Turners which is currently flooded :(.  I teach youth circus hoops, and work on aerials there.  Im hoping to work with Mikie some again while he's in town, but June's rapidly approaching and I'll be gone most the summer.

    With that said, I would love to get together with you.   I take classes at MDF, but am really out here on my own with pole for sure.  I have a lyra and silks so we should plan a play date soon.  If you find me on FB my number is in my info, so call or contact me.   
    Oh btw, the friends request was here on site.  Besides Ashauna, I have no other pole friends on FB 🙁

    Look forward to seeing/meeting you soon!  I live downtown, so if you're in the area or would like to grab coffee… please call me.    Yea!

  • chemgoddess1

    May 5, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Small world indeed!  I know the owner of Jasmine Dragons, Matt (as a matter of fact, he may be going to CBus this weekend also).  I have been out to play at his studio only once as many of his classes are geared more towards the younger crowd and are earlier in the day.  He is supposed to start teaching at a place in downtown Cleveland but I am not sure when that is going to be starting.

  • nymphdancer

    May 5, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    Mikie is BACK why did he not tell me {{pout pout}} is he teaching again?

    I had looked at turners a bit but I  never found info on their site about teaching adults silks and such. I suck at silks. Hammock I did ok for 5 or 6 weeks of lessons. I'd love to play on lyra and will most likely be adding one to my fun play toys shortly. Hooping also interests me, Krista is trying to find time to come down here and play pole and hoops with me. If we can get it worked out maybe we can all get together. And would love to try to get together with you soon!

    I live out just over the shelby co line on a horse farm (hence hanging silks in my indoor riding ring lol) and have two poles in my living room. Also have some fun plans going on for the future for poling out here in the east end.

    You can add me on FB, Maria Conzelman. Most of the people on mine are polers with some family thrown in. I had no clue we had friend requests here on veena, I bet people are thinking I'm a stuck up you know what  if I've been ignoring them 🙁

  • faerymoon

    May 5, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    I just head yesterday through the grapevine that Mike is back, but I don't know for how long.  I am under the impression that he's at least doing privates and such, but idk.  He hasn't contacted me either.

    Turners websites a mess.  We'll change that by fall (hopefully) and will have adult aerial class this fall. Silks (hammock and then untied when you get enough strengh), lyra, ladders and we'll add some more later this year.  I've been teaching adult classes there, but I will be stopping until fall after this month.

    Would love to know when Krista comes down, she's fun.  I saw her in Indy a few months ago at a Hoop Path event that Lynn was holding.   I will find you on FB and would love to come out.   My girl (Sierra) would be glad to show you how to hoop, and I can't keep her out of the lyra, silks or now.. my pole either.   Oh well, I would rather encourage a healthy kid than a lazy one!
    Chemgoddess1 — LOL, yes it's a very small world!   I haven't met Matt, but have corresponded with him.  You know, you can't be in these small secular groups without the circles overlapping often!   You should come down the next time the Cleveland group makes it's way here or at least to Cincy!

    Thank you both ladies!  Im so happy to meet some other people in this area! 
    Fantastic, it's funny how the universe brings people together!

  • nymphdancer

    May 5, 2011 at 3:56 pm

    got your FB friend request and accepted it 🙂 and yes you and I did email about hooping lol! I wish I could have made it to the event you had in Febuary it sounded like so much fun, but my time off on week-ends is so limited for right now!

    I will for sure let you know if I get Krista down here, she wants to come play on my spinny pole. and we have been wanting to get together so I can show her how bad I suck with a hoop! I know what you mean about the kiddo's they are all over my poles all the time too and I'm sure they will want to be in the hammock all the time too. But they are healthy strong fit kids better then being couch potato's!

    I'll have to message or call mikie, I was so sick the last couple of weeks he was in town I didn't get to class.

    I also have some time during some of the days durning the week, I'd love to get together even for lunch or something!



  • faerymoon

    May 5, 2011 at 4:16 pm

    LOl, I hope I answered. Because of my work/travel and all the people that email me, and trying to keep work/personal emails separate, I sometimes miss some.  I tried for Snow Flow, however to make sure I got back with everybody.  You should have come, it was a great time.

    No worries though, we're planning on having Snow Flow again this coming year.  Also, I will be hosting Ann Humphries in September and Baxter in October (of Hoop Path), which I am positive that Krista will come down too.

    I work for a software company during the day, but as long as there's wifi, I can meet for lunch or coffee during the week so just let me know.  Yes, I was going to messange Mike also.. lol.. the word gets out fast in this town.  He'll probally be wtf?   Anyway, looking forward to getting together and I would love to come out sometime.  I have an xpole in my basement.  It's not the prettiest place to work (yet) however I have mirrors and at least a place to practice.

    Talk to you soon Maria!

  • LoneStarDiva

    May 5, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    Welcome and HI!! ;):)

    Man… you guys have inspired me to actually put in my 'city' on my profile! Who knows.. maybe there IS someone in CenTex?? LOL 😉


  • nymphdancer

    May 5, 2011 at 4:24 pm

    to qoute chemie "squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

    this could be so much fun!

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