Forums Discussions Aches and pains what do you do?

  • Aches and pains what do you do?

    Posted by Rachel Osborne on July 30, 2014 at 10:01 pm

    I’m not talking about acute injury/strain/sprain where you dash for the ice then the doc/chiro/physio…because you know an injury just happened.

    I mean the stuff that you can often write off and ignore.

    The twinges, the dull aches at the end of the session that are worse by bedtime – but better after poling/stretching/foam roll love. The ‘oh –
    I’m just a bit injured/ old/over trained/ not warmed up/stretched down- but it’ll be better tomorrow’ niggle that just hangs about.

    The ache that’s in just one part of you so you know it’s not you’re just all-over tired and need an early night. It hurts. But not that bad…just achey. Ok, actually achey for several hours. Ok, so not great. But – not officially injured.Can still pole.

    What do you do? Heat? Ice pack? Hot bath with Epsom salt? Stretch or leave it alone? Foam roll or early night? Day(s) off or hit yoga mat? Painkillers? Wine? Sleep?


    Twilight Starr replied 10 years, 2 months ago 10 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Phoenix Hunter

    July 30, 2014 at 10:18 pm

    haha! tropical pole, I do all the above heat, hot bath, Epsom salt, anti-inflammatories, arnica oil, foam roll, gentle stretching, just getting a good warm up without working out, etc. it depends on where I hurt. also, rest, sleep. not working the same tricks or body parts over and over.
    Depending on where you hurt, do you think you might have an overuse injury that you are in denial about? sounds like you are hurting a little more than normal soreness. Sometimes, your body just needs a couple days off the pole to regenerate and re-assess what is happening with your body. if it’s one spot that is hurting , that sounds a little suspicious. not all injuries are sharp pains that bring you to your knees. some are chronic, dull,gradual and annoying. Hope you get some relief soon! 🙂

  • Rachel Osborne

    July 31, 2014 at 10:24 am

    Hi Phoenix
    Yeah I think I will take 2 full days off and just rest and eat protein rich things. Not injured as ab ache gone today but just over training I think. Wake with headache every day and forearms permanently bit achy. It’s hard trying to find balance: this week my schedule was a bit too heavy. Last 7 days

    Thursday yoga. Good for flexi but very heavy on forearms, lots of down dogs.

    Friday ballet booty barre: good lower body, included weights and cardio and a million plies.

    Saturday acro pole/conditioning hour then hour floor work
    Sunday pole jam: floor work and messing with inverts: freestyle and stretching
    Monday 1:1 heavy 45 min doing allegra, thigh hold, planche stuff and switch combos
    Tuesday 1:1 more inverts and headstands then conditioning and splits stretching evening
    Wednesday Skype with Shoog
    Today – going to skip yoga and just swim a bit
    Friday – booked to see chiro to see if headaches are mechanical problem and can be sorted out by him, if not will see GP.

    Assuming all good will be back training at weekend with acro pole and dance class Sat and freestyle jam on Sunday. Might leave Allegra practice and home free styling til middle of next week although am dying to work on leg switches as they are not tidy at all.

    How are you holding up? Do you think my schedule is a bit heavy? What’s your training schedule like (nosy) 😉

  • Veena

    July 31, 2014 at 11:28 am

    Hot bath, water, food and sleep!!

  • sundcarrie

    July 31, 2014 at 12:26 pm

    I worked for two hours yesterday learning new stuff and practicing old stuff and usually I roll out on the foam roller after to reduce soreness but I forgot so I did it in the morning when I woke up feeling like hell. I feel better now but sometimes I take a natural pain reliever that contains turmeric and when it gets really annoying I go to the massage therapist who knows miofacial (sp?) release techniques and that really does the trick. Sometimes if I can’t shake them I take a few days off training and I usually end up feeling stronger and much better when I come back.

  • ksthies2805

    July 31, 2014 at 7:11 pm

    I bought an awesome (inexpensive) essential oil mix that is great! I will post it when I get home

  • Rachel Osborne

    July 31, 2014 at 8:23 pm

    Sounds awesome please share!

  • Phoenix Hunter

    July 31, 2014 at 9:05 pm

    Hi Tropicalpole, you do have an intense schedule. my schedule kinda varies but my normal schedule is sort of like this:
    2-3 classes at my studio. they are usually int/adv tricks, int/adv spinning pole, or a stripper style class. 1hour each class
    2 practice days at home on the pole. these practices are usually tricks based, I will then either work on back flexibility or leg flexibility. practice at home is usually 1 1/2 hour.
    1 day dedicated to flexibility training only. I like to do my Cleo’s rock’n legs and abs on that day.
    I average 5 days of practice. 2pole only. 2pole and flexibility. 1 flexibility only. I take two rest days.
    the last few weeks I have been averaging 4 days a week because I have just been skipping that 1 flexibility only day. I’ve been so exhausted from work! just need the extra rest day right now.
    I love practicing tricks right now and that’s mostly what I do for now. sometimes I get more into dance or spins and will focus on those things. Also I feel like I need that extra rest day now because the trick I am doing are more advanced for me and my body gets more sore and fatiqued. as the tricks get easier I will be able to pick up that extra day again.
    on rest days, I obsess on this website and youtube pole videos! 🙂 or even write out combos, routines, I want to work on. update my pole journal and keep track of my progress.
    I can see why your forearms would definitely be sore. for me, once something like that gets really inflamed it takes a while to calm it down. ugh! allegra! I’m resting that one till next week or longer! that one has been the most pain inducing trick yet. I’m ashamed to say that I don’t cross train hardly at all unless its body weight exercises like push-ups, handstands, etc. I use the pole for almost everything. strength training, flexibility, you name it.
    sorry for the long post 🙂 hope you are feeling better

  • Pretty Pixie

    August 1, 2014 at 6:39 am

    Haha Pheniox, you sound like me! My mind is constantly on pole related things. My hubs is soooo pole bored now it’s ridiculous. Thankfully he thinks Veena is adorable and Cleo is always rocking his fave tunes, so he still hangs so far!
    I only practice 3 days a week (and I’ve only just bumped it from 2 here in July) at about 2 hours per session. I want to have shorter practice but I can’t fit all I need to do in under that. Warmup, pole, condition, stretch. And then there’s sets of skills to work on within that; flexibility, strength, dance flow, floor work, ‘stands and balancing work. It gets overwhelming trying to remember everything so I’ve started dedicating months to a skill. First I practiced climbs and inverts for pole and flexibility training in June (my inverts and climbs are massively improved! TY Veena for that idea!) and then focused on floor work for July and I’m doing dance flow this month, etc. handstands and such need to be practiced daily though so I always do a few every chance I get.
    I’ve been working on building up to more days but I don’t like working sore or painful muscles. I havent hurt myself so far (even though twice I’ve thought a particularly stubbornly sore muscle was injured) so I feel comfortable with my schedule as it is now.

  • Vdub

    August 1, 2014 at 9:35 am

    Some great ideas here. I usually do what Veena suggested…hot epsom bath, water, food and tons of sleep! I take a few days off a week just to rejuvenate (translation – sleep). @ksthies2805 don’t forget to post about the essential oil blend. I use them for other things so am interested in how you use them for pole related soreness.

  • Rachel Osborne

    August 1, 2014 at 11:17 am

    Hi everyone
    Well have just been to see chiro who wants me to come back next week; says my whole neck back especially right shoulder and chest is in lock down – he released my neck which I think will help with headaches, recommended 3000mg of Msm supplement and glucosamine sulph. Also told me to try a new pillow and build in more recovery time for muscle repair, and keep foam rolling and book sports massage to release fascia.

    So that’s all quite positive and am doing 2 full no training days back to back to see if that helps.

    I think he was quite intrigued by what I was doing; I was cagey and said gymnastics on a vertical bar plus yoga and ballet. Explained a bit about inverting, scapula use and lots of hand stand type stuff and points of contact putting heavy loading on joints.

    A good reminder that sometimes stretching and rolling isn’t enough and we may benefit from a body mechanic doing an MOT!

  • Pretty Pixie

    August 1, 2014 at 12:00 pm

    TropicalPole, My apologies. I just realized I replied to the wrong discussion. Happy to hear you’ve figured it out!

  • chemgoddess1

    August 1, 2014 at 5:45 pm

    I was going to suggest seeing a chiro or at least scheduling a sports massage every 6-8 weeks. Headaches are my warning signal that something is not right in my back.

  • Rachel Osborne

    August 1, 2014 at 8:00 pm

    I would never have thought of chiro for headaches before pole and this site: I just suddenly thought if headaches are better after exercise I bet it’s a body mechanical problem (rather than going to GP and starting blood work etc). I have learned so much from reading threads on here.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    August 1, 2014 at 8:10 pm

    Yes! Massages once or twice a month

  • Rachel Osborne

    August 1, 2014 at 8:21 pm

    I booked a sports massage last week – asked for deep tissue and they basically stroked me.


    Chiro recommended someone who does proper sports massage; can’t wait!

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