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Actually WORKing the pole…? Anyone?
Posted by Caramel Delight on March 16, 2011 at 9:19 amDoes any of you ladies… or gentlemen, actually work at a club and make money to so what we all here love to do? I have been wondering that for some time now. I havent been on here in a while because I have just returned home from Iraq so some may not know me. But anyone? How is it? What do people think about you. Are you considering it if you havent started already? If not what is holding you back? Just wondering. I know does it for their own reasons but lets here it!
Caramel Delight replied 13 years, 11 months ago 9 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
I've considered working at a club for a while now. I played with the idea a couple of times years ago, but dismissed it almost as soon as it came up. The last few months I've been considering it seriously. I've been reading 'Diary of an Angry Stripper' and doing research on 'How to' and what it's really like in the club. What is stopping me is that I don't know if I would ever really be able to take my clothes of in front of strangers. Also, the clubs that I've been to in my area are kinda seedy, and not places I would really be comfortable working. I have plans to go to some others and talk to the girls there to see how they like it, but the main thing is I don't know if I would be able to do it. I might have to find a bikini bar first, just to get my feet wet.
I've thought about it too. Mostly because it's been 2 years since I had a steady job, and I'm totally broke. 🙁 The only thing that's stopping me is my husband. He (understandably) has issues with me doing lapdances and rubbing my nakedness all over other men. I would totally dance on stage and even take my clothes off, and he doesn't mind that so much, but around here that's not where the girls make money. The stage is just where you show off, often you have to pay to go onstage, lapdances are where you get paid. So, no dancing for me.
But clubs are different everywhere, I've heard of dancers who have to keep picking up the bills as they dance on stage, and some places have a "tip jar" right on the edge of the stage. That would be ideal. 🙂 Also consider some bars/clubs are not nudes, they may be topless only, or even pasties required. So there are options to doing the whole nude thing, depending on where you are.
I started working at a club about 2 months ago, and I can say it isn't what I expected, especially in terms of dancing. I really don't do anything but the most basic of dance moves while on stage. This is mostly because the poles at the club where I work are not real dance poles – they're 3 times thicker than a real dance pole and almost impossible to grip. You have to rework hand and body placement to do any tricks. Some girls have basic inverts and the Hangback going but for the most part, even the most talented girls say they can't do as much on these poles because they're too big Honestly, even if they weren't, I often get so tired at work that I don't have the motivation to do anything that fancy. I occasionally throw in a Teddy, but that's about it. I guess my overall point about the dancing is that, for me at least (I don't know what other people find is true for them), but working at a club really doesn't allow me to "pole dance" the way I would at home. Both because I'm tired and also because I feel like a lot of "pretty" moves don't translate well to a club setting. I don't rely on the club at all to hone or show off my pole skills. In fact, I've been frustrated lately that work tires me out so much that I haven't had time to practice real pole dancing at home. This is just my take on it – other girls, especially ones who are better at tricks, could find this much different.
As far as what people think of me – I've gotten tons of positive feedback from friends. And, outside of that, I really don't care what people I don't know think about it or me. But the few new people I've met (outside the club) that find out tend to get really excited and go "omg that's so cool! I've never met anyone that's done that before!"
If you're nervous about going on stage or giving lapdances to random guys, I think the only thing I can say about it is – it's a completely different context when you're actually doing it. If you've never done it before, it can seem almost impossible to imagine being ok with it. But the second I got on stage the first time and it was time to take my top off, it was just like "ok, well, it's a strip club – this is my job, so who cares?" As far as lapdances are concerned – I hate giving them lol It's not in any way sensual for me as the dancer – in fact, it's tiring as hell. (Of course, if a customer ever asks, you act like you've never been more turned on… haha) I can't really explain it well – it's one of those things you can only really "get" once you've started to experience it. It's nervewracking and feels like 'omg, I could never do that!' when you're first getting going, but it very quickly turns into 'this is just my job.'
If you're unsure but want to try it out, the good thing is that most clubs don't put you on a definitive schedule right away anyway (since clubs have such high turnover), so if you try it once or a couple days and absolutely hate it, just leave and don't go back.
I have done it before… but not here in germany and not as a Active Duty Soldier either lol. I am so nervous and dont like how they do it here. It is sooo different. I am going for the pole experience so I can get better since I dont have anyone like you ladies here or Veena. I figure I can lean hands on in a club and make some money for it.
Errrr.. I would be really hesitant about moonlighting as a stripper if you're serving in the military. Granted, my background is with the Canadian Forces and not the American military, but if a soldier got busted dancing up here the repercussions would probably include charges. You should definitely give all that some consideration before you go out and get a job dancing. (Especially since soldiers are typically a major clientele of strip clubs! Don't expect to fly under the radar for long.)
Rin-Rin described it exactly – while friends or strangers might find it shocking or exciting, once you are in that environment, surrounded by nudity and alcohol and horny men, taking your clothes off seems natural and easy. The first time you might feel self-conscious and awkward but you will soon realise that the cutomers will be wowed by you no matter what, they just want to see a real life naked woman up close. The novelt wears off really quickly… I had a long fascinationg with stripping from when I wasa a teenager to when I started at 22. Now its a struggle to remember what I found do intriguing about it…. It can be fun and exotic, but mostly its a physically and mentally exhausting job that sometimes pays extremely well and sometimes pays you nothing. A club is NOT the right place to practice your pole tricks – because the only tricks you should be performing in front of an audience you would to seduce are the ones you can pull off with great confidence and smooth pazzazz. There is nothing less sexy than watching someone stumble and fumble and strain to do an invert or a trick while wearing barely anything 😛 But, dont consider it a compelte waste of time regarding pole skills – stripping taught me alot about flow. As podiums often extend for longer than a song, and you are constantly being watched, you learn to smoothly transition all your moves together continuously… and you will pick up some great sexy dance moves (particularly floorwork) from watching the other strippers strut their stuff.
I dont know anything about the military, their policies or your risk of getting recognised. But you have to consider how important your military career is to you compared with this stripping venture. Is it worth the risk? Good luck with whatever you decided to do! Oh and whatever you do, act super-confident, even if you're terrified. Fake it till you make it! 🙂
Being heavily involved in the HR department of the military I would check the code of conduct for your particular branch of the military. (( I don't want to know which one, nor do I want you to tell me). Depending on your branch it can be seen as misconduct and could lead to a court martial if you are caught "flying under the radar". I do love and am obssessed about poling myself, however I rather be in the comfort of people learning so I can take a tumble or stand there to fiugre out a move without having to worry about patrons. ……There are great networks online that can help you until you are finished your tour of duty. Whatever you choose, you have to make a decision for yourself, because only you can make yourself happy We are all sister polers and we have to support each other!
i'm not sure what your energy level is like, but dancing in a club can be exhausting. some dancers sleep all day after working a night shift… i know some dancers juggle school and another job while moonlighting as a dancer ~~, but personally, i certainly i could not have a second job. (yawn… i'm going back to bed)
I did it for 3 years. That's where I fell in love with pole dancing. But, I usually went on stage only 2x a night for 10 min each. The rest of the time I gave lapdances and champagne rooms, and TALKED to customers to get them there. At least in the clubs I worked at, stripping is just about talking to people. You talk them into everything. Then once you get there you talk to them so you don't have to dance as much. I got so sick of it after a while I might as well have been selling real estate.
I can't offer any advice on the military … but please be careful dancing in a foreign country. Strip clubs overseas can be extremely different than those in the U.S. I would check out and do your research first.
Well ladies I tried it. And I hated it! Let me tell you! First when I got there I was late because I had problems at home. And as I have said before, when I worked in the states, you didnt have to be there at open and leave at close if was come and go as you please… So they guy didnt want me there!!! But I told him that he didnt have to pay me if that was what he was worried about I was just seeing how it was. He told me to go change and come back out so I did. Eventually I will post a pic of what I had on. It was a cute skirt set. But since the stage was already in rotation I had to wait… So the DJ told me to get in the cage. I got in there and started dancing to the beat. The DJ kept putting the spot light on me and the ladie in the other cage had stopped to look at me, i mean to mug me. In fact ALL the ladies that were out were looking at me! One started walking to wards me and I was really worried then but she came to tell me that one of my nipples were showing! I apologize not knowing how serious I had offended them. So when the song ended I got out and talked to the hiring guy… He said in the best english he could cough up… You only show when you are on stage, 1 sone you dance, 2 song half way through you take of clothes!" I apologized again and as I walked off another lady grabbed be to talk. Any way, my time on stage came and I HATED IT!!! BT THEY LOVED IT!!! The pole felt like a little stick! I couldnt grip it, climb it, and barely spin! UGH! I dont see how some of them were doing it. This was the main stage. It was large but that pole was horrible. But I worked with it. ALL EYES were on my even though it was really slow that night. When I finished, some ladies wouldnt look at me without a snarl and some immediately came and told me how great I did! The main reason for me going was so that I could learn a little more here since I dont have the hands on classes here like you ladies do in america and make some money for it lol. But fail. I wish I had a pole gym here to learn. Veenas lessons are great but I need some one here to help me with the more advanced stuff. I have been good at teaching my self for a while but some stuff requires hands on training. Sigh… you ladies are so fortunate. Thanks for listening ladies! Muah!
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