Forums Discussions Adjuster Cover Stuck

  • Adjuster Cover Stuck

    Posted by lalalauren on December 2, 2011 at 10:09 pm

    I saw only one other thread about this and there wasn't an answer about how to get it unstuck. Has anyone had this problem since? I have tried and tried to unscrew the adjuster cover on my xpert, but it won't budge. Any ideas?

    quancutie23 replied 10 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Tali Kat

    February 23, 2012 at 2:58 am

    I'm having trouble with my adjuster cover on my xpert pole. I had slid pole section A onto the base and screwed in the 2 bottom screws lined up with the X. Then it says twist the adjust cover clockwise til it slips all the way down, but mine just won't. It slides down a little til just above the top of the 2 screws (that you line up with x) but won't go further. I tried pushin g hard it but a ring is appearing where it is grinding around in circle.

    To be honest, just looking at the size of the tubing at the bottom and comparing it to the adjuster cover, I don't see how the adjuster cover could possibly slide all the way down. It just looks too fat at the bottom!

    Help!!! Any ideas?!?! 🙁

  • chemgoddess1

    February 23, 2012 at 5:56 am

    hex screws are notlined up right and are sticking out the holes.  On my pole the screws are not *perfectl* lined up.  If you read the directions, it states to screw one in a bit and then wiggle the pole back and forth to make sure that it seats in the groove, then tighten.  The hex screws will recess a few mm into that hole.

  • chemgoddess1

    February 23, 2012 at 8:00 am

    I just saw that part of my post got cut off.  It was supposed to start as "Most likely the hex screws are not lined up right…"

  • Tali Kat

    February 23, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    Sorry I probably didn't explain my problem correctly. If you go to this xpole tute video

    and skip to 4:30 she says "Unscrew the adjuster cover which is below the 3 hex screws by turning clockwise and let it fall to the base" This is where I get stuck. When I unscrew my adjuster cover, it doesn't fall to the base, it only falls about 5mm and stops right above the 2 lowest screws (the ones you line up with the x's on the base) But it doesn't look like it could fall further. The pole section at the bottom looks too 'fat' for the adjuster cover to be able to slide over.

    Below is a photo of my pole, with the adjuster cover having 'fallen' as far as it can

    I have made sure the 2 bottom screws that line up with the x are correct, so that isn't the problem. But honestly my pole looks different to the pole in the video. The bottom of the pole in the video (bottom of section a below the adjuster cover) is just straight. Where as mine tapers up slightly where the screw holes are located. Maybe my pole is a new version? That video is a year old after all… (and yes my pole is a legit xpert pole)


  • Tali Kat

    February 23, 2012 at 5:41 pm

    Hahahahhaa I only just realised, it doesn't matter that it doesn't slip all the way down, cos you end up screwing it back in place at the very end XD oh man, all those hours of stressing for nothing!!! I'm such a duffer!!

  • chemgoddess1

    February 23, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    I have never seen the bottom of an xpole like that. I would contact xpole and send that picture to them.  

  • chemgoddess1

    February 23, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    And just so others can see I am embedding your photo


  • chemgoddess1

    February 23, 2012 at 5:50 pm

    Just out of curiosity, does this have the xjoints or is it an older pole?  I know the old xpoles were top loading.  If those 3 hex screws are in place can you lift the adjuster cover over them (as in slide up instead of down)?

  • Tali Kat

    February 23, 2012 at 6:19 pm

    This is a brand new xpole and does have x joints. I contacted xpole about it, but they asked why it mattered that the adjuster cover didnt fall to the bottom, and I said I only thought it did cos thats what it does in the video. It ended up not mattering anyhow, cos as I said, you just screw it back up upwards again.

    To answer your question chem, even when you screw the 3 hex screws in, the adjuster cover still doesn't slide over them. It only screws up a very small amount, and ends up just below the hex screws. That small amount of horizontal threading you can see in the first pic is all it screws up on.
    Here is a photo of it when I've screwed it back in and its ready for use –

    (Sorry i dont know how to embed photos, I'll have to go find a relevant thread and learn 😛 )

  • chemgoddess1

    February 24, 2012 at 7:42 am

    To embed a photo when you are typing a reponse there is a tool bar at teh top.  In between the underline and the smiley face there is a picture icon.  If you click that there will be a box you can type address link into.  Simple as that!


    I guess if you do not have the have it go all the way down then it is not an issue.  I know mine has actually fallen off the bottom when I had the pole down and was making adjustments….maybe this was their fix for that?


    Just out of curiosity, is this a 45 or smaller?  I wonder if because of the bearings that are in the bottom on the pole the diameter needs to be a certain size (to miminize parts needed and also increase strength at this point)?  Yeah…I am geeking out!

  • MissMeliss

    February 24, 2012 at 9:54 am

    My pole does this also..I wrapped sticky tape over the hex keys and just avoid that area.. I would prefer it 'normal' though..

  • Tali Kat

    February 24, 2012 at 5:33 pm

    Chem – My pole is a xpert 40mm chrome. Yeah you raise a good point, maybe it is to do with the width and strength. I just figured they'd updated their pole design and the video didn't reflect this anymore. But I don't know, I haven't seen any other new xpert poles at different sizes to compare it with. My poles seems to work fine, so thats all I care about 🙂

  • X Pole Tech

    February 25, 2012 at 9:16 am


    Dear Tali Kat

    X-Pole apologises for the misleading part in the instructions. These are all being re-written and the moment. The instructions in the 40mm should have had an addendum sheet with them regarding the adjuster cover and another improvement.

    First the adjuster cover.

    On the 45mm and 50mm poles the bottom section of the adjuster unit is even all the way down and so you can slide the adjuster cover off the bottom.

    With the 40mm which has a smaller diameter, because we wanted to use the larger bearings (as used on the 45/50mm) for strength and stability, we used a bearing insert. This is larger than the 40mm pole tube so the cover will not go all the way to the bottom.

    If you want to remove the 40mm adjuster cover for any reason – there should be no need to in general use – then undo the 3x Hex Screws and completely unscrew the adjuster unit from the A Pole and take the cover off over the screw adjuster rod.

    The adjuster cover is designed only to go over the small threaded section at the bottom of the A-pole giving you a completely smooth surface down the pole. It is not designed to cover the 3 Hex screws. When the adjuster is locked these 3x Hex Screws should be inside the pole. And so no cover is needed. If they are not inside please contact X-Pole USA who will be delighted to send you some correct sized Hex screws.

    One other hint – when putting any X-Pole from static to spinning undo the screws till they are flush with the tube surface (not protruding) and the pole will spin. If it will not spin when the screws are flush the screws are the wrong size. Again US customer service will be please to help and supply new screws the correct length.

    New Alignment Dot

    In Chemgoddess1’s photo you will see a small dot just above the adjuster cover. This has been recently added to assist with aligning the flat section of the adjuster rod with the 3x Hex screws. It is important that the Hex Screws are tightened onto the flat section of the adjuster rod, NOT the threaded part. If they are tightened on to the threaded part you may not be able to undo or tighten the adjuster.

    Once you have adjusted the pole for tightness, align the dot with anyone of the 3 Hex Screws on the A Pole and tighten. In Chemgoddess's photo the dot is perfectly aligned with a Hex screw. Nice one!

    It is best to tighten progressively, i.e. tighten the first one a little, then the second and then the third and then fully tighten all three. Then re-fit the adjuster cover.

    Re the Video Clips – Apologies again, we will do a new one for the 40mm asap – these were done with a 45 or 50mm so do not show the larger bearing insert.

    Hope the above helps

    X-Pole Tech Support

  • Tali Kat

    February 25, 2012 at 9:13 pm

    To X-pole tech –
    Thanks very much for the clarification! I'm glad to hear that there is nothing wrong with my pole! When I eventually did realise that the adjuster cover confusion didn't matter, I found that the pole seemed to work fine so I assumed it was all ok. Also thanks for the tip about the little dot above the adjuster cover. I hadn't noticed that before but I'm sure that'll come in handy when I'm taking the pole up and down in future 😀

  • quancutie23

    April 15, 2014 at 1:35 am

    Take a hammer and lightly bang it and it will fall down thats what I did I got a tiny dent on the cover but not noticeable or any real damage now my height adjust is just stuck

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