Advice needed: Tuck Invert Pain
Hi Ladies, thought I'd ask for some advice:
I'm a self taught poler, been going a few months now just practicing in my living room with Veena's lessons. I have pretty much gone through the lessons in sequence (still working on a couple of things from previous and may possibly have skipped a few spins I couldn't get to grips with) but essentially I've been good!
I've recently been trying to perform the tuck invert and am really struggling with a couple of things. The first is that while I can get up, I am REALLY struggling to tip myself back and complete the move. I just can't seem to work out how to move my body back. Most annoying!
That's not bothering me as much as the pain I'm getting when coming down from the tuck position. As I can't get all the way back, I'm effectively pulling up to tuck my knees to my chest and then coming down. I am doing this with control rather than just letting everything go, but about the time that my second leg starts to come down I feel a sharp twinge in my upper back. I don't know how to be more specific, but it's really worrying me as I don't know what I am doing wrong. I'm beginning to suspect it may be a strength issue which is also stopping me from performing a full tuck… I am making sure I engage my shoulders but something really doesn't feel right in the descent. Any suggestions on what it could be or what I need to work on?
I've also been working on my Gemini and Scorpio and I'm doing just fine there. My inverts might not be the most graceful but this is the first time since I first went upside down that I'm having issues I can't seem to solve with practice.
Any advice appreciated!
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