Forums Discussions Advice on taking pole classes in a studio

  • Forever Young

    March 16, 2012 at 11:53 am

    @Ewa Tran – that is awesome, thank you so much. I am really looking forward to learning from you!

  • phoenix1986

    March 18, 2012 at 5:21 am

    So, now I'm reunited with my laptop (sorry, but I just hate writing stuff on my mobile phone :o/)…

    Awww, ladies you are all absolutely wonderful – thanks for all the answers!

    Ewa Tran – thank you so much for your kind offer, that's incredibly sweet of you! I'm really looking forward to watch that vid.

    polefairy21 – your classes start with a meditation part?! How cool is that?

    AmazonLady and Kobajo84 – you both had very interesting points. I'll try talking to the instructors when I'm doing the trial class.

    AmazonLady – how does that "unlimited monthly version" work? I mean, they still have a limited number of poles.. Do you have to sign up beforehand or can you just show up for a class?

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