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Aerial shoulder mount help
Posted by Phoenix Hunter on June 11, 2016 at 4:21 pmThe other day I started wirking on aerial shoulder mount but I realized I don’t really know what position you start with to get into aerial shoulder mount. I’ve seen it done from superman so that’s what I did. It was ok but I was wondering what other approaches do you use for aerial shoulder mount? I’m guessing figurehead? I dunno. Can’t find a lot of info for aerial shoulder mount
teresawitch replied 8 years, 8 months ago 7 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
Figurehead is a good way. Getting in from superman takes a decent amount of back flexibility, so you may find figurehead a little bit easier. I’m sure there are other ways, but those are the simplest ones I can think of.
Thanks!!! Do you just get into figurehead and lift up? 🙂 yes superman was quite a swing! Figured there was a simpler way to do it like figurehead. Thank you!
If you have the pole in your armpit, you would grab the pole with your free hand and then sneak your shoulder through. That in itself is a figurehead variation, and then you can shouldermount from there. I’m assuming that we are talking about double cup grip here, although you might be able to do princess grip as well? I’m not as familiar with that grip. I also just found this video on Instagram where someone does it from a sit, but it looks like it takes a bit of a twist to get the positioning.
Yes, I do cup grip. Thank you so much for the explanTion And examples. 🙂 this helps a lot
Not sure if I can ex it well but I like doing it kind of from a reverse cowgirl or whatever its called. Step around the pole and you turn an do a reverse leg hook, but you kind of do a high leg hook your lift your self up high on the pole rather than a crown girl an the unhooked leg is straight. Then I reach my arms into a should mount position. I hope I said that right. I’ll have to see if I can find it in one of my videos an let u know what in talking about >< I dont have a pole up ATM
Ok at 4:43 on my stars! Video. It’ll show me getting into a should mount from that. It is sloppy bc I lost a lot of strength when I did thisove again an hard for me to get up there ><
Cool! Thank you!! That was a beautiful video!!! Are the stars in the video from a light in the room or from a computer effect? Very pretty!! Love all your spin pole moves with that music too!
Thank you!! =} its a star projector I got from spencers I love it!!
yeah advanced figurehead is the only way i have tried to aerial SM (not that I can yet haha!!!) but it seems it gets your body and arms already in the right position rather nicely.
and a little cheat tip, to start off you can use your foot on the pole to give yourself a little push off 😉
I will be doing a shoulder mount Nailed it at some point, I’ll add different entries to aerial shoulder mount to my list and I’ll see if I can make it fit into the program without intimidating newer dancers! I think it would be a good idea!
Oh just saw this would be great I’m doing exercises with a Swiss ball at the mo to strengthen my core I wonder will this help with aerial shoulder mount. Sounds great Veena.
i used to be able to do arial shoulder mount but then had a break away from pole and now it has GONE Grrrrrr. it took me ages to get it too, darn it. so a lesson would be great Veena it always makes more sense when you demonstrate and teach the move xxx
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