Forums Discussions Age is not a factor?

  • Age is not a factor?

    Posted by Just4Pole on May 4, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    My friends and associates think I'm crazy..I've stopped talking about pole…I'm very lucky to have a supportive husband. I just started poling in January. I was thrilled the first time I could climb and touch the ceiling!  OK, my mind writes checks that my body doesn't want to cash! When did I get "old?" (30lbs overweight in the the last couple of years doesn't help either). I take classes at a local studio where the girls that should be calling me "mom" treat me the same as other "young" polers. They are so supportive to all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds that I easily forget I am 30 years older than most. Until….my body won't obey what my mind wants to command!

    Any baby-boomers out there in the "veena-verse?"

    Saphyre replied 11 years, 5 months ago 24 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • PlatinumAni

    May 4, 2013 at 10:20 pm

    Yep there are polers of all ages here! Welcome to SV

  • calipolepixie

    May 5, 2013 at 12:52 am

    Age is definitely not a factor in pole! I’m one of the “older” ladies on SV–I’m 41 & sure my learning curve is a tad slower than some of the younger ladies & my stamina isn’t what it used to be in my 20s & my body has zero flexibility & my muscle aches & pains take longer to go away. But you know what? Poling is worth it! It has been the most incredible journey & has changed me & my life in ways I never imagined πŸ™‚

    Welcome to the obsession!

  • michaelaarghh

    May 5, 2013 at 1:57 am

    Sometimes I look at the older ladies in my class and just think "wow. they must feel so amazing. their bodies have (in some cases) double my age in experience on them and they're doing these amazing things". 

    Pole is awesome πŸ˜€


    Welcome to veena πŸ˜€

  • Suemaz Polesilks

    May 5, 2013 at 4:41 pm

    Really pleased to read your post so here is another welcome to the fun world of pole from me!  As an 'older' member of the pole world (48 this year) my 3 daughters often look at me in disbelief when talking about my pole antics and friends.  I have been teaching for a year now and the majority of my students are younger than my daughters but I still manage to wear them out! Yes they are more flexible than me and some have more stamina (not many) but I love what I do and love spreading the fun.

  • midwestpoleprincess

    May 5, 2013 at 7:30 pm

    I'll be 50 this year-been poling off and on for 2 years now.  My 4 children look at me and think this is my mid-life crisis stage–it's the best stage of my life.  When I pole I feel liberated, sexy and just get lost unto myself.  It takes me a while to attain the "tricks", but it is a journey I am definitely enjoying….isn't that what it's all about?  My siblings are uncomfortable when I talk about my experiences…that's their problem!


  • Tovah

    May 5, 2013 at 8:25 pm

    I am 50 and poling. I love it and wouldn't change a thing.

    The only thing though that I find is that I am lonely as there isn't anyone my age that like to be fit.

    I have to work harder than most at stuff but I am getting it.

    I am inspired by Greta at age 62 and doing it. I am saying that because I was starting to second guess myself about it. I then gave my head a shake after I saw her routine.

    Be encouraged *pole hugs*


  • Just4Pole

    May 5, 2013 at 9:10 pm

    Thank you all soooo much for the welcoming! Pole is not just a new obsession or midlife crises for me (learned to ride a motorcycle at 45…different story

    My frst pole class took me to a place of pure happiness. A happy time long forgotten. A genuine happy that I remembered as a fifth grader, hanging upside down on the monkey bars feeling free to be me! (I would wear shorts under my dress because at the time we had to wear dresses to school!). Pole has been the catalyst to regain control of my health and me. It feels good.

    Note to Veena and Webmaster. A special thank you and appreciation for the work you put into your site. Especially your balanced presentation between fitness and sensuality. I fear pole may go to extreme on only fitness. But then that sounds like a new threa!. Thank you again.

  • LRu Studios

    May 6, 2013 at 8:03 am

    Congratulations Write2Pole! Don't let age stop you from playing. I am 47 and last year did pretty well in three competitions even the one that was not "masters"( over 40) I took third place. Pole N B Happy…. Smiles, Leesi

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    May 6, 2013 at 8:05 am

    I'm 44

  • mssoulpole

    May 6, 2013 at 10:35 am

    I'm 56 & lovin my pole journey!

  • Paunobs

    May 6, 2013 at 4:35 pm

    I’m 51 soon , started at age 48, entered amateur pole comp last year and came 7th , this past 7 months I have been riddled with minor niggles menopause joint pains are not helping , I have found I needed to cut back training a tad to give my body more time to recover, I also understand that there are quite a lot moves I will never do due to flexibity issues but that does not stop me from improving. Age is a state of mind what you get is what you think, if you think your old then you are!if you think your young , fit and sexy then you are , I will not let my age and limitations stop me from trying anything new, you only live once.:-)

  • verucablue

    May 6, 2013 at 7:58 pm

    I am turning 45 at the end of this May – welcome!

  • Just4Pole

    May 6, 2013 at 8:57 pm

    This evening's pole class was "tricks foundation 2." I had been out of town the last week, wasn't feeling great today (whaaa whaaa). Got very close to not going. But..I drug myself to class and…OMG….once I started climbing I began to feel good and better than I'd felt all day.  I felt so good I surprised even me. I must have climbed up and down 20 times (yep..thigh burn too!). I would have never thought I'd be able to climb a pole and certainly not at this age! 

    This feedback is awesome. Glad to know I'm not the only one with joint pain and as I call it…"mental-pause!" Γ°ΕΈΛœβ€ž

    I used to think my nieces and nephews would someday have an intervention to get me from riding a motorcycle when I got too old. Now I think they will have to talk me down from the pole!!

  • Hazi411

    May 7, 2013 at 8:48 am

    I'm 57, started poling just over 3 years ago.  Went to class tonight, and had a great time.  One of the others in the class tonight is the oldest poler at the studio (she's 4 months older than me), and another who is 6 months younger than me was in another class at the same studio.  I loved pole right from my first lesson.  Pole is the best thing I've ever done!  I also ride pillion on my husband's motorbikes πŸ˜‰

  • majikmyke

    May 7, 2013 at 9:51 am

    Hello Everyone….. this is a really great thread.  I'm impressed with how many people there are poling that are in their fifties.  I also just began poling in January of this year.  Like many of you, I am privileged to pole with a very supportive, assertive, and caring group of women predominantly in their late twenties to mid-thirties.  I don't have the flexibility that the ladies do, but I get a lot of help from them with ways to improve my movement. 

    I was fortunate to have the assistance of three fabulous instructor's at the studio that I go to that helped me put together a choreographed pole routine in a six week time period for my wife's birthday.  We've been married for forty-four years, and I wanted to really surprise her this year.

    I am in reasonably good shape.  During the six weeks of preparation for the dance I lost an unintended five pounds, and have kept it off.  I have absolutely no musical ability, meaning that I couldn't carry a note if I had it in my pocket!  Yet, when I get around a pole I can get the feel of the music.  I can picture the moves that go with the music.  Go figure!  When I get around the pole it's like I'm a young kid again.  I have continued poling after the performance for my wife, and she encourages me.  The ladies at our studio have encouraged me.  I'm finding that it's a great community.

    I haven't purchased a pole yet, and therefore, haven't signed up for SV's classes.  I do however, think this is a fabulous site.  My experience when telling people that I pole has been a positive one.  Many older guys have daughters that have taken a poling class, or are poling, and they're extremely supportive and complimentary.  In addition to learning the sensual body movements for the floor work, the pole fitness work is a terrific low impact strength enhancement program in addition to my regular exercise routine.

    I'm a guy, and I like poling.  I'm 65 years old.  And, no, I will not grow old gracefully.


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