Forums Discussions Alcohol for slippery pole?

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 14, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    Mine is 70%. I pretty much just grabbed the first bottle of rubbing alcohol I saw. I’m going to the store today anyway, so I’ll pick up some 90% and a microfiber cloth and see if they help.

  • sosagely

    April 14, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    Wow! Thanks everyone! I also grabbed the first bottle of alcohol I found and it’s 70%. I’m still not sold on the grip thing, but I noticed that after doing spins there is a weird dirty film on the pole. I used windex at my last practice and it was definately more slippery than the alcohol cleaning. I’ll go get a microfiber cloth and invite some friends over to help me break it in!!! I had a dream last night that it was suddenly sticky. ha ha. This must really be weighing heavy on my mind!

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 14, 2010 at 7:20 pm

    When you say ‘weird dirty film’ does your pole feel like it has an almost slimy coating on it? That’s what mine feels like. Supposedly we are supposed to get up into the 70’s Friday and Saturday, so I’m hoping the warmer temps will help, along with the 90% alcohol and the microfiber cloth. We’ll see. I’ll report back once I’ve used the microfiber cloth and new alcohol.

  • sosagely

    April 14, 2010 at 11:28 pm

    It’s not slimey, but I’ll notice little black build ups on it. Like it’s really dirty. I always wash my hand before dancing to wash off any oils so I know it’s not dirt from my hands. It’s really weird and kind of hard to wash off. I didn’t have that problem with the windex though.
    I’m definately hoping that the warm weather will help me stick!

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 15, 2010 at 12:21 am

    Mine never has black build up that I’ve noticed, it’s just very, very slick.

    BTW, I swung into Fred Meyers today, and all they sell is 70%; 70 is the standard percentage, so where am I going to find 90%? I just checked the Walgreens website and all they sell is 70% as well. Am I going to need to try a couple of pharmacies for this?

    I did get the microfiber cloth though; haven’t used it yet.

    Edit: I just checked on Amazon for 90% rubbing alcohol, and they sell Rite-Aid brand alcohol that is 91%. Check there if you’re having trouble finding 90%. I’ll swing over there tomorrow or Friday. I wish they’d had some at Fred Meyers; I’m ten minutes down the road from them if I drive like a grandma, and I’m there all the time anyway.

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