Forums Discussions All my pole ladies with injuries (Important Read!)

  • All my pole ladies with injuries (Important Read!)

    Posted by Lovelife on March 22, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    Hey ladies. I've been waiting to share this until I had experienced it all myself so that I could speak from my own experience. I was thinking of waiting another month or so until I had the final results with video proof for you all, but I have been seeing SO many threads and videos with talk of injuries that I feel the need to put this out there now.


    You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about exactly by this point, but first I'd like to say that this probably won't be a short post. I'm sorry for the length ahead of time, but I want to explain it all. 


    I'm a beginner pole dancer. You can easily see from my 2 videos I've posted. Those videos were shot in January before I started this "thing". I've been a waitress for most of my life and have acquired a few injuries from it. My left wrist hurts sometimes and my left elbow from carrying heavy trays for so many years. When I started pole dancing this year any move that requires the use of my left arm for stabalizing or something like the fan kick it would feel like my elbow was breaking. My wrist would also hurt sometimes. It didn't matter what I did to rest it or whatever it was just a chronic issue. Enough that I stopped doing those moves as I didn't want to hurt my arm any further. I wondered if this was going to persist forever.


    I also had been losing weight since August of last year, but had hit a stall. I follow a paleo type of diet. In january I found Dr. Kruse's site. I started his Leptin Reset. Though this post isn't about weight loss it is a side effect of what I'm trying to share. During the reset I am not allowed to exercise past walking. So, since my start on January 29th I haven't touched the pole. Let me tell you how hard that was as I had just started being consistent in learning it. I have done no exercise during this Reset and I also don't have a normal job anymore so I literally sit on my ass all day long at the computer or tv. LOL. About a month ago Dr. Kruse introduced the second part of his health "stuff". It's called Cold Thermogenesis (CT). Basically you work towards becoming cold adapted by getting your skin to 50-55 degrees for as long as you can. The effects on this are easy weight loss, quite a bit of strength/muscle gains, and INJURY HEALING!


    I have been doing it for about 3 wks now. I was mainly doing it for the weight loss, but was interested in if I'd see any strength gains and healing of my arm. Boy have I ever! Remember this is with absolutely NO exercise. It sounds like magic and a bunch of crap, but I swear to you it isn't. Dr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon in TN and using this on his patients as well. 


    I decided to test my strength this wk. Before the Leptin Reset and CT I could do 8 push-ups with perfect form. I can easily do 12 now with perfect form. May not sound like a lot, but the ease in doing them is awesome to me. I can also now do pole tricks I couldn't before because of strength issues or ones I could barely do before and poorly. I am noticeabley stronger. I also tried the tricks before that I couldn't do without searing pain in my left arm… I can now do them WITHOUT ANY PAIN!!!! It shocked me. I tried multiple times to see if it would happen when I kept doing the same previously painful moves over again and not even a twinge!


    I know a lot of you hear have injuries old and new and I think the pole community needs to learn how to do this. Dr. Kruse is working with professional sports teams as well and Nasa has been using this for a few years now. THis isn't fake .. it is amazingly real. Pole takes so much strength and injuries often happen in any form of dance. I believe this can seriously help all of us. People on his site have healed their backs to the point where before they needed surgery and now they do not. Another person had no feeling in their left leg from the knee down for years from an injury and surgery.. now from CT they have feeling in their leg! That is the ability of this crazy thing that is completely free. Everyone can do this at home in a bathtub or shower.


    Now, though I believe the diet is very important I am not trying to talk too much about weight loss or push a lifestyle I believe in on you guys. I think CT alone could drastically help all of us pole dancers. It also helps cardiovascular ability which is nice for any form of exercise.


    Please don't go just in a cold bath and give yourself hypothermeo without reading the actual protocal. I'm going to link to it. So far there are 7 posts on the protocal. They are very heavy in the science, but around the 4th or 5th one he starts writing in a little bit more of laymans terms for us non-sciencey people. Please, please, please take the time to read them all. I promise it will be worth your time. 


    Just ask yourself if you could heal your old injuries or new injuries without any medication and only using cold water would it be worth an hour or two of reading? I think so, but that's up to you. There is nothing to buy here … this is all free. 🙂


    (For those interested in my weight loss.. Aug 5: 171.8  lbs. Start of LeptinRx Jan 29: 156.8 lbs. Today: 143.8 lbs.)  ðŸ™‚


    These are listed in order. The protocal and then CT 1-7:



    marle777 replied 12 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • PixiLouBell

    March 22, 2012 at 8:42 pm

    thank u for this! my husband has a terrible back, we will check it out!!

  • Lyme Lyte

    March 22, 2012 at 8:46 pm

    I will check it out too when I have a few extra time to do so.  I don't need weight loss, but it may help me keep my Lyme bacertia away and keep me strong!

  • Lovelife

    March 22, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    Writing to you all shivering from my CT bath for the night. LOL. Other plus I forgot to mention is it helps sleep a lot.. you will sleep like a rock. 🙂

    @Rixi: Def do.. it will blow your guys minds. 🙂 Tell me how it goes if either of you try it.


    @Lyme Lyte: Def will help. Also this post is especially for you then.. Enjoy. 🙂    

  • PixiLouBell

    March 22, 2012 at 9:17 pm

    ok i will!!

  • Kaylie

    March 22, 2012 at 9:56 pm

    I follow (or try to) a paleo diet! I live it and it has changed my life! I am going yo read about the second part! Thanks for sharing!!!

  • Lovelife

    March 23, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    @Kaylie: Yeah paleo has changed my life in great ways. 🙂 Hope you enjoy Dr. Kruse's blog.. tell me how it goes if you do any CT or the LeptinRx.

  • Devika

    March 23, 2012 at 8:01 pm

    Thank you for sharing this information!  It makes sense because many ancient spiritual practices incorporate cold baths/showers (or the idea of conditioning the body to cold temps and doing so on a regular basis) as an integral part of a healthy mind-body-spirit.  I will look into it some more.

  • marle777

    March 24, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    Thank you for sharing! I have a persistent back injury from a couple of years ago that physical therapy and massage have helped tremendously but not cured completely. Hopefully this will be the final straw that fixes my back.

    I'm a petite and temperature-sensitive type, maybe this will also help me train past that.

    Also, coincidentally enough, today's Dr. Mercola newsletter headlines featured a similar sounding cold palm therapy that appears to work on the same premise. (maybe he or his employees lurk on SV, lol) 

    I haven't read your documentation yet, I am off to do that now. Should I proceed (probably will), I will let you know the results. Thanks again!

    @ Devika, you are right about that. I used to dry skin brush before my shower and tone my skin all over with a blast of cold water at the end of the shower but my bf thought it was stupid/crazy so I fell out of the habit. I need to get back into that as my skin looked like it was blingin' from doing those two ancient detox practices.

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