Forums Discussions Allure magazine article

  • Allure magazine article

    Posted by Maria-Elena Kadala on June 25, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    The July issue of Allure magazine, pg 81 (author David deNicolo), has an article titled A Touch of Crass, for example:

    Riding ~ Classy
    Fencing ~ Crassy
    Pole dancing ~ Tacky

    DeNicolo's head hasn't seen any sunshine lately!  You can send your opinions to (thanks, jayjay, for that info!)


    Runemist34 replied 13 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Aviva

    June 26, 2011 at 10:06 pm Pole dancing is tacky,hehehe and how tiny are we?  Yes our 1.5 is bigger than you, try not to show your insecurties, little man.  Giggles.

  • LoneStarDiva

    June 27, 2011 at 11:27 am

    Awww.. that's alright.. lol.. there's even Country Songs about men who like thier "women a little on the trashy side"!! :):)

    As a 'horsewoman" I gotta tell ya.. there's a LOT of Sittin on yer behind!  Not so w/Pole! 😉  Guess he doesn't like exercise. 

  • ivygirl726

    June 28, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    HAHA!!! LOL I just wrote to them and I am going to put what I said on this post for all to see, here it is, I am waiting for a response when and IF i get one I will post it for you all to see,Enjoy!!




    To Whom it May Concern,

     It has been brought to my attention that you had something in your magazine about pole dancing being tacky. Well I am writing this to tell you that you are wrong. It is about grace and poise and sheer power that I do what I do. I know grown men that don't have the strength that it takes to pull off some of the moves that I can. I can promise you that I am not trashy in my pole dancing. It is an art form that many women only wish they could master. I know there is a stigma about what I do for a living, and I am OK with that, everyone is entitled to their own opinions as they should be, but when you say what I do is tacky what does that mean? That my strength and grace mean nothing when you look at what I do? Yes, I take my clothes off for a living but actors and actresses get paid to do the same thing. Is that tacky? No, That is art! Artist paint naked women, is that tacky? No, It's art! There are naked statues in our art galleries, it that tacky? No! Look at artists like Jayne Butterfly or Christina Acuchi, whom I know personally, they have a beauty and grace to them that makes them two of the top 5 in the U.S., one takes her clothes off the other does not. So if you could please explain to me why what I do for a living is TACKY I would really appreciate it. You know, clear the air for all the women that do this as a job and make good money and are not living off the government, or for the wonderful things that it does for toning their bodies, or competition and get national recognition for their talents. Oh and by the way if it's "tacky" like you say then why are they thinking about putting it in the Olympics? Waiting to hear a response,

                                                                                     Jenee' Taylor


  • Runemist34

    June 28, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    *scoff* That's just like a bunch of magazines and fashion people making arbitrary decisions on how we should dress and paint our fingernails and get our hair cut. I LIKE the french manicure, thank you very much!

    If they think pole dancing is trashy, and fencing and riding is classy, then that's definitely some very oldschool beliefs. It would be good to have a bit more context…do they mean as a form of fitness, or just as a hobby (not necessarily fitness)? Because if the former, I would LOVE to see this guy try and upstage anyone here on the pole. And, if the latter, maybe he should get his head out of the dark ages? 😛

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