Forums Discussions Am I a wimp or am I normal?

  • Am I a wimp or am I normal?

    Posted by Voodoochild on June 27, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    So I dont know if Im just being whiny but does anyone else get extremely sore with aching joints, stiffness, and fatigue after they pole for a few days?

    Im an instructor and I teach for and hour on thurdays, 3 hours on fridays, and about 2 hours on saturdays ON TOP of me practicing at home and at the studio in my free time. By the time saturday rolls around im so sore/in pain I can hardly teach and after my classes I just go home and crash…I cant even convince myself to do anything fun on Saturday night =(.

    This past week was especially brutal because I had been preparing for a little pole competition at a local strip club. So I basically poled all week practicing for this thing. The day of the competition I could hardly move! My muscles were so tight I could hardly stretch so my flexibility was out the window, and when it was time for the competition (Saturday night around midnight) I felt so unprepared….I pretty much did terrible (according to my own standards).

    I wish there was a way I could collectively ask all the pros if they experience pain and whatnot like this from teaching all the workshops and doing so many performances…

    I dont hear anyone else complaining about stuff like this! Not even from my fellow instructors whom teach more classes than i do!

    So… I a whiny baby or am I normal….this is the question…

    Angel1201 replied 14 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Sapphirecatzeye

    June 27, 2010 at 7:23 pm

    Its normal for your body to feel extremely fatigued when having a full schedule. Even more so when your dealing with a huge burst of energy (like a pole performance) Rest is super important though. You will be surprised what the body can with stand if you have to do alot of physically demanding activity. But pole takes up so much muscular activity its hard to keep them going 24/7

  • MilienElayne

    June 28, 2010 at 6:07 am

    You sound like you’re used to poling a lot every week. I’d be wondering too… Has it always been like that, or is this a recent change?

    I only hurt if I take it up a notch and my body isn’t used to it and/or ready for it. So, if I start harder tricks, a more intensive workout, more hours, more reps… I also get stiff and sore from any basic pole work out if I don’t warm up, cool down, and stretch out properly. It could be sleep (like Steph said). Maybe you’re lacking in a vitamin or mineral or just not eating enough and the right stuff for your requirements? I get exhausted if I don’t have enough iron and calcium and don’t eat the ‘right’ things for me. I also suffer if I don’t drink enough water.

  • chemgoddess1

    June 28, 2010 at 10:36 am

    I know that a lot of the "pros" go for routine/weekly massages or have invested in a foam roller. If you are not eating properly, sleeping enough and allowing lactic acid buildup you are going to be fatigued.

  • Voodoochild

    June 28, 2010 at 4:34 pm

    Thanks for responding ladies! This is a normal thing for me milienelayne, every Saturday after my classes I feel this way. This past week was one of the more brutal weeks Ive dealt with though. I think I get enough sleep, especially during the week since I don’t have a job. Ive wondered if I have an iron deficiency…maybe ill go get some iron supplements.

    Chem – how do I allow lactic acid build up/ how do I STOP it from building up? I know lactic acid is what causes you to cramp up when exercising but Ive never thought of it causing soreness. But that would make a lot of sense lol. Hmm…Oh and I drink a lot of water, especially when I’m poling, i can go through about 3 bottles in about 2ish hours.

    I’m gonna go lay down now…lol

  • SissyBuns

    June 28, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    Are you eating enough to feul you body for all that it does? Maybe you need to up your calorie intake?

    It’s totally normal to be sore after poling so much. Hell, I’m sore all the time after a good pole session, mostly when I’m trying new stuff…which seems like all the time. LOL maybe over time your body will adjust and the soreness will decrease. You gotta take care of your body though. Massages and soaks are awesome. And of course….rest. If that’s an option. LOL

  • Voodoochild

    June 28, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    Oh lord increasing my calorie intake is the last thing I should do lol. I eat all the time pretty much. I definitely dont eat as healthy as I would like but with a budget like mine sometimes cereal, ramen noodles and frozen pizzas are your only options. Ive taken a couple of baths and they do seem to help alot, now if I could only get my boyfriend to give me a free massage…..hmmm =)

  • amy

    June 28, 2010 at 9:27 pm

    hey girl! how old are you? how advanced are your students? what are you teaching them? what kind of stuff were you practicing for your comp?

    i work full time (not physically exerting, but very mentally tiring) and i pole for myself at least 2-3 hours a week (when i’m lucky ), working on mostly stuff that is upper body and core: handsprings, extended ayshas, SM variations, spins, spinning pole. i’m 29 years old and i teach 6 hours a week now but that will ramp up to about 14 gradually over the next month. in those classes i typically do a 15 min warmup and then basic spins, climbing, and transitions, none of my girls are doing inversions yet… so those classes aren’t physically exerting for me at all, but if i really push myself when i’m streching i’m always a little sore in the hip flexors the next day.

    are you cooling down and stretching at the end of every session and class? i find that’s huge. sorry i can’t be of more help but i think knowing a little more about the context of your teaching might help you pinpoint why you are so tired?

  • Voodoochild

    June 28, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    hey girl! how old are you? how advanced are your students? what are you teaching them? what kind of stuff were you practicing for your comp?

    Im 21 (about to be 22) and I teach all beginners classes mostly. Usually I start with a warm up consisting of sun salutation variations and some light stretching then we do basic spins and sometimes we cool down at the end of class and sometimes we end with floorwork.

    When Im practicing by myself I usually work on transitions ie; flat line scorp to superman, superman to shoulder mount, other should mt variations, aiysha stuff, spins, lots of drops and i do A LOT of stretching. When im at home practicing I do start and stop alot. Like, Ill warm up and watch some vids then ill do spins and watch some vids then ill do inverts…etc. Maybe those pauses are letting my body cool down and so im not properly warmed up when I do the advanced stuff…PLUS when I pole at home I do it alllll dayy…kinda. Like sometimes 11am-4ish pm

  • amy

    June 28, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    hey girl! how old are you? how advanced are your students? what are you teaching them? what kind of stuff were you practicing for your comp?

    Im 21 (about to be 22) and I teach all beginners classes mostly. Usually I start with a warm up consisting of sun salutation variations and some light stretching then we do basic spins and sometimes we cool down at the end of class and sometimes we end with floorwork.

    When Im practicing by myself I usually work on transitions ie; flat line scorp to superman, superman to shoulder mount, other should mt variations, aiysha stuff, spins, lots of drops and i do A LOT of stretching. When im at home practicing I do start and stop alot. Like, Ill warm up and watch some vids then ill do spins and watch some vids then ill do inverts…etc. Maybe those pauses are letting my body cool down and so im not properly warmed up when I do the advanced stuff…PLUS when I pole at home I do it alllll dayy…kinda. Like sometimes 11am-4ish pm
    ummm. i think that’s your issue. 5 hours of poling will make anyone sore.
    epsom salts baths. lots of sleep and water (whic you’re already doing). i would recommend that you see a nutritionist or do some serious research bc if you’re doing that much, you should be backing it up with a really healthy diet.

  • chemgoddess1

    June 28, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    Chem – how do I allow lactic acid build up/ how do I STOP it from building up? I know lactic acid is what causes you to cramp up when exercising but Ive never thought of it causing soreness.

    Research DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Hereis an article about what it is and how to treat it.

    Lactate is produced during glucose metabolism when it does not have enough oxygen to metabolize completely. The best way to get rid of build up is through massage or foam rolling. You can buy a foam roller at Target or Walmart for about $20 and it comes with a chart or dvd showing you technique.

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    June 28, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    …PLUS when I pole at home I do it alllll dayy…kinda. Like sometimes 11am-4ish pm

    Yeah, that definitely could be over-training. Rest is an important component of muscle growth. Weight-lifters rest muscles 48 hours or more between training them, and runners vary speed, distance, intensity on different days. Elite athletes may spend hours a day training, but they vary the nature of their exercise, and they know how to train to achieve peak performance at a predetermined time. Marathoners, for example, don’t practice by running marathons every day — they train for that peak performance once.
    Consult a trainer to create a training regimen to give you the variety you need to maintain the level of performance (and absence of pain) that you want. In the interim, perhaps devise your own plan for varying your training … maybe alternating between spins one day, and strength moves another — ask Veena!!! she can give you a better idea of what constitutes variety for poling.

    There are other good suggestions here: massage (those foam rollers are great for self massage, but a professional therapist will give you better results, and also teach you self massage techniques); soaking in bath with Epsom salts.

    To be having this much chronic pain & stiffness means that you are putting yourself at risk for an injury!!! get some professional training advice soon!

    PS. Since writing this, I did "ask Veena" by looking at her Lesson on strength training … she explains that rest is needed for muscles to repair and recover, also that "rest" doesn’t mean inactivity. So I would still ask Veena to recommend a general training schedule.

  • Veena

    June 29, 2010 at 1:21 am

    No your not a wimp!! Sounds like over training plain and simple. Your body is trying to tell you it’s tired. Where should I start….

    First I totally understand how important getting YOUR personal pole time in is…as a mom I struggle with this too. So one thing to think about is how your teaching. A lot of instruction can be done by showing once…if that…and then giving an easy to follow explanation. I know its easy to say "watch me" over and over but you’ll tire yourself out. Your students can still have a great pole experience without you having to show them over and over. Working in a gym as personal trainer I would never be able to do the workout with each client and as a pole instructor it might be wise to take the same approach. That being said…Its also going to depend on the style of class your teaching…is it tricks or a full dance routine each time?? If its a dance routine go through most of it with them but skip the intense things like inverts, spins. Help them with the steps and give cues for when to do the moves/tricks. If its a tricks class this could be approached very much like personal training where you do more explaining than physically doing the tricks over and over.

    The others are right about DOMS and using massage, drink tons of water too, to help flush out any toxins. Also make sure your eating the right kinds of foods before and after a workout to replenish what you have lost.

    Someone who is new to exercise/poling needs a full day in between workouts. When your a beginner pole is very much a full body workout every time. A seasoned individual can ask more of themselves. BUT they need to be aware of when their body is telling them to back off. My latest workout schedule is six days a week…but… I never focus on the same muscle group 2 days in a row, when I strength train and I cross train. This is important so the muscles recover fully before you stress them again.

    I know when your trying to prepare for something it feels like you have to do more and more, but it would be terrible if you over trained in had developed an injury because of it.

  • SadiraSimone

    June 29, 2010 at 4:05 am

    Just a little note on the massage thing – epsom salts, eating well, enough sleep etc. will all help.
    Since it sounds like you’re on a budget, but a massage here and there might help – see if there are any massage schools in your area that offer student clinics.
    I’m a licensed massage therapist that works for a massage practice, but we also have a school. All of our students have to complete so many hours of massage under the supervision of the school before they can graduate (most schools are like this and I had to do the same.) Many times you can get a 60 minute massage in the "student massage clinic" for anywhere from $10-$30! Granted, most students don’t have the knowledge yet to be able to address specific issues, but those massages are great for just flushing the body and muscles out! I would look into it! xoxo

  • MilienElayne

    June 29, 2010 at 8:41 am

    Not sure, but it sounds like you could also not be stretching enough in cool down and after the classes that you teach. I just did an at-home sesh on Monday and I know I forgot to stretch my pecs and intercostals after I worked them because they’re now sore and they aren’t normally after a pole class because I always stretch after!

    I’m also totally guilty of over doing at home sessions! It’s not the time that I put in, but the repetitions of the same moves and the same types of moves over and over and over… In a class we’ll do a variety of movements, moves and stretches, where at home I tend to fixate because I have no-one to force me to move on…. plus I won’t stop til I almost literally drop sometimes. Not good.

    Don’t know about in America, but eating whole foods and fresh fruit and veg is sooo much cheaper than noodles and pizza in Australia. I can get a 2kg bag of apples for $3, a kg of carrots for $2 and a loaf of bread for $2… a crappy frozen pizza is $6, a nice one is over $10 I am always craving and worrying about getting enough protien. Protien and me and pole, we work wonders together. Meat is so expensive though. *sigh*

  • Voodoochild

    June 29, 2010 at 9:47 pm

    WOW you ladies are awesome <3

    Ok, So im going to make it a rule for myself from now on – I must stretch before I leave the studio, no if’s and’s or but’s.

    Sadira-Simone – I know of at least 2 massage schools in my area that I could go to! I guess ive completely forgotten about that option. Plus the owner of the studio I teach at is a certified masseuse and im sure I could get a little discount from her. Shes an amazing woman!

    Veena- Thanks for the advice! I guess I am over training…I just always feel behind for some reason. Maybe Im expecting too much from myself at one time? I’m definitely taking it easy this week and only teaching my classes. I always do the warm-ups with my students because I like getting a quick stretch and sweat going. As far as demonstrating the spins, I do it over and over in class, so this week im going to try doing it maybe once or twice for them and that’s it.

    descalzada- Thank you! Im going to contact a trainer that I know and see if she can help me with setting up a regimen. Breaking up the contents of poling into different days is a brilliant idea! Spins one day, inverts the next, then I could have one day set aside for the lyra as well!

    How many off days should i have?

    Thanks everyone for your help!!! It really means so much to me! =)

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