Forums Discussions Am I ready for an inversion?

  • benicebehappy

    June 3, 2009 at 2:28 pm

    After reading this post think im gonna have to spend more time concentrating on the ‘correct’ way of inverting.
    When i was doing the classes we were inverting right from the start using the outside leg for momentum and just kicking like your life depends on it.
    It works but ive never felt like ive used any more muscles apart from my shoulders and arms. Turns out i’ve been taught wrong from the start, great, 3 months of habit I know have to try and relearn lol.

  • SaschaPoles

    June 3, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    fleur this was a wonderful post!!!!! thank you so much for posting it, i bet a lot of people were helped by your fantastic advice

  • SissyBuns

    June 4, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    fleur this was a wonderful post!!!!! thank you so much for posting it, i bet a lot of people were helped by your fantastic advice

    I know I was helped.

  • miss fern

    June 4, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    If you can barely hold your legs up for a second before having to put them down because your abs are burning, you are not strong enough yet to start inverting.

    I can only just hold my legs up this way, but I think I am invertly safely. My lats and arms compensate, and I use a bit more swing from the leg and more spring from my toes. I also tip my torso back to compensate for the fact that I can’t crunch my knees up.

    I don’t struggle to invert this way. I guess what I’m syaing is – even if your abs are weak your body can usually find a way around it. But this isn’t necessarily a good thing, because you could wind up injuring yourself by making little muscles do the work that big muscles should be.

  • PinkKitty007

    June 9, 2009 at 11:28 pm

    Hi Fleur!!!

    Thank You sooo, so much for this advice. When I started I knew my body wasnt strong, and I started 4 mo now ago. With that said, I knew that I couldnt do inverts and all so I have just asked questions to see if I should try other easier moves and spins instead. I took classes for 8 wks and it helped a lot on building up strength. And still I know im not ready for more advanced moves so I believe in taking it easy. Even though, I have to say… Ive been practicing from the floor, and also from mid pole section i bring my knees up and all.. Well, its been like 2 wks now. Today I try the invert without kicking or jumping annnnnnnnd I DID IT! Once I did the invert the right way I could keeo doing it.. YAY! From there I hooked my right leg and it was soo cool!!! I had so much fun.. Eventhough all this was happening at the bottome of the pole ahahaha But I got it and it felt so comfortable. It wasnt hard, I didnt feel any pain or got burned. I only did feel it in my abs, yes! YaY Meee

    I cant wait to go for Veenas vids..

  • FridaSiren

    June 11, 2009 at 5:22 am

    thanks fleur for posting this!
    made me feel less pole-tarded. i already knew that i am not ready yet to invert but now i have clear path to follow to get there, eventually…
    hugs frida

  • boomloulou

    June 19, 2009 at 5:54 pm

    Interesting Post Fleur!
    I have seen many pole dancers on Youtube doing inversions and other advanced move but struggle to do simple spin tricks.
    My pole teacher ( her name is Linna Tan) refuses to let us invert till we have learnt all our spins,and once we were in the intermediate class,then it was inverting time. ( back then,pole was really new in Singapore,so only 3 levels were offered.No such thing as handspring yet then) Once we were ready,it was time for inverts and maybe simple inverted tricks ( gemini,scorpio,etc).She was really strict,and in class there was a girl with gymnastic background who inverted behind my teacher’s back and got quite a scolding.
    My friends back home refuses to learn spins,and i keep telling them to at least do classes and learn the basics.Very frustrating to convince them that they must learn the basics first.
    It took me 5 months or so before i started to invert.It was hard for me cause i was kinda big back then ( i weigh almost 75kg) but im glad i took my time.
    I dont take classes anymore because im always flying and never around but i miss being in a class.It was really fun!

  • PoleDanceABCs

    June 20, 2009 at 6:08 am

    Thanks for posting this. People always get ahead of themselves and figure that they are way stronger than they really are. Not even in just pole dancing but think about the common and silly mistakes people do all the time while working out at the gym or at work lifting heavy boxes. "Slow and steady wins the race" comes to mind or "In order for your work to be grounded in the Earth it needs to be done consistently for a long period of time with devotion."

  • mayzface

    June 23, 2009 at 1:57 am

    This post is great. As a rank noob, I get so excited to learn new things that once I do a trick I want to move on to something else. It feels like I’ve been doing spins forever, and while I love them I’m really curious about what it feels like to hang upside down. I definitely don’t have the strength in my abs or arms yet, so each time I get the urge to try to invert I’ll think about all the great advice in this post. Thanks!

  • babymaddy_2007

    July 8, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    I was wondering Fleur if you could post a video of what you mean by a monkey hang? I am working on conditioning my abs back to where they are suppose to be and i am willing to try anything other then, planks, situps, crunches, etc! Thanks

  • clarita_l

    July 8, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    Well I’m certainly not ready, I cant lift my knees past my waist/chest even when lying down and doing this on the pole is near impossible as my fat hip gets in the way and I’m too heavy so I slip down. maybe with grip cream I could do this. but again, cant lift the knees, stomach in the way I had a feeling my inverting technique was shabby, but that’s what I get for being self taught. However I can monkey climb, does anyone else find it easier to climb with one leg (and other inner upper thigh) rather than 2?

  • Veena

    July 8, 2009 at 11:21 pm

    However I can monkey climb, does anyone else find it easier to climb with one leg (and other inner upper thigh) rather than 2?

    I’m not sure what a monkey climb is….but if your trying to do a pole climb you don’t use your upper thighs. The pole should run from the top of the foot/ankle across the shin up to the inside of just above the knee. There’s nothing wrong with being self taught, so don’t worry about that, have you thought about the online lessons here? I have strength training moves and stretching too, proper form is always included in the lessons.

    I’m editing this because I just saw your vid. Your pole climb looks fine to me.

  • clarita_l

    July 9, 2009 at 10:01 am

    I thought monkey climb was another word for pole climb. I have thought about online lessons but I don’t have a bank card I can use online, just a cash card I’m afraid. I may have to switch, lessons would be very useful. My right leg is in that position just sometimes I feel my left leg gets in the way. thanks!

  • violet

    July 19, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    So happy to see this post! Unfortunately I am one of the ones that did it wrong for too long and ended up injuring my back in the process. BOOOOO

    So now that my back is feeling better (after 3 weeks of PAIN) no more inverting for me until I can get my core strength better. It sucks not going up to the Gemini, Scorpio, etc…. cause i LOVE those moves. But my ab strength just isnt ready yet and I HAVE to accept that and work on that so that I can do it properly (not using my legs to help pull me up).

    I’ll definitely be doing those exercises recommended, along with my already daily dose of crunches & sit ups.

  • PennyGirl

    August 4, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    Wow, thanks. This is really good information for me. I am new to poling and I haven’t learned the basics of inversion. First, I didn’t know ANYTHING about putting my shoulders down and back. I’m re-thinking the gym where I pay for lessons since they don’t seem to stress the safety. I have to say I am glad I found this site. It is nice to see that I can learn safely and I now know that I need to slow down before I hurt myself! I would like to do this for a while and I def. don’t want to hurt my chances of continuing by giving myself a back injury! Thanks so much
    Penny Girl

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