Forums Discussions Am I ready for an inversion?

  • Poleluver

    August 14, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    I feel like it might be a little early for me also and I know I’m not in shape but I won’t ever be as much as some of you ladies. However I hope our class will go slow with it. However I think I would pay for an extra solo lesson a week just to get it more correctly instead of glossing over it until it gets right. ( where that is only what we are working on.)

  • simulpole

    August 23, 2009 at 7:50 pm

    Thanks for the inversion tips. I can do the first 3 of your tips. I don’t know that I can do #4 b/c I am not certain I understand the description. I can do a helicopter (chopper) so this just sounds the same only bending the knees into a crunch (fetal position). Is that correct?

    I’ve been at poling for 2 mos now. I’ve just begun learning inversions. I don’t seem to have any problems getting inverted other than some strain in my middle back (think bra line). Is this a result of not enough ab strength? Or perhaps its a strain/movement my back hasn’t seen?

  • PennyGirl

    August 23, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    I don’t seem to have any problems getting inverted other than some strain in my middle back (think bra line). Is this a result of not enough ab strength? Or perhaps its a strain/movement my back hasn’t seen?
    That’s the same pain I have been having right in the middle of my back…I think it’s because I am not properly engaging my abdominals when I pull up. WHen I do it and really squeeze my abs, I notice I don’t get the pain. I was wondering the same thing. If maybe the pain is just something I get becuase I’m not used to inverting, or if it’s just becuase I’m not technically strong enough to be doing them.

  • violet

    August 27, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    I don’t seem to have any problems getting inverted other than some strain in my middle back (think bra line). Is this a result of not enough ab strength? Or perhaps its a strain/movement my back hasn’t seen?
    That’s the same pain I have been having right in the middle of my back…I think it’s because I am not properly engaging my abdominals when I pull up. WHen I do it and really squeeze my abs, I notice I don’t get the pain. I was wondering the same thing. If maybe the pain is just something I get becuase I’m not used to inverting, or if it’s just becuase I’m not technically strong enough to be doing them.

    I had that same pain a few months back but kept inverting anyway, finally I pulled/strained something and had to be off my pole for 3 weeks due to it
    After that I learned how to properly invert (wouldnt do ANY inverts until I could properly lean back, engage my abs, etc etc….) and havent had pain since. So if it is anything like mine, which it sounds very much like the pain I was having before it got BAD, then I recommend practicing the way you invert. Get that down so you dont end up hurting yourself. Also give yourself rests so the muscles can build and heal.

  • PennyGirl

    August 27, 2009 at 5:54 pm

    No prob Violet…Good sound advice. I’m going back to basics. YAY!

  • hotma

    October 3, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    I’m glad this kind of thing is discussed,.. as I just went to do a basic pushup and fell on my face. I’m beginning to think I’m a gal who has no business ordering a pole at all,. and yet it is coming soon! So,. in a year or so when this applies to me I will revisit. In the meantime,. and I realize the lessons are in order,. and I even saw strength training addressed on its own,.. are there things that were more "encouraging" to try first? or just,. as yall have said,. do it in exact order shown in the lessons? thanks!

  • Fleur

    October 8, 2009 at 5:21 am

    For all the ladies who are getting pain in their upper back between the shoulder blades, you are most likely straining your rhomboids. They are a smaller muscle group but are critical in proper scapular motion. Try doing some rows to strengthen them or at least warm them up nicely before trying to invert. Having a pinch there DOES indicate you aren’t quite strong enough to invert or you’re not wuite warmed up.


  • Rouge_LAmour

    October 16, 2009 at 11:17 am

    to assist most of you who wonder if you’re ready, after 2 years, I still don’t invert – laybacks excepted…

    You do need ab strength and you cannot "fling" into the position – nor can you drop your arms. PoleGirlSonia had a student not listen to her about that and dislocated ribs – you have been warned.

    We’re in a sport that is hard physical work. ensure you’re conditioned prior to doing the trick.
    Even seasoned dancers have learned things off newbies who have learned techniques correctly.

    Take your time with inverts – they may be cool, but they are also dangerous and you need to be physically ready for them.

    anyway, inverting’s for crazy folk…

  • hotma

    October 16, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    Wow dislocated ribs – that’s a sobering thought. i appreciate the feedback though,. as a newbie. i am taking it slowwwwllllyyyyyyyy.

  • Runemist34

    October 30, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    I don’t know if anyone has approached the subject, but are there any moves, or variations of moves, or even things one can do while dancing (such as slowing down?) that can help with strength? I’m very, very unenthused about doing crunches or lunges or anything unrelated to the actual dance…I just don’t enjoy it, about the same as I don’t like going running or something. I dance because I like dancing!
    So, I was wondering…any tips? I get kind of frustrated, because I feel like I’m doing great, and then I can’t do certain things (like inversions) that I think I should be able to do.

  • Veena

    October 31, 2009 at 4:11 am

    I NEVER do crunches…boring so I’m with ya there, also only run if I’m being chased Slowing things down its a really good way to gain strength, it takes a lot more effort to do things slowly that putting momentum into everything…like the invert. I don’t know how advanced you are so….try handstands, elbow stands and climbs are all great for strength too.

  • Runemist34

    October 31, 2009 at 6:04 am

    Haha, I’m with ya there on the running! And pretty much everything else
    Here’s a good question…having watched your videos, what would you recommend for a person who knows HOW to get into an elbow or handstand (starting with the elbows, of course) but has never, ever done anything like it before? Seriously, I only just learned how to do a somersault! I can, ironically, do one backwards better than forwards (as in, fling my body up and over my head?), but something like an elbow stand I’ve never done before. I was thinking about trying it on my big, soft bed, just in case I do something wrong and don’t break my neck!

  • Veena

    October 31, 2009 at 4:06 pm

    For the elbow stand, the majority of the pressure should be on the elbows/forearms, not the head. As with all moves engage your shoulders, so don’t slump into them, keep them strong and working. Try this move against a wall that way you wont miss the pole and fall on your back. I will be doing a lesson on this move too. There is a lesson now but I’ll be going into greater detail in the new one.

  • mishamishamisha

    December 28, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    I inverted for the first time today on my first try. I’ve been dancing for 4 months or so but three seriously and have had my own pole for 3 weeks. I have been dancing a lot and doing the lessons and decided it was time.
    it was so much easier than I thought it would be!

  • faerie9

    December 29, 2009 at 5:09 pm

    You do need ab strength and you cannot "fling" into the position – nor can you drop your arms. PoleGirlSonia had a student not listen to her about that and dislocated ribs – you have been warned.

    This is such a fab thread.

    Rouge LAmour, please can you explain what you mean by ‘drop your arms’?

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