Forums Discussions Am I ready for an inversion?

  • poletrickster

    January 3, 2010 at 4:19 am

    Fantastic thread! I recently started inverting and I now know why my hands are glued between my calves and I cannot do anything but slide back down the pole. My form is off so I am going to drop the inverts and work on strengthening my abs and arms more so that I can do a proper invert and maybe then I will not just hang there lost lol thanks for the tips

  • SandyBrown

    January 4, 2010 at 11:48 pm

    I’m one of those who has also had problems with upper back pain when inverting.

    I was at my pole studio this morning and did pilates with one of our instructors. We did a pilate move where we were lying on the mat and we engaged our powerhouse/lower abs to lift out hips off the ground and over our head, spread our legs in a V, then lowered them down with our powerhouse. I noticed how I can use that move to help me with my inverting. So far I’ve been jumping into my inverts due to me being taught that way at another studio. I want to be able to invert (whether from the floor or from a climb) using my ab strength and do it with proper form.

  • isisandshiva

    February 16, 2010 at 9:51 am

    umm not to ask a stupid question but how exactly can you hurt yourself inverting before your ready, or kicking up into inverts because at the studio I go to because that’s all we do, you invert on your first night and go from there,(i first got suspicious when we were told we can’t fall like that) but I tend to research more than most people i have class with so I don’t want to do something that will do more damage than shin splints in my arms(if anyone knows anything about that I would love to know) because being that far out of commission would not be cool.

  • SissyBuns

    February 16, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    umm not to ask a stupid question but how exactly can you hurt yourself inverting before your ready, or kicking up into inverts because at the studio I go to because that’s all we do, you invert on your first night and go from there,(i first got suspicious when we were told we can’t fall like that) but I tend to research more than most people i have class with so I don’t want to do something that will do more damage than shin splints in my arms(if anyone knows anything about that I would love to know) because being that far out of commission would not be cool. They have you inverting on the first day??? Seriously?


    The list of possible injuries could go on and on but some of my main concerns are bruising/breaking a rib from banging it against the pole while jumping.
    Pulling/tearing a muscle anywhere, arm, abs, back, obliques….
    Falling if you jump up there and can’t catch yourself
    Banging toes, shins, legs against the pole while you try to throw a foot up there

    These are just a few that I could think of. An invert should be slow and controlled. You should be able to do it from the floor or from standing without having to kick or jump up. It’s more of a tilt back then a jump up, ya know?

  • isisandshiva

    February 16, 2010 at 5:17 pm

    Thank you ms Sissybuns
    I figure I’m good even if there is a problem because I have perfected the art of crashing without injuries(I crash at just about everything I do), but I brought a friend the first night who happens to be pregnant, so that wound up being majorly uncool, so I haven’t brought her back, but I have been woried about muscle damage, and joint damage because since I started 3 weeks ago I’ve gotten something like shin splints in my forearms from doing what I think yall call the boomerang and some shoulderblade pain from spins so I’m scouring the forums for saftey tips on the things I probably shouldn’t be doing. Are there any moves upside down or sideways that should be jumped into?

  • SissyBuns

    February 16, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    Thank you ms Sissybuns
    I figure I’m good even if there is a problem because I have perfected the art of crashing without injuries(I crash at just about everything I do), but I brought a friend the first night who happens to be pregnant, so that wound up being majorly uncool, so I haven’t brought her back, but I have been woried about muscle damage, and joint damage because since I started 3 weeks ago I’ve gotten something like shin splints in my forearms from doing what I think yall call the boomerang and some shoulderblade pain from spins so I’m scouring the forums for saftey tips on the things I probably shouldn’t be doing. Are there any moves upside down or sideways that should be jumped into?

    If you’re getting pain from boomerang like spins you might need to back off a bit and work on some other things until you build up more strength for the split grip. I see a lot of people who hurt themselves while doing split grips repeatedly or too quickly. My bestie punkrocgirlie was one of them. She hadn;t been poling very long (just like you) before she started busting out al kinds of moves that require that grip and before you know it she was injured and had to take a break from that move for weeks.

    The same with the shoulder. Listen to it.

    Also are they making sure you’re nice and warm before you guys start spinning? Spinning with cold muscles can definitely lead to injury and sometimes it takes some people longer then others to warm up. I’m one of those people. I seem to take like twice as long as most people LOL.

  • chemgoddess1

    February 16, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    It took me almost a year and a half before I could do a boomerang without pain.

    Look up samsara pilates online and on youtube….she has some really really really good explanations of body mechanics and why things hurt.

    My biggest issue is forearm strength….it was not until I started targeting exercises that worked the forearms and wrists that I could do a boomerang without pain. It is also important to know that you really are not holding weight on the lower bracket….it is there to push you way from the pole. Try learning the move with the same type of grip you would use for a chair….basically fingers up.

  • Chrissy05

    May 4, 2010 at 1:11 am

    I am glad that this post is up b/c I’ve only been poling for about 3 months and trying to take it slow. I want to make sure I’m building up my strength and doing the moves with correct form. I got my pole sit, crucifix, fireman, and flirty fireman. I’m working on my plank (trying to get my hips up) and my wrist sit(building up arm strength). But after 3 months that’s all I got. And I come up here and see some newbie advertising "a week in" and doing inverts! Sometimes I can’t help but think that I’m a LOSER or something b/c I am nowhere near that strong yet. My thing is I want to do with correct form and without jumping off the ground. So seeing this forum makes me feel good knowing that I at least have the right frame of mind

    Thanks for keeping me motivated ladies I’m like Thomas the little engine that could…I can do it… I can do it… I CAN DO IT

  • hookedonpole

    May 13, 2010 at 5:25 am

    Love this thread. I thought I was inverting decently, but now rethinking. After beginning the basics before studio I attended closed, I’m basically self taught at this point. Need to go to a workshop or something to get tips on improving invert properly. Will begin exercises discussed here. Maybe that’s why I have a very weak ariel invert and struggle with it. Thanks everyone!

  • NerdasaurusJess

    July 28, 2010 at 7:10 pm

    umm not to ask a stupid question but how exactly can you hurt yourself inverting before your ready, or kicking up into inverts because at the studio I go to because that’s all we do, you invert on your first night and go from there,(i first got suspicious when we were told we can’t fall like that) but I tend to research more than most people i have class with so I don’t want to do something that will do more damage than shin splints in my arms(if anyone knows anything about that I would love to know) because being that far out of commission would not be cool.
    I find this absolutely terrifying! I have students beg and pled me to teach them inverts in their first day/week of classes. I always try to explain this to them, maybe I should refer them to this thread. Most understand, some go to different studios. Luckily most of the studios around here have specific requirements before you invert, not just time frames.

  • lazydaizy

    August 9, 2010 at 2:41 am

    umm not to ask a stupid question but how exactly can you hurt yourself inverting before your ready, or kicking up into inverts because at the studio I go to because that’s all we do, you invert on your first night and go from there,(i first got suspicious when we were told we can’t fall like that) but I tend to research more than most people i have class with so I don’t want to do something that will do more damage than shin splints in my arms(if anyone knows anything about that I would love to know) because being that far out of commission would not be cool.

    Just an example of how you could hurt yourself:
    I started inverting pretty early. I was fairly strong so it wasn’t a huge issue until I pulled both romboids (the muscles between your shoulder blades). Since this happened about 6 months ago, I have both taken ample time off and worked to strengthen my back, but they still flare up once in a while and cause me problems. Be careful!

  • Polecat88

    January 10, 2011 at 2:27 pm

    thank goodness i read this! I've been taught the absolute wrong method in class. I just tried the tests Fleur mentioned and I am just about strong enough on my right but way off on my left. Time to kick it back a notch and get into some strength training!

    Thanks for this great info!

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