Forums Discussions Amateur Night post event recap!!!

  • Amateur Night post event recap!!!

    Posted by glitterhips on April 30, 2009 at 6:28 am

    Soooooooooo I just walked in from the amateur night contest. Looking back I’m glad I did it, it was nerve wracking but a lot of fun. I’ll start from the beginning…

    I got to the club and filled out an application, the girl working the front said she wasn’t even sure if they were going to have an amateur night because no one else was there. This concerned me a bit since I had psyched myself up for it but when I called the club they said to get there at 9pm and when I got there the woman who checked me in said the contest didn’t even start until 11. I had already paid to valet my car so I figured I should stay. Two friends of mine showed up though so once they got there they kept me company and the time went by a lot faster.

    When it was time to go get ready they brought us all into the bathroom and 7 other girls ended up showing up by that point so the contest was on. Out of the 8 of us, a lot of girls had danced before and I found out two of the girls that had come together had been dancing for a long time and just quit their jobs at another club the week before and one of them had danced at this club when it first opened! That kind of made me mad because I feel like amateur night should be for girls that haven’t danced before but I wasn’t the one making the rules…

    I initially brought a tank top and skirt to wear but then I realized all the other girls were going out in lingerie or bikinis so I didn’t even end up wearing them. I had to sit around for quite a while waiting to go on and then they sat the eight of us at a table by the stage and one of the other dancers emceed the contest. The first girl to go was one of the dancers so that made me feel better because I did NOT want to go first. I ended up going 6th or 7th which was nice because I didn’t want to be last either.

    So my turn finally comes, I get onstage, THE POLE WAS SO SLIPPERY. I tried to climb it and couldn’t even get to the top because it was pretty slick but I got most of the way up. The stage was pretty slick too and at one point one of my shoes partially came off! I was wearing those black stiletto stripper shoes and my feet were sliding around so much that my toes came out of the top of one of my shoes so in the heat of the moment instead of trying to struggle to get it back on I just took both of my shoes off. Luckily that didn’t happen until toward the end of my turn! I tried to go upside down and do a few caterpillars into an aysha but those poles were so freakin slippery I couldn’t even do one caterpillar. I think all together I did a climb, cross knee release, bow and arrow, inverted thigh hold, fireman and backhook. I didn’t want to rely too much on the pole but I think when it came time to vote I definitely had an advantage because of my pole tricks. When I got done with my turn the DJ announced that the manager radioed him to put a star by name but who knows what that means. I tried to do some floorwork and dancey stuff in there, they gave me a techno song and honestly the whole three minutes I was up there were such a blur that I don’t even remember what I did. I’m kind of glad because I’m sure I looked quite silly! I know everyone here told me to smile and look like I was having fun but I was so zoned out as soon as my turn started that I’m surprised I remembered how to even do any pole tricks! A lot of people in the audience complemented me though.

    Time to vote…like I said two of the girls were working dancers so I didn’t think it was fair for them but oh well. They voted by applause and they had us stand up in order of our turns so the first girl that went was a dancer and she got a lot of applause. The next few girls got knocked out, then the other dancer went and got a lot of applause, then I went and I got enough applause for the DJ to tell me to stay on stage! So at the end it came down to me and the two dancers, all the other non dancers got "voted off." But sadly I didn’t win, one of the dancers did and I pretty much knew it would be one of them since they DO THIS FOR A LIVING buuuuuuuut I came in third place and I was the best of the amateurs…so I would have won if they hadn’t shown up! When I got off the stage the DJ told me how much I rocked and he didn’t compliment any of the other girls like that so I felt pretty good. They were really bitchy too. The tie breaker for them was to go around the club with two champagne buckets and see who could collect the most cash. One of the girls went up to one of my friends and said "Do you have any money????" and he said no because she was rude and she just stormed off. Oh and also they were sisters…which is a little weird in my opinion lol. But overall it was fun, I’m glad I did it. I asked them if they were hiring and they said the hiring manager wasnt in the club at the moment but she would "give me a call" so I’m pretty sure that’s a nice way of letting me down gently but hey at least I tried!

    ORGANIC ANGEL replied 11 years, 10 months ago 27 Members · 34 Replies
  • 34 Replies
  • Fleur

    April 30, 2009 at 6:48 am

    YAY! Glitter, you did AWESOME!!!! Sounds like the "sisters" were just trying to make some cash by going in as a team, didn’t matter which girl won, they’re probably splitting the earnings…lame. But YOU did great! I am sooo proud of you! I wish I could find an amateur night around here to go to, you make me a little braver BRAVO!!!

  • Veena

    April 30, 2009 at 6:58 am

    You should be proud!! Sounds like you were the winner to me! I know how these things go down. Do you think you want to work there??

  • StevieNeurotic

    April 30, 2009 at 7:20 am

    Congrats on even doing the contest in the first place!

    Really think though if you want to work in a club, I started out in a club 2 years ago and it is really addicting! I had been to the club a few weeks earlier and witnessed some amazing pole tricks, had no idea that the world of pole existed, and called and auditioned. I got the job, but i was "too fat" for night shift, and couldn’t dance (which was true, had never really worn heels of any sort until the audition night!), so I was put on day shift. I ended up learning a lot from the girls on day shift, seeing as we were lucky to get even 3 customers in a 6 hour period any given day, and it got me to a lot of where I am today with pole tricks…BUT…even working in the clubs now I get to the point that I’m so fed up with not making any money that I don’t even care to do anything on stage except maybe a few basic spins here and there.

    Not only that, but the strip club world can really mess with you personal life and future job employment. I’ve found it hard in the 2 years of dancing to find in-between jobs due to my massive gaps in employment.

    Annnnddd, you have to pay the clubs to work there, as well as tip everyone that already gets a paycheck.

    Not sure if you already knew all of this, and I may be babbling on stupidly at this point. lol. Just give it all some good thinking before getting into the club life, it’s not easy to escape when there’s somewhat easy money to be made every now and then!

    Either way, awesome job on getting third (which is also first in my opinion since the other two were veteran dancers!) and I’m glad you had fun!



  • Caramel_Dlite

    April 30, 2009 at 7:33 am

    Minus the two professional dancers competing in an amateur competition, You WON!!! Yay
    Congrats on winning and even if you didn’t win, congrats on getting on stage! Let us know if you do get that call back

  • cali

    April 30, 2009 at 8:01 am

    OMG OMG!!!!! YAY! i have soo much to write lol it is 3 am and school is 2morow so ill write later but yayayaya great job glitter i knew you could do it and as far as im conserned you did win!!!!

  • glitterhips

    April 30, 2009 at 4:26 pm

    Thanks everyone! Yeah I definitely feel like I was the winner even though I didn’t technically win…I’m not counting the bitchy stripping sisters!

    As far as working in the club they didn’t offer me a job on the spot and they said the hiring manager would call me as she wasn’t in the club last night but they could have been saying that just to be polite. I do have a part time day job and I would keep my day job so I didn’t have gaps in my employment and my day job is also where I get my health insurance. I could definitely really use the extra money from dancing but I don’t desperately need it…I would just be able to pay off my student loans a lot quicker and move out a lot sooner. However at the same time that they money would be nice, I know having two jobs and a boyfriend would not be easy and it would definitely put a strain on our relationshiop (not to mention Morgan probably would be wondering how many lap dances I had to do to pay for nice dinners or a vacation!) I was thinking about maybe just doing it for a few months if I did end up getting called back, so I can make enough to pay off my student loans and have a little extra to use as a down payment on an apartment. I know working in a club can be addicting but I think there’s only so long where I could handle having two jobs without going completely insane.

    I’m hoping for a call back but I guess we’ll see. There were postings on Craigslist for a few other clubs so I might go check those out as well.

  • yogabeachbabe

    April 30, 2009 at 4:44 pm

    Yay Glitter! Sounds like you totally kicked ass! So proud if you!

  • Jenn

    April 30, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    Yay, Glitter!! Sounds like you did a great job, even with a slippery pole. Sounds like you managed to get a lot of cool tricks in. Do u think u may want to compete again? Maybe next time bring a grip aid to help counteract the slippery pole.

    I think that it is pretty common that professional dancers compete in amateurs contests. I know in my area, strippers I know have competed in amateur contests at other clubs. One girl actually has her own agent that books her for different contests in the other clubs. And she is really good, so I am assuming the clubs invite her to compete.

  • amcut

    April 30, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    GO YOU.

    Woo woman! I hope you get your tasty callback!

    I wish you had a video!

  • azriel

    May 1, 2009 at 3:34 am

    i’m so proud of you glitter! we all knew you’d be fantastic! and i agree that under fair circumstances, it’s like you won! i’m glad you were able to get some tricks in, sounds like you were awesome.. wish i was there to see you.. did your friends take any pictures? thanks for giving us the update! xx

  • Charley

    May 1, 2009 at 11:40 am

    Awesome job! You must be so proud and on cloud 9 right about now!!!

    Like Jenn said – in our area and I am sure Chicago being a big city it’s the same deal – our amateur night is full of veteran dancers. I know girls who plan trips to amateur nights Off the street dancers never get much of a chance. So that’s awesome and even mor eof an accommplishement to beat them!

    The way I see it you came in first! Good luck if you do decide to work there.

  • FridaSiren

    May 1, 2009 at 11:57 pm

    go glitter!
    in my opinion you´re already a winner just to have participated, especially knowing you were going against some pro´s! and you were the amateur winner so double hooray
    maybe next time you could ask a friend to film your performance so you can see what you did! i know how it is improvising (anything) on stage in front of a live audience. it´s all just a blur once you finish!

    keep up the great work! frida
    ps: do you see now why we coudn´t let you give up a couple of months ago?!?

  • RubyLynnOliver

    May 2, 2009 at 4:12 am

    Awww that sucks about the sisters. They suck. But it sounds to me that you kicked ass. I love how confident you are getting up there and do that.

  • pole-twista

    May 2, 2009 at 6:32 pm

    omg glitter i was so excited to see your pst contest update! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FAIR AND SQUARE WINNER!!! (remember cheaters never win ..and being a professional posing as an amateur IS cheating) i am sooo happy and excited for you! i iwsh i could see a vid! i have been wanting to do a contest forever! i was actually planning on doing 1 in a couple weeks ( not an amateur night at strip but pole tricks contest for $100 so could try to help out my mom w bills) but i just talked to the girl who told me about it and she has gone the last 2 times and not enough people showed up so they didnt even set up the poles! owell i am def going to look into Am night around here asap. think i will call today for details… hmm. look what you strarted! i hear you with wanting to work there just for a few months to pay bills. i just mentioned it to my bf earlier today as my stepfather got laid off and need to earn extra $$ to try and help, but already work a full and part time job. so the poles were slippery huh? ya i worried about that being a problem. could you bring a little towel with a small bottle of cleaner? were you able to request the music or you justhad to dance to what they were playing? i cant believe you have to pay the club to work there! imagine owing more than you make? wow that would suck. well now i am even more intrigued… anyone who works or has worked in a club any stories, advice, do’s/donts ect would be great to hear. at the moment i only know of strip clubs what i learned in my 2 trips, and what i see/read here, but if find out anything i think could be intresting or useful will post asap. again i am sooooo happy for you! hope you get a call back! keep us updated

  • lily

    May 3, 2009 at 12:19 am

    Glitter that’s so rad, sounds like you really rocked it – congrats cupcake, you should be so proud!

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