Forums Discussions Amateur Night tonight AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

  • Amateur Night tonight AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

    Posted by glitterhips on April 29, 2009 at 7:00 pm

    Ok I just tried to make my glam rock video and I had a HORRIBLE practice and horrible clips, and I had a whole long thing typed out here and I hit a button and it disappeared! I hope that’s not how amateur night goes tonight….

    Anyway Im not sure how many of you I told I’d be doing an amateur night but two weeks ago I found out about it and tonight is the night! I have two friends coming at least so I can’t chicken out…I’m sort of in denial about the whole thing until I actually get there. All I can do right now is sit here and wait!

    I’m not necessarily looking to win because I heard a lot of the girls are ex dancers or dancers looking to make quick easy money although I wouldn’t mind the $500 prize! I’m mostly concerned with hopefully being offered a job because I have a day job but I’m in tons of student loan debt I’d like to pay off sooner rather than later. I havent picked out an outfit yet or thought of a song or put a bag together..I’m just sitting here sort of being in denial about the whole situation.

    Does anyone have any tips? I’m mostly nervous I’ll try to go upside down on the pole and fall on my ass or something! Im not going to do any crazy pole tricks, just stuff I’m really comfortable with but I’m worried the performance anxiety will get to me and screw me up. I wish everyone from the site could come cheer me on…I’d be a lot less nervous!!!!!!!!!!!

    lily replied 15 years, 10 months ago 12 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • untamedshrew

    April 29, 2009 at 7:27 pm

    Ok, I don’t have any tips- just encouragement. Pretend you’re in Friday chat- cuz you sure weren’t nervous there! I’ve seen your vids; you got the moves and the attitude- go kick some ass!

  • Foxy_Rei

    April 29, 2009 at 7:36 pm

    Put a bag together??? What bag??? You’re starting to make me nervous about the one I’ll be going to because apparently I haven’t a clue how an amateur night works!!! Oi…

    But you’ll be fine, Glitter… I know we’re all acting so nonchalant about this meanwhile you’re panicking, but that’s because we all have faith in you and know you can do it! You’re a great dancer; just pretend you’re at home alone in front of your camera and have some fun! You’ll do wonderfully!

  • Fleur

    April 29, 2009 at 8:03 pm

    Glitter you will do great! Have FUN! I think the most important thing to remember in performance is to SLOW DOWN! You will go about twice as fast as you usually do because of nerves so just remember to take your time and you will do great and be safer too. Let us know how it goes!

  • drkfaery

    April 29, 2009 at 8:08 pm

    Glitter no need to be nervous, you’ll do great! I did a few amateur nights a while back and it’s really fun! You’re a sexy, classy dancer with a wonderful fun attitude and I’m sure they will all love you! My tactic was to pretend the audience wasn’t there and in doing this I kinda relaxed enough to enjoy the dance and get out a few smiles to the patrons (which earned me a couple of bucks Just know that your pole dancing family here will be rooting for you all the way! Go get um girl!!

  • yogabeachbabe

    April 29, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    Glitter, you’re going to be awesome. There’s no doubt about that!

    Have you been to the club before? Sometimes those stages aren’t really set up for pole dancing. If the tip rail is RIGHT THERE, be careful of kicking a customer or losing a shoe. I’ve only been to one amateur night and one competition, so here are some observations from my limited view:

    1) The girls who work there MAY not be that nice at first. I hope they are.
    2) It’s not the tricks that get the most money from customers, it’s your sense of confidence and fun. There are some dancers who earn big bucks and NEVER do an invert. They know how to work the crowd.
    3) Warn your friends to scream as loud as they can for you. The winner might be chosen by crowd noise and every yell counts.
    4) This is kind of a silly one, but: know the rules ahead of time. The amateur night my friend competed at hadn’t told her until right before she went on that she was required to be topless by the end of her first song and then completely nude by the end of her second song. Seemed like a lot of girls didn’t know that because there was some hopping around when it came time to take off the thong.
    5) Take your time: slower is better in a strip club.

    But most of all, have fun and enjoy the experience. I wish I could be there to cheer you on! You’ll be GREAT.

  • cbr600girl

    April 29, 2009 at 8:18 pm

    I love the way you dance. You have so much energy and spirit! You’ll do great. Hopefully your friends can find a way to take some pictures!

  • pole-twista

    April 29, 2009 at 9:49 pm

    omg! awesome! i have been wanting to do 1 forever! i know you’ll be great1 you have to spill the beans and let us know everything! GOOD LUCK!!!!

  • RoxyPink

    April 29, 2009 at 10:54 pm

    Good luck girl! You will do great! You def have the attitude to be on stage!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!!

  • azriel

    April 29, 2009 at 11:40 pm

    omg glitter that is soo awesome!! i wish i could go with you soo bad!! you’re gonna do great, the girls gave some good advice, and i completely agree with dancing slower than you’d think you should.. you’re a great dancer and you’re gonna do awesome! also if you feel nervous, don’t forget to just close your eyes and take 3 deep slow breaths before you go on, while reminding yourself how awesome you are.. good luck & can’t wait to hear how it went!!

  • Veena

    April 30, 2009 at 12:14 am
  • lily

    April 30, 2009 at 12:55 am

    Sending you positive, confident vibes Glitterhips! Just be yourself, you are a super charming girl! xoxo

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