Forums Discussions Another Greeting From Australia!

  • Another Greeting From Australia!

    Posted by MrsBoheme on October 26, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    Hi Hi!

    Just wanted to officially introduce myself, I think I avoided doing it before cause in my uni degree they make you "introduce yourself" on line for every subject…EVERY semester…

    But I decided this was SOOO much better and deserved and official "HELLO"….

    So, I have a dancing background (contemporary, jazz, funk, ballet) and danced for most of my life as I was looking at a performance carreer till I felt that the ‘industry’ was pretty heartless and I lost my joy… So… i then moved through a multitude of careers, helping people being my main desire, till I was advised to try psychology….to where I found…a bit of a home.. though the subjects are difficult to swallow, and there are a lot of theories I dont agree with…im hoping the end result makes me happy anyway… most days it feels like the right path and its helping my writing career passion also.

    So My husband and I moved so that i could be studying for the next 3-4 years (sigh… im getting too old for "uni" life…at a whole 27…LOL) and in the mean time I was really missing my "creative out" having had one for most of my life…

    And then I saw FELIX CANE… and my whole world changed… Dancing had always been the one thing that truely made me happy but I was too short for ballet, and too graceful/prim for funk and too uninspired for all jazz.. contemporary fit mey soul and my body really well…. but its impossible to find a contemporary class for an adult who hasn’t really done it in quite a few years… so when i discovered pole dancing…it was like it was built for my body (except for the long legs part..long legs really look rockin on the pole….sigh …again..)…I have always had crazy and slighly unfeminine upper body strength that has been easy to get back when its not been used for a while and I loved the idea of a sort of contemporary mash with pole…but im not there yet…

    My body is still a little chunky and lacks the flexibility and luster of its prime so it is my goal to (FINNALY) get my body to what I have always wanted and feel comforatble in a bikini by end of january… inclusive of finnally picking a sport/hobbie…. that will be with me untill my bones fall apart! And I truely feel like I have found a home in pole dancing…
    Though my ‘dance style’ has yet to reveal itself to me as i have yet to master enough moves to feel confident to create …’dance’ with.. I am really excited at the me that is going to pop out the other side of this journey…

    So anywho… thought Id give you guys a commited introduction! Hope I havn’t bored you, thank you for sharing your polling and I look forward to seeing more of you all (if only virtually) in the future…!

    Happy polling. xx


    Veena replied 15 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies

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