Another Pulled Groin Thread
I'm so upset! A few months ago I pulled my groin (I think) muscle while poling. I took a month or so off the pole to let it heal. Once the pain was completely gone, I started on the pole again and pulled the exact same spot! Then I let it heal, started poling and did it AGAIN!
I did some online research about pulled groin muscles. I don't think it's COMPLETELY torn, since it doesn't hurt when I walk or do day-to-day activities. It only hurts when I attempt to stretch or do moves that require leg flexy (such as the splits, invert V, etc.).
I'm so frustrated. Every time I think it's healed, I pull it again! What am I doing wrong? I warm up my muscles before each class, but I keep pulling my muscle.
I know I can't be the only one who's pulled a groin muscle poling. So, what did you all do to make it heal? How long did it take? I iced it a couple times a day for the first day or so after I pulled it. Should I be stretching or should I let it rest? My husband (who's an athelete) says I should put a heating pad on it. I'm so confused. I just want this injury to be GONE so I can get back on the pole. Please help!!!
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