Forums Discussions Another Pulled Groin Thread

  • Another Pulled Groin Thread

    Posted by AmazonLady on November 23, 2011 at 8:43 pm

    I'm so upset!  A few months ago I pulled my groin (I think) muscle while poling.  I took a month or so off the pole to let it heal.  Once the pain was completely gone, I started on the pole again and pulled the exact same spot!  Then I let it heal, started poling and did it AGAIN!  

    I did some online research about pulled groin muscles.  I don't think it's COMPLETELY torn, since it doesn't hurt when I walk or do day-to-day activities.  It only hurts when I attempt to stretch or do moves that require leg flexy (such as the splits, invert V, etc.).  

    I'm so frustrated.  Every time I think it's healed, I pull it again!  What am I doing wrong?  I warm up my muscles before each class, but I keep pulling my muscle.  

    I know I can't be the only one who's pulled a groin muscle poling.  So, what did you all do to make it heal?  How long did it take?  I iced it a couple times a day for the first day or so after I pulled it.  Should I be stretching or should I let it rest?  My husband (who's an athelete) says I should put a heating pad on it.  I'm so confused.  I just want this injury to be GONE so I can get back on the pole.  Please help!!!

    michaelaarghh replied 13 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • PaulettePoles

    November 24, 2011 at 4:44 am

    You should probably go see your doctor and let someone have a look at it. It may not be a muscle at all, but a tendon. Tendons take much longer to heal and may be why you are reexperiencing the pain after a few months of healing. They generally take about  1 1/2 years to heal completely. Keep us updated and I hope you feel better soon and that it is just the muscle!

  • Veena

    November 24, 2011 at 8:08 pm

    Awww thats so frustrating! Heat and foam rolling can do wonders!! I would see a dr as well.

  • lilblondie

    November 26, 2011 at 12:08 am

    As extreme as this sounds, I urge you to see a doctor. The worst they will tell you is that it’s fine. I worked/rested/iced through pain I thought was a groin pull for six months; turns out, it was a rip in the hip cartilage I’m having surgery for next week. My first doctor (when I finally went to see one) diagnosed me in five minutes. They won’t all tell you to rest and take ibuprofen. Get it checked out!

  • lilblondie

    November 26, 2011 at 12:10 am

    As extreme as this sounds, I urge you to see a doctor. The worst they will tell you is that it’s fine. I worked/rested/iced through pain I thought was a groin pull for six months; turns out, it was a rip in the hip cartilage I’m having surgery for next week. My first doctor (when I finally went to see one) diagnosed me in five minutes. They won’t all tell you to rest and take ibuprofen. Get it checked out!

  • AmazonLady

    November 27, 2011 at 7:39 pm

    Thanks so much, girls!!  I don't know why seeing a doctor hasn't even crossed my mind until now. I think I'm going to do that.  I'll let you know what he/she says!  🙂

  • michaelaarghh

    December 30, 2011 at 2:47 am

    I know this is a little late, but I thought I'd share my experience anyway, just in case anybody else needs any more information on it. 


    I referee football (soccer), and sustained a groin injury a few years ago from running the lines and turning too sharply. Verrrry painful. 

    I would highly recommend seeing a physio if you can. I kept trying to deal with it, but eventually ended up making the injury worse. It could be a tendon issue, or a muscle issue. I needed quite a bit of rehab on mine, mainly just deep tissue massages and plenty of heat treatments. But, if you can't afford to see a physio frequently, I would recommend going to an initial consult, and they can teach you exercises to strengthen the damaged muscles and stop it from happening again!


    How did you go at the dr's amazonlady?

  • michaelaarghh

    December 30, 2011 at 2:47 am

    I know this is a little late, but I thought I'd share my experience anyway, just in case anybody else needs any more information on it. 


    I referee football (soccer), and sustained a groin injury a few years ago from running the lines and turning too sharply. Verrrry painful. 

    I would highly recommend seeing a physio if you can. I kept trying to deal with it, but eventually ended up making the injury worse. It could be a tendon issue, or a muscle issue. I needed quite a bit of rehab on mine, mainly just deep tissue massages and plenty of heat treatments. But, if you can't afford to see a physio frequently, I would recommend going to an initial consult, and they can teach you exercises to strengthen the damaged muscles and stop it from happening again!


    How did you go at the dr's amazonlady?

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1 of 6 replies November 2011