Forums Discussions Another one from the UK :D

  • Another one from the UK :D

    Posted by Evie Bloom on January 20, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    Hi all, I'm so new this is my first post

    I live in Glasgow (from Birmingham originally) and have been poling for about a year at classes just once a week. I live in a nice (but rubbish for pole set up) flat  and am very excited that the x-stage lite has been created!  In a moment of madness I bought one because I just can't survive any longer without my very own pole to play on when ever I feel like it.

    I signed up here after seeing some challenge videos on YouTube which looked like fun. So far the layout is very different to any other forum I've been on, but I'm sure I'll find my way around eventually.

    I started pole dancing because I had wanted to try since I was 19 but the only classes by me at the time were in strip clubs and I was too shy, I am now 28 and kicking myself for not starting sooner! I love it!

    Evie Bloom replied 14 years ago 6 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Veena

    January 20, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    Welcome to the site! Yep we are a bit different then most forums, we created a fully functioning community site! Take online lessons, meet new friends and have FUN!

  • Evie Bloom

    January 21, 2011 at 6:57 am

    Thanks for the welcome 🙂

    I feel I should add, my pole has not arrived yet, it is still in the purchased stage. I am impatiently/excitedly awaiting its delivery. It is from a company I have dealt with before so I am confident it will get here eventually. I am hoping sooner rather than later!

  • lucifairy

    January 21, 2011 at 8:41 am

    Hii 😀

    Nice to see someone else from the UK!

    Im from Wales 🙂


  • Evie Bloom

    January 22, 2011 at 2:09 am

    Hello!  Do you go to lessons or just learn at home?

    I LOVE how much space you have for the pole in your display pic. Mine is going to be a little cramped when it gets here.

    I just figured anything that gets in the way can go… who needs furniture when you have a pole

  • lucifairy

    January 22, 2011 at 8:09 am

    Yo 🙂

    A combination lol 2 hours a week lessons and practise at home :p   How about u?

    My display pic is VERY deceiving hehe    My poleis in my grandparents dining room and in order to use it the table and everything has to be moved, i dont even have a mirror *sob*

    Oooo what room r u putting yours in?  Mirrors and everything?

    Bet you cant wait!! its sooo exciting when u get one,  u cnt walk past it without havin a cheeky swing haha 😀


  • Evie Bloom

    January 22, 2011 at 2:07 pm

    Thats loads more than me, I get an hour a week if I'm lucky at the moment and I am normally to tired from work to do much. Cant wait to just have a play when ever a weird burst of energy hits me.

    I am going to put the pole in my lounge, will need to take it down when drunk people are round as I dont want  people and poles getting damaged. Will probably just unscrew the pole bit and hide it or something! If it doesnt work out I shall try cramming it into the bedroom (where we have mirrored doors on the wardrobe). I dont have a mirror yet  for the lounge but am going to keep an eye out

    I always used to see them in skips and stuff but haven't for ages. If I cant find a cheeky free one I shall maybe get a cheapy argos/ikea mirror for about £10-20.

    I know people who have poles and dont use them much, I hope I stay addicted!

    What do your grandparents think of poling? 😀

  • lucifairy

    January 24, 2011 at 3:31 am

    An hour?!?! aw wow,  itll be so much better for you when you have your own.Especially when you just get a random idea for a move…can try it straight away

    Do you have lessons or teach yourself?

    LMAO oh dear drunk people and poles arent good, they all think theyre amazing,..until the beautiful pole gets scratched (or they get hurt as well obviously :p.

    My grandparents…welll,my grandad is coming around to the idea as is my nan…they cant watch though!! haha

    especially after i announced i want to drop out of uni, train up and become an instructor hehe

    is that you in your pic btw? x

  • polekitten09

    January 25, 2011 at 6:55 am

    My parents were a bit concerned at first but now they're really amazed by my pole dancing. My mum's gone from not wanting to talk about it to wanting pictures to show her friends!! So there's hope yet!

    My pole's in my kitchen which always gets a strange reaction. But it's in the dining area part of it and the lino is perfect underfoot when I move the furniture out the way.  I want to get rid of the table and chairs now though to save the hassle ; )

    Plus it's perfect for a quick burst as I wait for my porridge to cook in the mornings. Mostly this does end in me landing on a chair or table or a porridge volcano in the microwave ha ha!!



  • lucifairy

    January 25, 2011 at 11:17 am

    Haha aw wow, thats brill that your mum is so supportive 😀  My mums the same..its just the older generation :/  Ill convert them

    The kitchen?!?! 😀 haha thats brilliant   Perfect excuse to eat loads of junk food then burn it straight off again :p hehe


  • Audball

    January 25, 2011 at 11:20 am

    Welcome Lainey. Im Audrey, I'm in Dublin so not UK but near enough! You're so lucky to have an Xstage on the way! I have an xpert and its in the lounge of my 1 bed flat I share with my boyfriend – if I can make room for it, then so can you, lol! I have to move the couch and coffee table when Im using the pole – sometimes I just leave them there and dance around them if im feeling lazy!

    The forum layout has changed recently, i'm still finding it confusing but hopefully will get used to it soon!

  • Beautifulfreak

    January 25, 2011 at 2:04 pm

    Hiya! I am in Newcastle and new as hell to pole! lol waiting for mine to be delivered!!!

  • Evie Bloom

    January 27, 2011 at 12:55 pm

    lucifairy, yeah thats me, we have a pole party twice a year and that was my second time dancing in public. I was so nervous!

    Pole kitten, I'm still waiting for my mum to decide its cool, she mentions it to her friends but she still doesn't seem completely sold with the idea… Not told my dad yet, wouldn't know how to bring it up.


    Audball, you could work the obstacles into your dance… 😀

    Oh I will so make room for for the pole, even if I had to get rid of every single other piece of furniture!!! I had to order an x stage as my ceilings are really low suspended ones in rented accommodation I tried getting a normal pole but wasn't allowed to put it up and had to SEND IT BACK! I can't even begin to explain how gutted I was! it took me a year to save up and half credit card it but I figure I only live once, and I want to live poling!!


    Beautiful freak you are so lucky to be getting one right away!

  • Audball

    January 27, 2011 at 1:00 pm

    Yeah I have a vid on here where I danced around them, including my boyfriend, although managed to *accidentally* kick him once or twice!

  • polekitten09

    January 29, 2011 at 6:30 am

    Weirdly my mum seemed much better with me poling after Richard and Judy did something about it on their show. Like they're a moral barometer or something… 'Oh Richard and Judy say it's good for fitness – it must be fine!'  Lol!!!

  • Evie Bloom

    January 29, 2011 at 10:27 am

    I would love to see richard and judy have a go and not just feature it! Yay for making it socially acceptable though.

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