Any Dance Majors/Graduates??
I am going to try to audition to get into our dance program in June, she said it depends on how many try out, but about 1/3 are accepted.
I don’t have much dance training, she said that’s fine, they’ll see how well I can follow instruction at the audition, "The audition consists of classes in modern or jazz and ballet technique, followed by the completion of a writing exercise that asks students to express and specify their personal artistic interests," –plus a 1 minute audition dance solo.
I’ve taken some ballet classes, when I was young and in college. Footwork is my weakness.
I’ve always hoped to choreograph, but of course you have to know your dance and be a real dancer to do that https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif I started pole because it looked so fun, and I’ve always wanted to do Cirque du Soleil.
What do most dance graduates DO for a living?
I’m doing it partly because I’m hoping it will help my health with the constant moving.Thanks https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
milwaukee, wi
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