Forums Discussions Any tips for incredibly dry hands??

  • Any tips for incredibly dry hands??

    Posted by peachymama on January 26, 2020 at 7:52 pm

    Hi all,

    I’ve been poleing for about a year, but I struggle with really dry hands. Nearly all grip products are for sweaty hands, and the couple that I have used are really tacky – itac2, which is great for climbing but I have to wash it off before doing spins as I can’t move otherwise, and Dew Point which just doesn’t seem to work for me anymore. I’m trying to moisturise more and I do drink lots of water, but the dry skin, especially my hands, is really setting me back from really simple moves. I’m also working on my grip strength to try and improve that to eliminate the need for any grip aids?
    Help?? It’s ruining my confidence when my class is moving forward and I’m slipping out of an invert due to dry hands!
    Thanks in advance

    Veena replied 5 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Veena

    January 27, 2020 at 2:58 am

    I have cold dry hands 🖐️🖐️ I moisturize often all day.

    For pole I use a homemade dew point mix then add Mighty Grip powder over the top. Nice and tacky with out getting slick like itac. I can’t use either product on their own, but together they work great.

    Works for other areas of the body too!

  • peachymama

    January 27, 2020 at 9:57 pm

    Wow, thanks, that’s really interesting. So glad it’s not just me with the unbelievably dry hands. Even my teacher is shocked at my inability to grip unless my mitts are almost clammy.
    I’ve just ordered the Dew Point ultra to give that a go but will definitely try a mix of that and the powder to see how that goes. And lots more grip exercises! I need to be inverting with confidence that I can grip and not slip!

  • Veena

    January 28, 2020 at 12:59 am

    Here’s the recipe for the Dew point

    2 tbsp Vegetable Glycerin
    4 tbsp Water
    1 tsp Vodka, as preservative

  • peachymama

    January 28, 2020 at 8:18 pm

    This is great. Can’t believe how simple the ingredients are! And how expensive the real thing is!! Will definitely give this a go. Really struggled in class again last night and it’s frustrating as I know what I’m doing but just have no grip. Excited to find a solution.

  • Veena

    January 28, 2020 at 8:20 pm

    Let me know if it works for you!

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