Forums Discussions Anyone else stuck in a pole rut?

  • Anyone else stuck in a pole rut?

    Posted by glitterhips on April 5, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    So I was stuck in a pole rut about a month ago and started lifting weights at the gym and then was able to get a lot of moves I was trying for a while and a few I had never ever tried..and now I’m stuck again! I’ve been trying the SM for ages and I can hold myself up but can’t get my butt over my head…I feel my abs working to try get my booty over the pole but they just won’t go and I’m frustrated.

    I guess I just need to hit the weights again which definitely worked last time because I feel myself getting stronger but I’ve been working 9 hour days lately and after standing and running around for 9 hours the last thing I want to do is go to the gym so I’ve been having a really hard time being motivated but I guess I have to just push myself to get there and think about the benefits. I feel like I really shouldnt be making excuses since I know a lot of people here have kids and families and I’m sure it’s even harder for you girls to find time to pole and work out…all I have to worry about is myself so it’s sad I can’t get my butt to the gym more often!

    Anyone else going through this? I’ m not as frustrated as I was when I made the post about quitting poling because I know I can do it if I try…I’m just feeling all blah-ish right now.

    RoxyPink replied 15 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Foxy_Rei

    April 5, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    I haven’t been really stuck in a rut yet (I’ve only been doing this for a month, so I dunno if I’ll make you feel any better ). However, I’ve had maybe what you could call mini-ruts; I’d go for a few days not accomplishing anything new or not being able to pole much at all. This really sucked because up until recently really all I could do were a few spins and a basic invert! It’s frustrating seeing all the things that you could accomplish and just not being able to do them.

    I dunno if this would work for you but I’ll suggest it anyway: Have you ever tried writing down your pole goals??? It sounds cheesy but the object of it is just to get you thinking. Just sit down with some videos and make a list of all the things you would like to try – anything from simple transitions to the monkey drop that you said you’d like to do. Then just start going through the list. Shoulder mount is a no-go today, but I also tried "____" and either got it or made some progress. Try working on several things at once and you’re bound to get some of it and make you feel like you’re accomplishing something; and the different moves may also help strengthen your body subtly and when you go back to the problem moves, you’ll be able to do them because you’re stronger.

    Like I said, may not work for you… just remember that you’re great at what you do and you can do whatever you may like to. You bounced back from "pole depression" so this is just a bump in the road The inspiration will hit you sooner or later!

  • glitterhips

    April 6, 2009 at 2:41 pm

    This is a really good idea…I need to make a concrete paper list instead of the unorganized one I keep in my head! My practices are just all over the place so maybe if I have some structure I can get some things accomplished. I also think I need a list of things to do at the gym and I need to find some way to reward myself (not with food!) for going to the gym 6x a week like I’m supposed to be doing. But I will definitely try this I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it…thanks Jacq!

  • cbr600girl

    April 10, 2009 at 9:14 pm

    I am stuck in a pole rut big time! I just got it a cople weeks ago and I can do some of the basic spins. I can’t pole up. Apparently I have no upper body strength so I’ve been doing weights and push ups. Doesn’t seem to be helping. I am also having trouble with my hands slipping and being too scared to try some stuff. I’m a wuss!

  • lily

    April 10, 2009 at 10:08 pm

    Glitterhips I could have written your exact post! I am pretty frustrated right now too…..I’ve been really working on the Reverse Grab and I seriously need to bulk up my arm strength – I suck! I also got some pretty gnarly bruises from going out pole dancing with my girlfriends last weekend and I’m just feeling kinda spent. I have been thinking about taking a break from the pole for maybe a week and focus on stretching and strength exercises.

  • RoxyPink

    April 10, 2009 at 11:25 pm

    Glitter I hate to see that your in a rut! I know it is frustrating. I think the idea about writing down your pole goals is a fantastic idea! I do this but it is usually on a stick-it note at work…when I should be focusing on my projects!:) I also find that I start going into a rut when I don’t allow myself to take a few days off and let my body and MIND recouperate! when you take time off you can replay moves in your mind…remember learning new things is physical but also mental. Your sm was great and you are a wonderful dancer!

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