› Forums › Discussions › Anyone ever launch themselves off pole?
yeah it was because of those boots I tried a shoulder dismount for the first time, a failed attempt I might add.
I'm laughing right because I just saw your december challenge!
It was so cute! I love the background. Impressive pole dismount, lol!
Ok-I think I'm just going to start posting my videos even if I moonwalk around the pole and do my quasimodo dance sometimes. This inspired me!
That should be the next Monthly Challenge! How unsexy can you be on the pole?
polergirl I did the same but from an elbow grip straight edge v attempt, lost my balance and fell right backwards and down! I thought it was going to be a very painful/dangerous fall, I remember thinking that at the point where I was falling back, but I ended up sitting on my butt and there was no pain, winding or any ill effect… suffice to say I am a bit more careful now lol
Good thing it was a "good" fall for you, Shellectra! I did the same–was trying to go from an embow grip straight edge to an arch–and fell about 6' onto my back. Almost blacked out. That was probably 6 months ago, and only in the past month has everything felt like it's back in the correct alignment!
omg akkis!! i must have been lucky!! i remember landing on my butt (in a sitting position with knees bent and my arms still above my head) maybe my hands stayed attached to the pole longer than I thought and eased the fall impact!
This is a great thread and thanks Veena for the video. I watch too many you tube videos of everyones amazing things and it makes you start to feel a bit ho hum – a great reminder from you that everyone makes mistakes! I was doing a spinning move on a static pole that all of a sudden lost it's static and went into spin mode and launched me seriously onto my backside a couple of metres away. Bruised bottom and pride, but no long term damage!
Not really a launch, but yesterday I did the advanced plank for the first time and while I rejoiced I failed to think of a way out and fell on my bum. Not that high up though so no harm done.
Then I tried the star again and it went well until I started to revolve and spun out of my hand grip and crashed hard. I expected bruises from that one but haven't found any.
Trying to take my hand off in the rockstar spin… did a 3 bounce landing across the floor on my booty. Thank goodness for the padding!
I landed flat on my back, which was probably good because it spread out the impact. And my ponytail cushioned my head 🙂 I still can't believe I didn't break anything or do more damage!
Worst I've done is when I was learning about the CKR the first time, and I slipped right off the pole and hit the floor…hard! I landed on my lower back, which normally would sound bad, but my back is so crazy strong from carrying a backpack for most of my life, it didn't hurt me at all.
It did, however, wake my roommate, who was sleeping on the couch. He woke up, mumbled something at me about being okay, and when he confirmed I was fine, he fell asleep again.
Not too long after, I did achieve the CKR!
I recently fell from a plain old reverse handstand. I lost my balance and experienced a painful face dive. I had a black eye for a week (I`m sure people thought I had been physically assaulted or something like that :-|). It was a major reminder for me to be very careful and in control at all time.
My two best falls:
Doing gemini/scorpio leg switches at my birthday party in front of a dozen friends. Missed the pole entirely and WHAM on my back!
Teaching a class, standing in the middle of the floor in heels just talking. Lost balance, feet flew out from under me, WHAM on my ass!
Apparently I only fall with an audience!
One of my first scorpio handstand attempts. I was having a hard time finding the balance point, I got my legs off the pole and fell over backwards, twisting my back as my body went around the pole…not very graceful! I didn't hurt myself badly though I was sore for a couple days. Advil to the rescue! 😉
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