Forums Discussions Anyone had a good cleanse lately?

  • Anyone had a good cleanse lately?

    Posted by Glaminatrix on May 11, 2011 at 7:27 pm

    I've never found a cleanse I stick to but like to try different things. Nothing too extreme, alot of cleanses include the same kinds of basics, like only fruits and veg plus whatever. I try to cleanse every 1-2 seasons. Just wondering what anyone else has been doing cleansing-wise. My last cleanse was the master cleanse which didn't work too well :\ lol

    Deesse Jesse replied 13 years, 9 months ago 13 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Glaminatrix

    May 11, 2011 at 7:29 pm

    and by "stick to" i meant do more than once, not "stick to" as in finished lol. I don't want you guys to think I never got through one :))

  • MichelleH

    May 12, 2011 at 3:16 am

    Interesting, a friend and I are considering doing a detox next week. Not sure what we're going to do though.

  • Lyme Lyte

    May 12, 2011 at 6:36 am

    Get a Clonic cleansing. I hear they are great.

  • chemgoddess1

    May 12, 2011 at 7:03 am

    Is there a reason that you are doing a cleanse?  And unless you know exactly what you are doing with a colonic they should NEVER be done.  After a colonic you have to replace what is washed away or your intestinal tract will have even more issues because not only the pH but the chemistry (bacteria) are way out of whack.


    Most people believe that cleanses will help them lose weight but much of this is hype put out by companies trying to make money.  If you want to detox, start eating right.  You will go through a period where you feel ill and quite possibly will break out but it will eventually clear. 


    Unless you have been on antiobiotics or antifungals for an extended period of time there is absolutely no reason to put yourself through such a thing.

  • Yogini

    May 12, 2011 at 10:58 am

    How funny, I am at the end of a Master Cleanse myself! I only do 3 days and I do it maybe twice or thrice a year. It's usually after I've been eating unhealthy foods for a while and I want to jump-start my body back into healthy food choices. I only go for 3 days because I've heard it's the minimum for detox benefits.

    Chemmie is right- cleanses won't make you lose a lot of weight and eating a healthy diet (mostly veggies, fruits and whole grains) is the best thing to do. When I cleanse for 3 days, I lose about 6 lbs, but I gain back 4-5 in the days following completion, which I'm totally okay with. But I find that my stomach has shrunk so I feel full faster. Plus, it helps me identify my unhealthy food patterns (like how often I want to snack) and keeps me from wanting to eat unhealthy things after. It's so strange to chew food when you haven't had solids for 3 days. It really helps me be mindful of what I put in my mouth.

    Cleanses, fasts especially, can be dangerous. In the past, I've started the MC and stopped after a day because something just felt off. Plus, it's always smart to consult with a doctor and/or nutritionist.

    If you've tried the MC and don't like it, I would suggest just a plain ol' juice or raw food cleanse. I don't have any to recommend though…

    Just listen to your body 🙂


  • Mechie

    May 12, 2011 at 11:36 am

    I drink Almased and I only do it for a week (first 2 days you only drink the shake after that replace 2 meals a day with the shake.)

    I lose maybe 7-10lbs per cycle and I don’t gain them back unless I start eating crap food continuously again…pizza…burgers…cheese…ice-cream…and did I mention ice-cream???

    But, have to say…it’s TOUGH! I get all sorts of weird cravings when I’m on that diet!

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    May 12, 2011 at 11:56 am

    I just did a 30 day cleanse and renew program. I used nature secret's Super Cleanse, along with probiotics, omega 3s, multivitamin, HGH supplement, Valerian root extract, Bach's Rescue Remedy, and drank BoltHouse Green Juice 2x a day.

    Side note, I ate regular meals, just cut out all fast food, fried items, and tried to avoid eating much meat when I could. I am ok with doing cleanses, but they should be gentle on your body. I agree that there is no good reason to stop eating for 3 days while taking loads of pills. Very shocking to the system, and generally any weight lost is just water weight.

  • Glaminatrix

    May 12, 2011 at 1:07 pm

    I really don't find these cleanses effective for losing wieght, I know the scale moves but that's not what I'm after. Results that I have had and would like again is glowing skin, clearer head, more energy. I couldn't do a fast because I HAVE to eat right now as I'm trying to gain muscle.  Another thing is I'm trying to quit smoking (day 2 today and kick coffee. I'm trying to substitute green tea for the coffee. I just figured a cleanse would help the process.

  • Yogini

    May 12, 2011 at 1:18 pm

    3ver, Congratulations on two days! That's great

    I'm no nutrition expert, but I would look into a meal plan with a balance of lots of fresh organic veggies and fruits, whole grains, nuts, lean meats or, if you're vegetarian or vegan, tofu, seitan, and tempeh. And drink a LOT of water.

    Also, you might want to try hot yoga. It really helps release toxins that have been building up.


    Way to go for making these changes. It's not easy!

  • Sair

    May 12, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    Hiya ladies 🙂

    I can't say that i've done a "cleanse" per say, but I am doing a stripped down plan at the moment to tone up and build some muscle so that I have an easier time with pole tricks (as well as fit into my bikinis in the summer) 😉

    Cutting out dairy, sugar and breads has helped IMMENSELY!  I've quite literally never had abs before.. in the history of EVER! and they're starting to peek out so i'm stoked!

    I'm posting a 100 days of "fit" album right now.

    Focus on eating healthy lean proteins, whole veggies and whole fruit. Nix those sugary juices, heavy breads, pastas and milk and you won't need a cleanse 😉

    Cleanses tend to knock everything out of your body, both the bad stuff and the good stuff. Be careful! 🙂

  • Veena

    May 12, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    The only thing I cleanse is my face. Please be careful if your trying a Cleanse Sair is right it gets read of the good stuff. I say all things in moderation and drink lots of water.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    May 12, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    I've done this detox before and I was happy with it. I have a lot of digestive problems and I found it helped. I did both the Toxin Out and Colonix detox at the same time. It was awesome. 🙂

  • Briannabohannah

    May 12, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    My pole bestie Abbie just did the Organic Pharmaceys detox. You eat while on it with an extreme focus on clean eating, it comes with a variety of vitamins and tinctures to take as well. She had great sucess while on it, kicked some yucky habits, claims to have more energy, and I can tell its done amazing things for her skin. I can get you more info if you want, I picked up their booklet as I was planning on doing it at the beginning of June.

  • Sair

    May 13, 2011 at 10:07 am

    Oh oh oh, quick tip if you're detoxing to clear up your skin! Squeeze half of a lemon worth of lemon juice into a mug, add boiling water and drink (once it's cooled a bit obviously).  Drink this everyday, first thing when you wake up in the morning.

    Good for the liver, cleans up the skin as lemon acts as a toner. Also, stimulates the bowels and keeps you regular 😉

    Cheap and painless…unless you burn your tongue 🙁

  • LizzyLiz810

    May 13, 2011 at 11:59 am

    I just ordered a full body cleanse from Blessed Herbs yesterday. It was $300, so i hope it works! I am doing it to feel better, and if i lose weight that would be nice, but its not the main reason for it. Ive read alot of good things about it and its supposedly the best on the market. I will let u know how it goes. 

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