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Anyone know the best Flexibility dvds?
Posted by Nerdybabe89 on April 15, 2016 at 4:31 pmLooking for some good dvds to go from not flexible to flexible as fast as possible and as safe as possible!
Elyse Hauke replied 8 years, 10 months ago 13 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
Hey there!
Unfortunately for most of us, “fast” and “safe” are sort of mutually exclusive when it comes to flexibility training. Growing your flexibility takes time- Alethea Austin talks about how it took her 5 years of very consistent practice to get her splits!
I would recommend the lessons on here, as Veena is great about things like proper alignment and safety. I would also say that Alethea Austin’s DVD’s are quite good as well.
Personally, I enjoy yoga for my flexibility goals. It is tough enough and meditative enough that I stay interested and stick with it as a practice, with consistency, and I am seeing myself becoming more flexible.Mainly, find something that you can stick with. And, please, never stretch to the point of pain.
Hey thanks yeah i know it takes lots of time but I remember doing valentino brothers dvds u seemed to find results fairly fast. I just didnt know if there were any other dvds out there to switch it up …. I was debating on cleo the hurricane one but i havent heard much about it!
Do the lessons here or fit and bendy DVDs. There is no fast way but these are the safest ways. I don’t recommend alethea if you are new to flexibility. Not a very informative DVD for someone starting out
Members seem to like the flowmotion routine and the 30 days to flexy is great too! The promises of quick flexibility sounds great but overall you want consistency and proper training. This fb live talkes a bit about my thoughts on stretching and flexibility.
You’ll get way more content than a dvd with the lessons here as well.
I agree with Phoenix, I have Alethea DVDs and don’t like them. Some sections are really advanced and she uses some techniques that are very risky (ballistic for example). And I dislike the music. Cleo’s Rocking Leg and Abs is OK, at least it’s more fun, even though there is risky business there too. I like her Back is the New Black much better, it’s the best from what I know. Besides back and shoulders, this one has a good section for hip flexors, so if you add hamstring stretching, you’ll have side splits as well. In my opinion, most programs neither warm you up enough nor hold the stretches long enough.
I always liked Veena’s lessons, I need to get back on that wagon when I can.
Her lessons are seriously best for a lot of things… I think I took it for granted for a long time, because her videos were some of the 1st ones I watched. As I branched out and saw more and more of what was out there and it can be seriously concerning.
With that being said, here are some of the things I have/did…
I did not like the AA dvd myself. I went to a friends house to stretch and she popped in the DVD, I don’t own it, and I only did it the once. I will agree of what was said about ballistic stretching… but also I feel like the production value is poor. I’m such a stickler for things like that. Sometimes there is a countdown on the screen, sometimes there isn’t. Sometimes she tells you she is switching sides, sometimes if you don’t look up you’ll miss it! I also think the order was somewhat strange…. like from what I remember you do your splits first, then later you’d do a hamstring stretch, or something of that nature. I don’t remember.
Fit & Bendy… I have both flexibility DVDs. I like them both. The 1st one was more of the traditional stretching DVD and a little less of a strength building DVD. The 2nd has more of those active flexibility exercises that leave your muscles screaming.
Maddie Sparkles Middle’s digital download. I got this for my birthday… and I like it. It’s not a DVD you follow along with. It’s more like a series of stretches. You can watch the exercise/stretch and then pause it and do it, and the resume… Which I suppose you can do with any DVD, but I like working at my own pace, so I kind of like this.
I bought a used copy of Cleo’s RL&A but I haven’t tried it yet… I heard its very active, and I never seem to have the energy to even start it. I really like stretching after my shower at night and prefer a more meditative stretch.
I think when I get back on the lessons I’m going to try Veena’s 30 day flexy program. It seems really well laid out…
I have tried the AA DVDs, a couple of Cleo DVDs, random youtube videos and the lessons on this site.
Veena’s lessons are by far the most in depth and easy to follow. The stretches are well explained in their own lessons and then there are full routines that you can follow. The lessons tell you exactly which muscles you’re stretching and gives tips on what not to do. Veena also shows alternatives if you need to reduce the intensity and you can leave comments on the video if you have questions about what you should be doing.
As Allyson said the AA DVDs aren’t the best. I have all her DVDs from years ago because I love her style but I wouldn’t use them to learn from or practice along with. The missing count down is a huge issue for me, the amount of times I missed cues or stretches because I wasn’t staring at the screen the whole time. Also a few years ago I injured myself with the straddle leg drops and high kicks.
Cleos Rockin’ Legs and Abs DVD is a good workout and I really enjoy them for that and you get a pretty good stretch at the end. The music in this one is my favourite and it’s a really fun lower body routine for when squats get boring but the stretching section is only short. It’s very high energy though so I can’t do it on days that I pole.
Since I can’t go to a class and don’t have good Internet I have the dvd’S from Fit and Bendy. I have really done well with them.
Yep, the lessons here and fit and bendy DVDs have given me the results I have now. I was not flexible when I started almost 3 years ago
I’m not adding anything new here, but I agree with others who have recommended Veena’s lessons. Also, I have an Althea Austin DVD, I watched/used it once, but as others have said, the combination of ballistic stretches and not-great cuing turned me off. Especially the ballistic stretches.
In addition to the flexibility lessons here and the Fit and Bendy DVDs, I recommend the Valentino Brother’s Flexibility series DVDs. The ones I have are not the best quality production wise but the content is really good.
I will always recommend Veena’s lessons as she is a source for some of the best information around. I can also suggest the Valentino Brothers DVDS and have also very much enjoyed the Elastic steel series. While these videos lack high production values, they certainly deliver in quality flexibility training for the whole body. I also have a great playlist of some really good videos on youtube if finances don’t permit. I am more than happy to share it, if you are interested.
It really depends on the person. I have Elastic Steel and he’s really good; he has a slightly new internet version where you can download it’s called Easy Flexibility and wow you get some range of motion. It’ll take a little while to get used to the motion and the movements, but you get some great stretching. Alethea has one Felix Cane has one which is like a major workout in it’s self. You will be sweating. Veena has her 30 day to flexibility, Then there is the video series from BeSpun as well and Cleo’s. I have fit and bendy as well. However one of the best advice that I have gotten for getting flexible was to take a hot bath or shower before you stretch and wear warm clothes and to just be patient with yourself.
Hellcat, Thank you for offering to share your list, I would be extremely interested if you don’t mind.
vegaspole89- I will be happy to post a link. I just looked and realized my videos are spread out over 2 different accounts. I will organize it and post it in the next day or two.
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