Forums Discussions Aysha…split grip vs. forearm grip vs. elbow grip

  • Aysha…split grip vs. forearm grip vs. elbow grip

    Posted by dustbunny on March 21, 2011 at 2:10 pm

    I always thought forearm grip would be the most stable, but I surprised myself today by doing a split grip Aysha during my practice.  I am having a hard time feeling confident in the forearm grip and I am much to chicken to try the elbow yet, lol.

    So my question to all you is this, which grip do you find most vs. least secure and is this just one of those things that everybody finds different or is there a "standard" of what should be learned first?

    Sarahb69 replied 12 years, 11 months ago 24 Members · 40 Replies
  • 40 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    March 21, 2011 at 2:17 pm

    For me it is difficult to get proper positioning for me to do a forearm grip aysha.  You get any distance from the pole you need to be able to put your spine into a non-neutral position unless you have great side splits.  I don't think this is the greatest grip for this move at all.  I have yet to conquer inverted split grip.  I can butterfly and extend it without issue but just cannot seem to get the balance needed for this.

  • dustbunny

    March 21, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Have you tried looking up at your feet Chemgoddess? 

    I generally focus my gaze on my bottom hand or the floor for moves like butterfly and extended butterfly, and I was doing that when I first tried to take my legs off, but like you said I was having balance issues.  Then I remembered hearing Poledancefan getting the suggestion to look UP towards your feet instead of down for split grip Aysha, and I found it much easier. 🙂

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    March 21, 2011 at 5:02 pm

    I've been working on the elbow grip lately… Not sure if its the easiest out of them all but I doubt im strong enough for split grip fully extended aysha just yet… I find the elbow grip pretty secure actually… Its very similar to what I was doing for the caterpillar climb anyway. Its just the slipping from being sweaty thats been frustrating me… also I want to learn to do more impressive things with my legs once im holding myself off from the pole in the elbow grip. I would LOVE to get split grip! I would particularly love to get split grip from the cartwheel/kick up from the floor – I just think it looks so dramatic and cool 😀 Yeah I'd be interested to know if there was a certain order or method in which we should be learning these moves… I really really dont want to try split grip and then fall on my face :I lol

  • heathalynne

    March 21, 2011 at 5:25 pm


    In order of preference, forearm grip, elbow grip, split grip. I'm still working on elbow to make it stronger. I could only do elbow once in a while at home. And with split, I'm too chicken to do it without knowing there's a spot to catch me. LOL! I could only do split at the studio. I guess b/c I push out a lot where my arms are a 90 degree angle. I do the same as chem, go into from extended butterfly, with the side of my knee touching the pole first, not my ankle. Then rotate. Balance is easier that way.


    @dustbunny – I keep telling myself that. Lol! Set your gaze else where except THE FLOOR. But that floor just keeps staring at me. LOL! I do find it easier to do when I gaze at the mirror. Will try looking at my feet next time. Thanks!

  • EvaRut

    March 21, 2011 at 6:43 pm

    I can do both split grip and forearm grip without problems but I find the forearm grip more stable and I can hold myself steadier for longer.

    Im too scared to try the elbo grip.

    I was actually tought split grip and was made use it alot when I first started pole classes. I think was lucky not to get any problems from it. My sister took the same classes and had to quit after 2 weeks because of forearm and wrist problems and she could barely use her hands at all for some time. 

    Anyways enough about that.

    I really want to learn the elbow grip. It has been on my list of things to learn for a realy long time but I have only almost really tried it and always chicken out.


  • Veena

    March 21, 2011 at 7:02 pm

    Love Forearm, then Split grip, Elbow grip is ok.

    The technique is slightly different for all of these grips when doing an "aysha" or what I call a "straight edge V". From what I have noticed, taller dancers tend to feel more secure in the forearm grip, you don't have to lean out and away from the pole like you do in the elbow grip variation.

    The order I teach it in forerm or elbow (which ever is comfy) then Split grip. 

  • Shellectra

    March 21, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    I love this thread cos I am currently working on all of these! Over the last few days I got my elbow grip straight edge or straight edge v, and I suddenly find it more secure and more fun than the forearm grip! But I am weird cos I feel more stable once I am away from the pole more (go figure..). 

    Split grip though still eludes me 🙁 🙁 Which confuses me cos I can do elbow grip so well, you would think having 2 gripping hands on the pole would be easier? I invert up and then I bring the inside hand down and push myself up into a caterpillar, then I push my butt away from the pole and as soon as I take my legs off I drop right down, so split grip hates me 🙁 Although I can go from a cradle into extended butterfly and hold that for ages (split grip) yet can't do split grip with legs off 🙁 I hope it comes with time!

  • Veena

    March 21, 2011 at 7:29 pm

    @ Shellectra your not weird at all! If your doing the elbow grip right you will feel nice and secure as you move away from the pole. As a taller dancer, you have to move very far away to get that secure feeling so this I think is why some dislike it at first. The split grip is very difficult and you shouldn't expect to go right from the elbow/forearm to suddenly learning the Split grip. Give your self some time

  • Shellectra

    March 21, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    Thanks heaps!!! Very helpful and I didn't realize there was a big step between forearm/elbow grip and split grip, just another challenge to work on yay!! 🙂

  • LittleC

    March 21, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    This is a great thread! Veena, forearm grip has been a tough one for me – so hearing that taller dancers prefer it makes sense! I don't know if my little alligator arms have enough stability for me in this move. 🙂

  • azriel

    March 21, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    The one tip that i find helps in understanding the forearm is to turn your top arm as you pull up into your caterpillar, so that the pole rests a bit in your inner elbow. It's not just your forearm that touches the pole. Some people only turn their wrist.. but you have to twist your whole arm so that you get a good stable grip, while not straining the wrist. Also make sure that your index fingers on both hands are pointing down towards the floor! Hope this makes sense 🙂

  • Shellectra

    March 21, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    What helped me get the aysha too was pushing up and to the side of the pole, I began by pushing straight up and would just come back down! Pushing the butt up and to the side of the lower arm helped me balance and realize what to do

  • megs982

    March 21, 2011 at 10:15 pm

    For some reason…I can do great (maybe bc i am short) at the elbow grip. Im not a fan of the forearm grip..and just now barley being able to get the split grip…(took me a extra 4mths of straight poling to do so) I agree i think it all depends on your body shape/size on what feels more secure

  • Cinara

    March 21, 2011 at 11:51 pm

    I learnt a forearm grip first, but my ability to do it is highly seasonal. I tend to have sweaty hands and I slip more in this grip. So I can do it in winter but not in summer. I think it's because I can't get my hips as far from the pole, so there is more force running parallel to the pole, and I'm more reliant on hand friction. It seems that for my sweaty hands, the further I can get my body from the pole, the less slip I have. Plus, if I do slip, I'll flip over onto my feet instead of sliding down the pole head first.

    My elbow grip is slightly better than a forearm grip in the summer, but there's still the same problem of not being able to get my body as far from the pole.

    The easiest grip for me is the twisted split grip, as you can see in my profile pic. I can hold it for over 10 seconds (I usually get bored and start trying different stuff from there which is how I lose my balance). Veena, I promise I'm very careful with it, never kick up, don't practice excessively, stretch forearms, etc. 🙂

    I just got a split grip jacknife and can push into a straightedge for a few seconds (yay!) No aysha for me yet thanks to my injured hip. Once I've practiced the split grip a bit more I think I'll like it much better than the other grips. Yeah, it's been a long hard road to get any balance in it, but I suspect once I get it it will be more secure and less subject to the vagaries of the weather. Plus handsprings and cartwheels!

  • stardust

    March 22, 2011 at 1:21 am

    This is an interesting thread, everyone has their favorite grip!  For aysha, I started with: forearm grip –> elbow grip –> split grip.  I find going from forearm / elbow grips to split grip takes much longer time.

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