Forums Discussions BAD DAY-Powder Coat Issues and Lost Tricks

  • BAD DAY-Powder Coat Issues and Lost Tricks

    Posted by AriFerrari on January 7, 2014 at 5:55 pm

    Had my pole powder coated by a friend’s husband who sprays motorcycles and cars. I had him spray the entire pole, taking off the adjuster cover that hides the pole’s adjustment threads when extended to paint that and the pole underneath. The adjuster cover cannot fit over the base anymore due to the slight amount of diameter that has been added from the paint to the slightly thinner base at the bottom. I’ve spoken with him and he is going to strip that part and either thin it out enough that the cover can fit properly over or take it back down to the “chrome”, which will never be exactly the same and buff it out.

    It was a miscommunication, as he hadn’t seen exactly how that part locked into place before I brought it to him for painting and I brought it dissambled. I’m not mad at him and he’s being really concerned and dedicated to fixing it. I’m just really nervous that I’ve screwed up the integrity of my NEW pole forever…

    Additionally, I haven’t even talked to him about my concerns with the finish’s texture. Texture being the key issue, instead of being glossy my pole has a smooth but dimpled texture all over. I read online this is called “orange peel” and takes a bunch of work to correct. It is similar to that of outdoor metal structures that are weather treated (if that makes sense). I’m going to talk with him about it tomorrow when he comes to take a look at the adjuster issue for repair.

    Does anyone else’s powder coated pole have a slight texture? I can put my pole up and it’s operational, aside from the exposed threads about six-nine inches up from the bottom due to the missing adjuster cover. I could spin and do the tricks I tried on my pole, I just don’t love the grainy feeling. Yet, I’m afraid to even bother asking him to tamper with it anymore than I already have had him do.

    Aside from all the powder coating issues, the practice I forced myself to have so I could see if the new finish was useable was completely discouraging. I bought a 45 mm in hopes it would also improve grip (upgraded from a 50). I was having an awful time with anything Scorpio/inside thigh, couldn’t find security in Jade, and could barely hold my embrace. These struggles felt mostly like an issue with the smaller pole size, I just felt like I had nothing to hold! Will this get better as I adjust to the smaller diameter? Anyone else had this same problem with diameter changes?

    It doesn’t help that I’m really out of practice and it’s the coldest day of the year here in NC so far, so I couldn’t warm up sufficiently and could barely work up the slightest sweat.

    I’m so sad, I “upgraded” my pole in hopes that it would get me out of my pole rut and now I feel even worse than before 🙁 I’m feeling so upset and discouraged today. Sorry for a long post of venting, but not many other people could understand why a compromised pole and shitty practice has me in tears.

    Lyme Lyte replied 11 years, 1 month ago 7 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • SToast

    January 7, 2014 at 8:20 pm

    Bummer about the adjuster cover not fitting. Guess the only way to have avoided that would have been to unscrew the adjuster from the base pole and left it chrome. Hopefully he’ll be able to strip the powder coat off for you.

    I can’t answer about the texture thing because I’ve never been on a powder coated pole. I have had my grooming shears all powder coated though and they don’t have a texture. But I get what you are saying because my parrot cage is powder coated and is the “orange peel” texture you mentioned. My only thought is it might end up providing more grip than you would like.

    As for diameter. I find hand holds easier on a 45mm but any thigh holds I find harder on a smaller diameter pole. I stuck with the 50mm for that reason. I have fairly big hands so strengthening my grip was the easier answer for me. But it seems like the majority of people here like the 45mm so I think you’ll be able to rock the new diameter.

    Good luck with everything. Nothing better than a good pole day but nothing much worse than a bad one. We’ve all been there and understand.

    Side note– What color did you coat your pole? I really want a lime green pole… with glitter…

  • chemgoddess1

    January 7, 2014 at 8:37 pm

    I used to hate, and I mean HATE 45s. It seemed the only thing it was good for was getting into superman. Now I hate to say that I kinda prefer it. I will say that anything leg hold wise was difficult to adjust but now it is not a big deal. You will adapt. And boo n this freaking cold weather but it is supposed to be near 60 this weekend so don’t bum too much.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    January 7, 2014 at 8:38 pm

    I’m sure it will be easy for him to fix the adjuster cover part. maybe he could sand or buff down the finish so that it is smooth. I have never used a powder coated pole so I’m not sure either about the finish. when I think of powder coating I imagine it is a lot like a bicycle finish? you seem to be a pretty good poler and you will get used to the 45mm. I have only ever used 45mm myself. you will just need an adjustment period to get used to the 45mm. seems like most polers really prefer 45, you will probably feel the same way. your body is just really used to the way your 50mm pole. hopefully you can get it all straightened out soon. it must be frustrating. you are poling with a lot of changes at once, finish, diameter and cold weather! don’t let today get you down.

  • Veena

    January 7, 2014 at 8:45 pm

    The SV pole is smooth and glossy, but lil mynx has a special process for our pole. I would think that he can easily sand down the areas that need to be exposed. I don’t know if there is anything that can be done about the texture though. You could try the Mighty grip and mix I posted about, to see if that might help you grip?

    I agree with what everyone said about the size, hand grip is easier, but you’ll find you need to make adjustments for legs. You’ll get use to it, hang in there!

  • StephiiP

    January 8, 2014 at 3:38 pm

    I’m considering getting my stainless steel powder coated by a professional but am nervous about it not turning out right.. i will probably be like ” You need to come to the studio and determine whether or not you can paint mine like it!” haha

    I hope everything works out. Luckily you’re working with someone that wants to get it right for you! Good luck!

  • AriFerrari

    January 9, 2014 at 5:06 pm

    Hey everyone, thank you for the kind words and encouragement. It’s reassuring to hear that the smaller diameter just takes some getting used to.

    He picked up the pole yesterday and as SV said, he is going to sand down and buff the areas until my adjuster fits again. I also asked him to try to smooth my texture out on the rest of the pole, I guess it has to do with the particular paint I picked having metallic sparkles in the color that is making smoothness a challenge. He’s going to add another clear coat to see if we can smooth it out a bit more.

    The color I chose is a dark indigo blue with sparkles. I am hoping to have it back and functioning sunday, I’ll post pictures if so.

    Stephii, I had him look at a lil mynx and try to replicate the finish. I would definitely recommend taking whoever you hire to see what you are asking for. Additionally, just from this experience, I would say choose a solid color without metallic or sparkles, apparently those bake smoother!

  • StephiiP

    January 9, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    I would love to see your finished product!

  • Lyme Lyte

    January 9, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    U will get used to the 45. As for when I had my brass powder coated clear, it just came back with a big crack toward the top and it was just as slick! Of course they denied making the crack…..would never get a pole powder coated again……

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