Forums Discussions Back and shoulder flexibility

  • Back and shoulder flexibility

    Posted by MissMonte on February 25, 2012 at 9:04 am

    hi ladies! I've been poling for over a year and  can't do a move that seems so simple. i'm stuck on my crescent moon 🙁  i can reach the pole behind my back but when i go to push my chest forward and tilt my hips back it looks like im just grabbing the pole behind my back. i don't have the flexibility to extend my arms higher when i go to grab the pole. does anyone have any stretches that they find helpful? how long should i hold the strecth for and how long will it take to see results?

    MissMonte replied 13 years ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • tiggertail

    February 25, 2012 at 9:20 am

    I don't have tip for stretching, hope the other girls will have share to some. But i find more easy to do crescent (bridge) from an advanced plank. Just slide your hand down the pole it will be more easy than trying to catch your pole from over your head. And of course the more you work it the more flexy you'll get

  • HollySatine

    February 25, 2012 at 9:33 am

    To give you a sense of how long it took me to get it flat (although it's different for everyone and depends on how often you work on it – mine didn't start improving until I started doing it all the time), check out my pics (with dates) in this post:

    To prep, make sure your back is warm and well stretched.  Practice bridges on the floor and work on shifting your weight over your shoulders to give them more of a stretch and help strengthen them.  Another stretch I like: stand with your back to the pole (I put more of my weight on one leg and leave the other one slightly bent).  Grab the pole just above your head, and arch your back, looking up at your hands.  With your back still arched, slowly (carefully) slide your hands up the pole so that your arms are extended.  You should feel this in your back and your shoulders, and you might not be able to fully straighten your arms depending on your flexibility so don't push it.  If you're doing it with one leg bent, switch legs and which hand is on the bottom on the pole.  It should look something like this:

    Now for the crescent.  I don't grab the pole behind my back – I grab it behind my head.  As I reach back, I also tuck my head forward to get a better grip and get my hands a little higher so my head isn't in the way.  Then I push and arch.  Hope this helps!  Let me know if anything was confusing. 🙂

  • Veena

    February 25, 2012 at 10:52 am

    If your taking the lessons, there are several stretches for the shoulders and the back, listed in the Stretching section of the lessons. These are all important ones to work on even if your goal isn't to become Gumby Flexy. lol Here's the first of 10 for Back mobility

    Here's the first of 5 Shoulder Stretches.

  • MissMonte

    February 27, 2012 at 12:47 pm

    thank you so much! i cant wait to move out then i'll be able to put up a pole. until then i just started getting back into the swing of things. i started taking clss last month but i only go once a week. hopefully once te new studio opens and i get a membership i'll go 5 days a week like i use to. i know if i was going more often id be a lot more flexible 🙁 im def gonna start working on the bridge from the floor, and im def gonna go for the pole by sliding my hands down rather than grabbing it over my head! i'll let you guys know how i make out!

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