Forums Discussions Basic Inversion

  • Basic Inversion

    Posted by Runemist34 on February 1, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    Okay, I KNOW someone on this forum, some time, has had issues with this…but I just can't find it! Good lord, am I the only one can't do it here?!

    I would totally be taking Veena's lessons if I had the money. It's been an off and on thing…but right now, unfortunately, the booby health had to come before pole dancing. Two bras and a charge of $250 later, Veena's lessons are gonna have to wait.

    SOOoooo, I have to ask…What's the trick? I know I'm not supposed to be kicking, leaping, or flinging myself, but I find I'm trying hard to get SOME kind of momentum, and I still can't get my foot high enough!

    I can spin a lot. I can do a carousel, I'm working on the V-spin, I can do the seated spin (whatever we call that) and a Fireman one handed. I'm working on keeping both sides of me balanced. I can climb the pole as much as I want, and I can do a normal Crucifix (mostly!) and whatnot. I'm actually pretty close to doing a CKR, too!

    So, am I just screwed for something? Should I be working more on strength? Do I really need to? Everyone seems to think this is a "beginner" or even an "early intermediate" move.

    So, here's the rundown: I grasp the pole, one hand about head height, and one slightly above that, and both bent. I lift (unfortunately, with some attempt at momentum, just to get the feet up there) and allow my arms to straighten. I get about horizontal, my foot mere inches from the pole above me, and then I fall right back down, like a pendulum. 

    How do you get your hips above your head? Should I be pulling in my abs more, or should I…erm, do something else? 

    For reference, I've got a million videos I can refer to, I've got the Polepeople DVD's so I can watch that. I'm just having a difficult time translating it to myself!

    Veena replied 14 years ago 9 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • reenie aka Mysfit

    February 1, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    sent you a PM….check your inbox….lol


  • Veena

    February 1, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Runemist, if you have a webcam I'd be happy to meet you in the chat room sometime and take a look at your invert.

  • Masked Loopy II

    February 1, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    As for the best tips, I would take Veena up on her offer.  I just wanted to share that I'm in about the same boat as you.  Until very recently, I had felt pretty hopeless about inverting.  I had a breakthrough after weeks and weeks of trying and was finally able to catch my foot overhead on the pole.  You can see my vid of my invert attempt on my profile.  So, I've got a quasi-invert now, but I need to make it stronger.

  • kat pole princess

    February 1, 2011 at 9:07 pm

    im in the same boat too. im sooo dissappointed that i cant kick up into it.  but i decided that i need to learn the tuck invert 1st(watch veena's video),  and i figure if i can hold that i can eventually move into an inverted v and then an invert..  i fihgure i better learn slowly instead of landing in my head.,  i also feel like im making small accopmlishments to get the ultimate  gioal.  it may be silly but its working for me at the moment.  🙂 

    please let us know tho ur pogress or if something clicks for ya.,   and i will do the same. 


  • Katherine McKinney

    February 1, 2011 at 9:34 pm

    Especially as you begin inverting, it might be helpful to think about inverting as tipping back rather than swinging up.  Moves like Gemini/Scorpio come much easier if you simply tip back into the invert and place your leg rather than trying to move into it from a caterpillar position. 

    Until my pole studio had a workshop with Pantera, I used to kick up into the invert. Her advice filtered down to me, though, and from that moment, I stopped kicking and began lifting. It has made all the difference, and my invert and my shoulder mount are really strong. I strongly suggest just tuck inverting–that is, positioning yourself as if you're going to invert and then bringing your knees up to your chest and then back down (slowly)–until you are strong enough to tip all the way back and hold when you attempt to invert. I hope that makes sense!

  • kat pole princess

    February 1, 2011 at 10:28 pm

    I think aeiralmck said what i was trying to say much better than i did!!!  dont forget to take a look at the tuck invery video.  it really helped me understand what i should be doin.

  • studio409

    February 1, 2011 at 10:33 pm

    AerialMck said a very good point; don't kick up to much but lift yourself and squeze your abs! Don't forguet to let your head go down; I know it's hard and scariness at the beguining. You can start on the flor and up slowly. You can do it!!!!

  • Runemist34

    February 1, 2011 at 11:45 pm

    Wow, thanks everyone! I'm super happy to have a few fellow polers who share my frustration!

    I've been doing some tuck type things…positioning, lifting my legs, letting them down, etc. More like leg lifts than anything else, but it's helping. I'm also working on my knees (physiotherapy is great!), lifting weights, and making sure I get the correct amount and kind of stretching, warm up, cool down…I gotta say, I've really changed the way I work out, and it's showing!

    I do understand that this takes some ab strength, arm strength, and such…but if most of the power is in your shoulders and upper back, I'm frigging set, and obviously have my technique wrong. Those are some of the toughest muscles I have, aside from my inner thighs, because I refused to use a locker in highschool…you try carrying a 20lb backpack every day!

    @Veena: OH GOD I would LOVE to video chat! I do have a webcam built into my laptop, as well as a microphone and stuff. That would be awesome. Perhaps…tomorrow? Do you have that free? Maybe you, me and reenie could get together on there. We could have a "Teach Rune how to Invert" party 😛

  • Kobajo84

    February 2, 2011 at 12:10 am

    "I strongly suggest just tuck inverting–that is, positioning yourself as if you're going to invert and then bringing your knees up to your chest and then back down (slowly)–until you are strong enough to tip all the way back and hold when you attempt to invert."- said on 2/1/2011.

    I wanted to quote her and add to make sure your hips are in front of the pole.

  • PolefitFanatic

    February 2, 2011 at 2:53 am


    I feel your pain,it took me absolutely ages to do an invert properly. Even now, even though I have had it mastered for a year, my weaker side is still not that good because it took me soo long to get at least inverted on one side! I found that it helped to have my hands a bit lower than head height to start with. I can now invert from a hold above my head, by it did take me a while to build up the strength and I started with my hands more like shoulder height than head height. I agree with the 'lift' suggestions, but that does take lots of ab strength if you are still building up to that. You may find a little jump helps.  When I was learning I practiced 5 times on each side every day – no more, even if I didn't get it. Otherwise you end up getting soo frustrated and one of the girls I was training with broke a rib trying too hard! Good luck – you'll get it…

  • Veena

    February 2, 2011 at 8:05 am

    I can be in chat this afternoon between 1:30-4:00 pm Central time if that works for any of you.

  • Runemist34

    February 2, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    That works for me, Veena (though I had to figure out how far ahead/back central time was! lol!), and lots and lots of thanks! I didn't expect to get any personal teaching ;P

  • Runemist34

    February 2, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    @Polefitfanatic: Wow, broken ribs hurt like hell! Or so I hear! I don't think I'll be, er, that vigorous trying to get upside down, though 😉 Honestly, I've had my share of slips…I know relatively well how to fall, from some early martial arts training…it's just stuck with me 😛 And yes, I generally give it a go as best I can on both sides, a few tries to each side. I can try to lower my hands, too!

    @Kobajo84: I never thought about where my hips were! I'm pretty sure they were in front of the pole…but I'll double check! Thanks 🙂

  • Veena

    February 2, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    I’ll be there In chat at 1:30 central 🙂

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