Forums Discussions Becoming a pole instructor

  • Becoming a pole instructor

    Posted by halfjack on November 6, 2009 at 1:53 pm

    Apologies if there is another thread for this somewhere, I did a search and couldn’t find one.
    Obviously I am a beginner now, so couldn’t be an instructor but it’s something I would be very interested in in the future when/if I get good enough.

    I was wondering are there any qualifications/courses you need to take? And how would one get started? Could you do it on your own, or would you work for a studio?
    I do have some dance experience as well, I did up to grade 6 ballet when I was younger and have done a lot of adult classes throughout my teens/uni years. Don’t know if that helps.

    Any advice would be great! As I say obviously I am very far away from that point now, but it’s something to think about for the future and if there were courses or qualifications needed it would be good to know sooner rather than later as it would be something to aim for.

    Charley replied 12 years, 6 months ago 25 Members · 54 Replies
  • 54 Replies
  • pole-twista

    November 6, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    i would also love to know. i know alot-of people here have studios, teach, do parties ect.
    how did you get started? is there a special insurance? when i called my insurance they gave me an outragous rate to have in my home pole lessons. i wake up and go to sleep thinking about it and people get annoyed bc i talk about pole so much ( got to stick to talkin to fellow pole addicts) but it is my dream and would help me help my family more.
    just any direction would be greatly appreciated.

  • halfjack

    November 6, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    Do you think its worth buying one of those "how to get started in the pole business" ebook thingies? I mean they might be a scam but they don’t look tooo expensive.
    I’d just like to know…what sort of qualifications/insurance you need to have (surely there must be some sort of qualification process…or else how would people know you are good enough) and tips from people who have done it.
    Find it very interesting. I suppose obviously people who have done it have done it off their own bat and dont particularly want to go about spreading all their success secrets and of course I completely respect that. I’m not really looking to start a massive successful studio or anything. Just thinking it would be nice to teach some evening classes when I’m older and wiser.

  • Morgan1

    November 6, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    Hey there! I’m new to poling and have taken Level 1 at Aradia Fitness ( I’m in Ontario Canada). They state that after taking a certain amount of their classes..say completing minimum 4 levels or something…that you qualify to take an instructor course through their studio. I would imagine that if you have completed a Personal Trainer or Fitness Trainer program to work in a gym, that any poling studio would then take you on for instructor training with the proper skills. Again, this is just speculation. Give it a shot!

  • halfjack

    November 7, 2009 at 12:15 am

    cool thanks…its so interesting. As I say I’ve only been to one or two lessons but found the teacher really inspiring, I’d love to do it someday.

  • pole-twista

    November 7, 2009 at 5:25 pm

    ya i love to teach. have been teaching my friends, my now ex and his friends ect. just love the feeling of passing on what i know and being able to share something i am so passioniate about. even my mother goes around proudly telling people her daughter is a "pole dancer".
    she has seen how dedicated i am to it and how its made me stronger and more confident. for me its not if but when i will teach. nothings stopping me.
    i just wish i could get someone to point me in the right direction.
    my mom says to go to the gyms and see if they would be intrested, but don’t want to go in there w no answers. like how would we set up poles w celiengs that are sky high or otherwise not suitable, how much to charge? by client? by hour? how much? liability? do i need a buisness plan? and how do you go about that? would reallllly love to do home pole parties. but again dont know where to start as far as insurance/liability (personal in case of injury, and also propery so dont get sued for any possible damage to celieng ect)

    i am not kidding when i say i wake up and fall asleep thinking about it. its what gets me through when things get tough. just knowing someday i will be living my dream.

  • maddieLines

    November 7, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    Im really glad this thread has been started as i also would love to teach.When i first started poling i did it for fitness and nothing more,now as time has gone on and im learning more and more,its only now i think about teaching.I think there are many things to think about,like being able to get explain things clearly,there must be teaching courses,i would never go into anything like this without realy knowing about poling myself and being able to do many tricks etc,im still learning so mayb in the future i can look forward to becoming more of a teacher!

    I have basically taught myself moves,with the knoledge of others and watching videos,im thinking mayb i should also do classes,so i can see how other teachers work.

    Thank for this post! Maddie x

  • Gsylass

    November 7, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    In the UK, I think at the moment you just need to have insurance in order to teach, but to get insurance you need to have an Exercise to Music qualification which gives you the necessary points. I guess once poling becomes more mainstream there will be more recognised bodies who will do courses. As an offshore person, I really need an e-learning package because I just can’t afford to be popping over the the mainland every so often to attend classes, so my plan is to get the ETM by correspondence/e-learning, then do a one-day masterclass aimed at learning to teach at some point when I’m over on holiday. Meantime, I have plenty of work to do before I feel good enough to teach more than a basic spin!!

  • Castleoutsider

    November 7, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    yea i feel that way too =) i feel that i should be WAY better .. and for some reason when i get nervous i stutter or like… vobally dyslexic? lol instead of left ill say right instead of arm ill say leg.. that kinda stuff; LOL

    i have some issues id need to get over before i started teaching LOL for now.. ill stick to web design =D

  • NickiLee88

    November 8, 2009 at 4:03 am

    yea i feel that way too =) i feel that i should be WAY better .. and for some reason when i get nervous i stutter or like… vobally dyslexic? lol instead of left ill say right instead of arm ill say leg.. that kinda stuff; LOL

    Not to worry if verbal dyslexia of that type stopped you being an instructor i would be in trouble! I’m an instructor and i have a terrible habit of saying "and now, let go of your legs" when i really mean, let go of your hands… lucky my students are smart enough not to listen to me…

  • Castleoutsider

    November 8, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    hehehe!!! yea =) <3
    its like my mom talks sims speak.. so like.. after how many years i understand what shes saying LOL

  • Charley

    November 8, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    Here is how we hire instructors:

    1) MUST BE ACE CERTIFIED AND FIRST AID CERTIFIED (or getting ACE certification but MUST have first aid cards)
    2) Must be able to dance well, not tricks only and of an advanced INTERMEDIATE level
    3) 1 year minimum pole experience (home pole, exotic dancer, etc)
    4) MUST have taken lessons with a physical person (doesn’t have to be us, but you must have class experience, if you do not, prospective instructors are REQUIRED to attend classes – they have the option of paying and taking the class as a student or not paying and watching the class – they may not take part if auditing.)

    Before teaching a class instructors must be able to show us they can do a 60 minute class with 12 min warm up – cool down stretches and adapt pole moves and warm up/cool down exercises for all body types.

    Must have a good personality – this is an absolute MUST. You need to keep students interested, encouraged and excited. It’s not just teaching move after move – you need to be able to link things together and break that down for students.

    Qualities we like but NOT required
    1) home pole and continues in furthering own pole education and work
    2) work ethic
    3) people interested in other forms of exercise, dance or gymnastics
    4) people with personal training, yoga, pilates, dance gymnastics backgrounds (not I took jazz in elementary)
    5) people who want to bring out the best in OTHERS
    6) pole addicts!

    The above isn’t required but what I personally would like to see. Any of things on that list is great. Not everyone eats and breathes pole and there are a lot of amazing polers out there with no kind of background what so ever – so to make them required is silly. We also highly encourage exotic dancers to apply with us. There is an authenticity to the way an exotic dancer moves that many people really want to learn. I also like someone who is continuing to work on themselves. That doesn’t mean always doing the next latest crazy move or combo but someone who really wants to learn new things – spins, spin combos, transitions, floor work. I think it’s important that trainers commit to training.

    For us – we take pole very seriously as a fitness regiment and believe to provide our students with the best experience our instructors need to be very knowledgeable. They need to be adaptable (i.e some can’t do a split grip thumbs down – teach them split grip thumbs up.) They need to be able to provide the highest quality of customer service.

  • halfjack

    November 9, 2009 at 5:20 pm

    Thank you so much Charley and Gsylass thats all really helpful!
    And I guess an exercise to music qualification would mean you would be able to teach other things like aerobics etc?
    I think what struck me about the couple of pole classes I’ve attended (and all the dance classes actually) is how inspiring and helpful the teachers always are. Maybe I’ve just been lucky but so far all the dance teachers I have encountered have been really vibrant amazing people. I’d love to be that to others someday.
    Well I’d better get practicing…have a looong way to go.

  • Angel1201

    November 9, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    Charlie, that was awesome! I wish the owner of my studio followed your guidelines!

  • Charley

    November 9, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    I was afraid everyone would think we are really b1tchy.

    We really take pole seriously and really want to provide the best experience. We also want our clients to feel like they can grow with us too. They don’t have to switch studios when they reach a certain level – they can go all the way.

    I really think our best candidates for instructors are students – if they are interested and willing to do group fitness certs.

  • Judy Jovanelly

    November 9, 2009 at 11:32 pm

    charley, thank you SO MUCH for posting your criteria. my friend and i are looking to open a pole studio soon, and you pretty much wrote down everything i have been thinking about in terms of hiring instructors ! (god i hope we can find some)

    we don’t plan to instruct, tho i do plan to get a gfi cert, and also will probably go for a beginner pole cert if i can find one, in the event i have to fill in, or something.

    it’s really hard in our area, though — new england takes a while to catch on to things ! but thanks again!

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