Forums Discussions Beginner pole

  • Beginner pole

    Posted by Jamie92 on October 24, 2017 at 12:29 am

    So I’m new to pole fitness and I have done research on pole options. As a newbie,I know I can start with something affordable and as I increase in skill level I can upgrade to a high quality pole, like the x pole. I have read alot of positive reviews on other sites about the AW pole (except difficulty with taking it down). I have not read reviews that seem more personal or I guess less “trying to sell it” reviews. With there being a wife variety of skill levels here, do any of you ladies have an opinion on starting with a AW pole?

    mawebbrn3912 replied 7 years, 4 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jamie92

    October 24, 2017 at 12:38 am

    Wide** not wife, although I’m sure there are some of those here too! 😉

  • hannimator

    October 24, 2017 at 8:45 am

    Just had a quick look at AW poles on amazon and for that price I would NOT recommend buying it. I’d seriously recommend X-Pole, they are reputable and high quality so will last a long time. With cheaper less reputable poles you run a risk of serious injury (pole is a difficult sport and you can hurt yourself with incorrect equipment). A better pole will be more enjoyable and in turn will make you more likely to stick at pole! It’s a small investment to make for peace of mind and enjoyment. We spend more money on phones etc which definitely don’t improve our lives in the way pole does! If you are really tight on money I’d recommend taking a look at your expenses and seriously budgeting for a few months – you will be spending more money in the long run if you get a cheap pole now because you will realise quickly how naff they are! Better to bite the bullet and buy good now.

  • Jamie92

    October 24, 2017 at 2:27 pm

    That means a lot, thank you! I can manage buying an X pole if I hold off another week or two, I just wanted to know if it was worth penny pinching or not. I had heard about other poles falling over or chipping and cutting people, I just wasn’t sure if the AW pole was going to be one of those. Your response really helped reassure me that x pole will be smarter to get now rather than the other options. I’m so excited to start!! I have gotten so board with my typical exercise routine, jumping from one program to another after I platou, my sister just started “polga” and I feel like pole fitness is definitely something I’d have fun with 🙂

  • StrangeFox

    October 25, 2017 at 1:29 am

    Just seconding what hannimator says. As an added bonus, X-Pole has phenomenal customer support so if you ever have an issue with your pole (installation, maintenance, safety) they will respond to you quickly. Happy poling! 🙂

  • quirkyladymac9134

    October 25, 2017 at 7:03 am

    Hi there and welcome to pole. I got my x-pole sport second hand off EBAY for £50. It had only been used a couple of times by the seller. This seems to happen a lot that people start and for whatever reason can’t continue! What I didn’t check out was the width and I have ended up with a fatter 50mm one. We use 45mm in class which I do prefer but it was something I didn’t even consider as I didn’t really do my homework when I purchased it. It is okay though for now. You need to consider where you will put it too…I would like to have a more dedicated space for mine but rooms are all a bit small for any proper spins/routines. It is good for practising sits and static holds though. Good luck with it all 🙂

  • Estef Martinez

    October 25, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    I would also recommend getting an X pole instead of a cheap one. It’s worth the investment for sure. It’s so sturdy you wouldn’t believe it and I feel completely safe using it at home. I don’t think I’d feel that safe with others. There’s also Lil Mynx which is slightly cheaper than the X pole but I’ve never used one. Those were my two options and I went with X pole and don’t regret it. They do have amazing customer service as well, which is definitely and plus! I also recommend getting the spinning pole and not just static. It is more expensive but you would have to buy a new one once you start using spinning mode. It’ll be worth the wait if you need to save up a little more. I love my X Pole 😀😀😀😉

  • mawebbrn3912

    October 25, 2017 at 11:32 pm

    I got my X-pole off Ebay, too. Beware there are counterfeits but if you watch youtube videos comparing the fake ones to the real ones, it’s not that hard to pick out an authentic one. Even better if the seller can show the receipts. When they updated the X-pole they added these special joints that the fake one’s don’t have. A little digging will save you a lot! There are some pre owned ones on Ebay now! I’m sure we can help you decide if they are authentic or not!

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