Forums Discussions Beginner’s Blues?

  • PaulettePoles

    July 24, 2011 at 7:36 am

    Hello! I am a late starter myself! I was extremely frsutrated by how difficult the moves actually were at first. I too found that I really loved it and wanted to push forward and keep trying. I am 37, a mom of three and this has definitely been a challenge for me. I ahvent published any videos yet, but in 4 mo I see tremendous progress. From notbeing able to do ANYTHING, I can now climb., sit, invert, leg hang and even cling above, apprentice and this week Ive started my first butterfly! I read this article in pole skivvies that gave me the motivation and encouragement to keep going. Natasha Wang also started any form of exercise late in life and now she is unbelievable. I know taht not everyone will be able to achieve her leel by an means, but she is definitely an inspiration for someone who has never exercised and now look wha she can do once she found something taht she fell in love with. HEre is a link to her interview: 

    and here is a quote from it re her non fitness level to begin with:

    "Just that I freaking love this sport. I didn’t grow up doing gymnastics or dance and I consider myself a fairly late bloomer as far as fitness is concerned. I didn’t start exercising until I was 29, and this was after years and years of doing literally nothing. The closet thing I got to exercising was elbowing crowds at a sample sale! Now, at 35, I’m winning my first titles and physically pushing myself further than I ever imagined. It’s pretty unbelievable.  "

    SHe gave me the encouragement  needed to just gop back and keep trying! I need to post some videos very soon! @Platinum- that is a great idea to videop your progress from the beginning- that way when you do feel discouraged you can look back at where you wre and see the progress- so when your head gets in the way – you an remind yourself visually of how far you have come and how much strength you have aquired. I rememberr thinking it was impossible to do a plank- now I can! I wish I had video of it to watch since I remember my extreme frsutration vividly. Now I can do it and Im non to frustration re butterfly!

    Hope that helps and encourages you a bit and happy poling!!

  • PaulettePoles

    July 24, 2011 at 7:36 am

    Hello! I am a late starter myself! I was extremely frsutrated by how difficult the moves actually were at first. I too found that I really loved it and wanted to push forward and keep trying. I am 37, a mom of three and this has definitely been a challenge for me. I ahvent published any videos yet, but in 4 mo I see tremendous progress. From notbeing able to do ANYTHING, I can now climb., sit, invert, leg hang and even cling above, apprentice and this week Ive started my first butterfly! I read this article in pole skivvies that gave me the motivation and encouragement to keep going. Natasha Wang also started any form of exercise late in life and now she is unbelievable. I know taht not everyone will be able to achieve her leel by an means, but she is definitely an inspiration for someone who has never exercised and now look wha she can do once she found something taht she fell in love with. HEre is a link to her interview: 

    and here is a quote from it re her non fitness level to begin with:

    "Just that I freaking love this sport. I didn’t grow up doing gymnastics or dance and I consider myself a fairly late bloomer as far as fitness is concerned. I didn’t start exercising until I was 29, and this was after years and years of doing literally nothing. The closet thing I got to exercising was elbowing crowds at a sample sale! Now, at 35, I’m winning my first titles and physically pushing myself further than I ever imagined. It’s pretty unbelievable.  "

    SHe gave me the encouragement  needed to just gop back and keep trying! I need to post some videos very soon! @Platinum- that is a great idea to videop your progress from the beginning- that way when you do feel discouraged you can look back at where you wre and see the progress- so when your head gets in the way – you an remind yourself visually of how far you have come and how much strength you have aquired. I rememberr thinking it was impossible to do a plank- now I can! I wish I had video of it to watch since I remember my extreme frsutration vividly. Now I can do it and Im non to frustration re butterfly!

    Hope that helps and encourages you a bit and happy poling!!

  • Legzz

    July 24, 2011 at 9:20 am

    Thanks again ladies, you all are just beyond wonderful! I will ask my girlfriend who aslo decided to get a membership to maybe snap a picture or video next session at the studio. I can't wait to share my experiences with you all! Plus, I know my husband would enjoy seeing what I've been raving about for the last 2 weeks. He is deployed to Egypt so he hasn't been here to witness all my bruises and glory first hand hehe
    Paulette, I agree with you, that article and Natasha Wang is so inspiring! I hope to accomplish that much someday

  • PlatinumAni

    July 24, 2011 at 11:35 am

    Do it! Even if you think it is bad. We all start somewhere, most of us at the very beggining! As you post more you will be glad you have those initial ones. Believe me it is rewarding to track your porgress. At least for me it is what keeps me trucking!

  • Laura KittyCat

    July 25, 2011 at 12:21 am

    Welcome to the fantastic world of pole! All I can add to these wonderful coments is to make it your own. As you learn (and you will) make the moves yours. Eveeyones body is different and special in their own way. Try to add your own little peice of flare to what you learn- a look, kick, wave etc. And if you love it like we all do here, im sure you will stick with it! Good luck! We are happy to have a new friend!

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