Forums Discussions Beginning Male Vertical Dancer

  • glitterhips

    March 12, 2009 at 3:23 pm

    Hi there! Welcome to the site you will love it here. Everyone is so supportive and awesome and it’s an awesome resource if you can’t take classes or just dont have any near you. I have to admit I spend way too much time on here heh! I can’t wait for you to get your pole…when you get it you’ll wonder how you lived before you discovered pole dance!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 3:57 pm

    Thank you glitterhips!!!

    Love your name!!! Yes everyone is soooooooo nice. This by far is my favorite pole forum. All the great people are on this site!!!

    I keep looking for classes but there really aren’t any available here. The ones that are available are for women only. I’m thinking of calling back to see if I can just go in there from time to time to play on their poles when they don’t have a class in session.

    And you know something, I already wonder how I lived without a pole and I haven’t even got it yet lmao!

    Jungle Cat

  • SaschaPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 4:15 pm

    junglecat you are the sweetest thing!! you just made my entire day with those kind comments!! id love to be an instructor, it’s a lot of fun, veena is letting me post some lapdance tutorials so im very thankful for that. im gonna make another vid tonight and hopefully it’ll be posted by tomorrow morning.

    that’s SO COOL that you’re a librarian!!!! i practically live in the library cuz im a student right now. the cat in the hat is the best, but nothing beats the cartoon version of the grinch who stole christmas. you sound like an awesome librarian.

    thats so cool that you’re obsessed with spiderman!!!!! i only saw one of the spiderman movies *swoons at the thought of james franco* but the one i did see was very good. im sad you live so far away from me!! we could be pole buddies

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 4:36 pm

    No you are the sweetest thing! I saw your lapdance videos last night. You look so innocent then you got on that chair!! LOL You are so funny and kind, bless your heart. You really know a lot about the art of seduction. Got any tips on things male dancers can do to tease women? hehehe There’s a challenge for ya

    What are you studying in school? I was trying to make a guess but it’s hard because you would be perfect in just about anything. I hope it’s something in teaching or leadership! You would make the best boss. Everyone would love to work for you!

    I’m a mild comic/cartoon junkie. I say mild only because I don’t spend money on comic books. I just spend countless hours reading them on the Net and looking at them onTV HAHA which is probably just as bad. X-men is my all time favorite superhero group. It would be hot if you danced in a super heroine costume! I would swoon lol

    It does kinda suck that we live far apart. If I find a pole buddy I hope they are cool just like you!

    Jungle Cat

  • Fleur

    March 12, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    Hello jungle Cat and welcome!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 5:48 pm
  • SaschaPoles

    March 12, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    LOL! I know, I’m kind of a walking contradiction. I’m so excited though because tonight I’m making another lapdance video and I think you guys are gonna laugh really hard, it’ll be a good one

    Got any tips on things male dancers can do to tease women? Hmm, you know, I actually sat there for like 10 minutes trying to think of a way, but I can’t come up with anything. Maybe Badazz would have some advice, he oozes dance

    You’re so sweet, I’m in grad school for social work actually, it’s a good fit for me I guess. Why buy a comic book when you can read it online!?! You’re saving money doing it that way! I’ve been on a batman kick lately- The Dark Knight is a good movie to have on for background noise I guess.

  • RoxyPink

    March 12, 2009 at 10:37 pm

    WOOHOO!!! I love seeing more guys getting into the sport! Welcome!!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 13, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    I appreciate the effort Sascha!! LOL Batman is the man!!!

    Thank ya for the warm welcome Mrstrone!!

    Jungle Cat

  • pole-twista

    March 14, 2009 at 1:00 pm

    its great to see a guy out here joel also is into pole so maybe you guys could chat sometime (poledancefan is joel. really nice guy) my bf and his friends love the pole! not so much dancing as much as spins and stuff like the flagpole (my bf can actually flagpole into brass monkey am so jealous i cant do either never mind a combo) my little advice is practice often ( i find i do better with shorter more frequent sessions than long 1’s that leave me burnt out for days) yoga i think helps as helps with flexibility and endurance holding poses as well as improves balance push-ups are amazing for your off pole days really works the whole upper body and abs if done correctly make sure your hands/pole are always dry (no lotions/sweat ect towel pole and hands often) try diffrent styles of music you may be surprised what diffrent types of music could inspire you to do and most of all be safe & have fun!!! good luck! ps. there is an amazing pole dancing guy out on you tube i think if you type in super advanced tricks dangerous he comes up he moves super crazy fast if i find the title i will post it for you

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 14, 2009 at 3:18 pm

    Awww thank you Pole-Twista!!!

    I can’t wait to talk to Joel!! I’ve seen him on youtube. He is my inspiration. He is the man!!!! You must be talking about BadAzz on youtube. I’ve spoken with him a few times online. He said he would give me some tips when my pole arrived!!! I’m so grateful for everyone I’ve met online. You all are so nice and helpful. I really appreciate every single one of you. All your support is very encouraging. Wow your bf sounds pretty amazing. My pole hasn’t been delivered yet. I’m expecting it to arrive on Monday at work. Can’t wait to get started. In the meantime I’m trying my best to learn the Vertical Dance Lexicon. I knew flagpole but I had to look up brass monkey. Wow it looks hard!!! Tell your bf kudos!!! He is the man!!

    I don’t know what level I’ll be when I start out. I went to the park last month before I really even knew I wanted to get into pole and was playing on the monkey bars and jungle gym and stuff LOL I’m a big kid!! I think I was doing a lot of moves similar to pole dance. Like I think I can do shoulder mount and some others off tops! We shall see

    I dance hip hop, african, and modern already but I’m just mediocre really and sorta semi-flexible. Self taught mostly since childhood. Only been to a few classes but I don’t really have structure from training. I’m just a good club dancer I guess. Everyone likes me to do my signature Jungle Cat moves. I can crawl across the floor on all fours really low like a cat and i can cling really close to things like a spy LOL It’s where the name comes from. I dressed up as Spiderman this past Halloween lol It was soooo much fun! Everyone really got a kick out of it

    I do yoga/pilates just about everyday. I love it but I don’t really get that much strength training. that’s why I wanted to get into pole because I can’t force myself to lift weights to save my life. It’s sooooo boring LOL

    Thank you for all the excellent advice! Especially about having mini short pole sessions verses few long ones. That was perfect advice for me because I do tend to overdue things then I feel like a loser for being tired for days afterwards lol Thank you again. I really appreciate you. Hope to see you in chat on Fridays sometime!!

    Jungle Cat

  • Poledancefan

    March 14, 2009 at 11:26 pm

    Welcome to the forum, Jungle_Cat!

    My sister lives in the DC area also–near one of the overpasses that goes over Rock Creek park–and teaches in a private middle school there…

    DC/Maryland actually has quite a lively pole scene, at least according to the pole studio directories–although I do not know if there are many opportunities for lessons for men.

    Yep, poling does present some challenges for male anatomy. It’s not just different parts–but size and weight, too. The most sensible advice is to go REAL slow on any moves involving the thigh area–developing the pose or move incrementally. For sit moves, you are either going to have to tilt BACK a little more to get the pole seated more on the pelvic bone–OR hold the move farther away in the thighs, closer to the knees. Either compromise presents its own problems. Tipping back, it’s real easy to lose your grip on the dom (top) hand and just fall back and off, LOL! On the other hand, holding mounts away from the thicker fatty area around the thighs just takes plain more MUSCLE power and squeeze to stay up.

    Guys just tend to be bigger, period–so the impact of weight on the mass to skin area ratio is not in our favor. I’m fairly heavy (190 pounds) and I just could not get enough skin on the pole with the smaller diameter pole. Even with the 2 incher (50.8MM), I use some grip aids–especially in the winter.

    I’m a big believer in mats–especially if you don’t have a spotter. Before I got the gym mats, I used piles of old welcome mats and bathroom rugs. It looks stupid, but will help save the noggin’…

    It’s great to have another male poler on the forum. Welcome to Studio Veena. Post some vids as soon as you feel confident (Or even before you feel confident, LOL! Some of my earlier vids are pretty horrendous…well, some of my current ones are, too!).


  • pole-twista

    March 15, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    I have used 2 big cheap dog beds as mats the kind that look like over size pillows

  • SaschaPoles

    March 15, 2009 at 2:41 pm

    same here, my "boyfriend" in that video i made, it looks like an oversized pillow but really it’s a dog bed

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 15, 2009 at 5:40 pm

    Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Joel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is really great to hear from you!! I follow you on youtube! I recently saw you Flipped Gemini for Shelly’s Call You Out Challenge. You are a real inspiration to me. I think you are awesome man! I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for you. You are the man!!! You totally rock!!!

    That’s wonderful that your sister lives in the area. If you visit her I would love to meet you and hopefully we can jam together!!

    What pole studio directory are you referring to? I’m having a difficult time trying to local a studio in the area that allows men in the class. That’s so much for that advice. I’m a fairly small guy, (5’5 and bout 125 soak and wet lol) I doubt that I have any muscle tho lol I feel like I’m just skin and bones. That is great advice about the mats. I definitely have to get some mats. I have hardwood floors, yikes!!

    I will definitely posts some earlier videos. I don’t any of your videos are horrendous at all!!! I think they are delightful. It’s really neat to see your progression. I think are you just amazing! I really appreciate all your advice and encourage. I have soooo much respect for you!!! You are the king! *tips my hat to a master*

    Jungle Cat

    P.S. I’m so gonna run out and buy dog beds today

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