Forums Discussions Being Sexy and transitions

  • Being Sexy and transitions

    Posted by krystalgem85 on June 9, 2009 at 3:04 pm

    I am so excited someone told me about this site! You all are so supportive of eachother and you all look so great.
    So I have had my pole since april and haven’t practiced everyday it was off and on now I am going to make routine practices. I love how you all look so graceful and sexy but when I do anything I just feel like the girl off of king of queens! lol Loved that episode by the way. I feel like my upper arm strength is horrible I have tried the cradle and can’t even pull myself up So my question is how long for anyone who is a bit heavier, did it take you to learn to make your moves smoother and the lifts and invert? I guess I just want to know I am not the only who struggled in the beginning. I feel like everyone looks like they just jumped on and did everything! lol

    krystalgem85 replied 15 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • SissyBuns

    June 9, 2009 at 3:55 pm

    I am so excited someone told me about this site! You all are so supportive of eachother and you all look so great.
    So I have had my pole since april and haven’t practiced everyday it was off and on now I am going to make routine practices. I love how you all look so graceful and sexy but when I do anything I just feel like the girl off of king of queens! lol Loved that episode by the way. I feel like my upper arm strength is horrible I have tried the cradle and can’t even pull myself up So my question is how long for anyone who is a bit heavier, did it take you to learn to make your moves smoother and the lifts and invert? I guess I just want to know I am not the only who struggled in the beginning. I feel like everyone looks like they just jumped on and did everything! lol

    Don’t feel like you’re alone. You’re a beginner and that’s why we’re called "beginners" LOL. because we’re just beginning. Over time you will build strength and fluidity but it comes in steps…baby steps for me LOL

    Step one is to never compare yourself to some of dancers on this site. They’re too awesome! I just aspire to be like them one day but I know that I’m just starting and that will all take time. Work with what you got and as you continue to practice you’ll improve and be able to do more things.

    I can’t even come close to a decent cradle so don’t feel bad

    We will get there eventually.

    Don’t feel like your weight holds you back either because I’ve seen big girls climb a pole like a spider monkey and skinny girls struggle to lift them selfs up for seconds. Once you build strength you’ll be suprised and what you can do, despite your size.

  • adamseve

    June 9, 2009 at 4:51 pm

    I 2nd what SissyBuns has already stated.

    First off, welcome to the site.

    Second, I’m about 150 lbs soaking wet and I’ve been pole dancing since February. It has taken me this long to finally feel confident in my abilities and portray sexy when I’m on the pole. I’m also finally getting the feeling of fluidty when I dance even though I still have tons of work to do to be as smooth as I’d like to be.

    I beat myself up big time because I couldn’t get moves as fast as others and even wanted to quit. Keep in mind I’m a tad overweight as well even though I have a small frame. The reason why I wanted to quit was I kept comparing my progress with others. I had to learn, and some days I’m still learning, that the learning curve for each of us is different. I was able to get the cradle much faster than others that look twice as strong as me. However, they were able to get the boomerang much faster than me!

    In a nutshell, here’s what I’m saying: learn to appreciate yourself, your body, and who you are simply for being you while enjoying the adventures of pole dancing with all your friends on Studio Veena!!!

    Can’t wait to see your 1st video!

    Hugs & kisses.

  • untamedshrew

    June 9, 2009 at 5:23 pm

    Welcome! So you’ve discovered the secret of pole dancing: it ain’t as glamorous and easy as it looks! It involves lots of grunting, sweating, red faces, and falling.
    Like you, I really struggled when I started poling. I almost gave up many times in the first few months because my progress was so slow and I was not looking sexy at all. Nine months later, I still struggle with my form and style, but I’m able to do a lot of moves. I just recently got the gemini and scorpio. The sexy comes out once you’re comfortably confident with the moves you’re doing.

    At 5 foot 1, I’ve gone from a snug 14 to a loose 10, but that just happened in the past 3 months. I’m a 38 yo smoking mother of 3 who hasn’t worked out regularly for about 10 years. If I can do this, anyone can. Don’t get me wrong, I worked my butt off (literally!) and had to do a lot of strength training before I could invert. Don’t try to compare your progress to the "pole sevants" who master the pole in a couple months. Compare your progress to where you started. And when you’re having trouble, get silly and just dance around for fun!

    Oh, and repeat this mantra daily:
    Bruises are SEXY!

  • SissyBuns

    June 9, 2009 at 6:07 pm

    Welcome! So you’ve discovered the secret of pole dancing: it ain’t as glamorous and easy as it looks! It involves lots of grunting, sweating, red faces, and falling.
    Like you, I really struggled when I started poling. I almost gave up many times in the first few months because my progress was so slow and I was not looking sexy at all. Nine months later, I still struggle with my form and style, but I’m able to do a lot of moves. I just recently got the gemini and scorpio. The sexy comes out once you’re comfortably confident with the moves you’re doing.

    At 5 foot 1, I’ve gone from a snug 14 to a loose 10, but that just happened in the past 3 months. I’m a 38 yo smoking mother of 3 who hasn’t worked out regularly for about 10 years. If I can do this, anyone can. Don’t get me wrong, I worked my butt off (literally!) and had to do a lot of strength training before I could invert. Don’t try to compare your progress to the "pole sevants" who master the pole in a couple months. Compare your progress to where you started. And when you’re having trouble, get silly and just dance around for fun!

    Oh, and repeat this mantra daily:
    Bruises are SEXY!

    Hell yes they are!

  • Angel1201

    June 9, 2009 at 7:31 pm

    I’ve been poling for 2 years come this August. I had trouble with the transitions & sexy stuff to put in between spins too. I used to take ‘chair dance’ classes at my local studio where I really learned the hip rolls and sexy/slinky moves. I also got videos like Lady Morrighan’s exotic dance workout that helped me feel comfortable moving in a sensual way. I remember feeling pretty lost and looking back, I think that it took me over a year to feel comfortable ‘dancing’ in between spins. Even now, I still think I stink at it because I get self conscious and I’ve never been a showy or sexy type of person. Plus I never had dance lessons as a kid. But don’t despair, it comes in time all you need is the desire to improve and practice. You’ll get it! I promise. The neat thing about transitions is that every woman moves differently and develops her own style. Just keep dancing (like no one is watching)!!

  • PoleSkivvies

    June 9, 2009 at 7:43 pm

    It’s always hard not comparing to others. I progress slowly at the pole and have different goals than a lot of others – which is to say I’m not aiming for tons of acrobatics. But I am still progressing, and you will, too!

    For inspiration, check out – I love her! She is a big girl, but dances beautifully, and shares her whole experience with you. She was one of the main reasons I fell in love with pole dancing!

  • RoxyPink

    June 9, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    "So you’ve discovered the secret of pole dancing: it ain’t as glamorous and easy as it looks! It involves lots of grunting, sweating, red faces, and falling"

    I love that quote! It is so true….

  • krystalgem85

    June 10, 2009 at 3:37 am

    You girls are great! Love you all already

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