Forums Discussions Best weight loss tips? Anyone??

  • Best weight loss tips? Anyone??

    Posted by Tara on October 7, 2009 at 8:42 pm


    I am very frustrated with my weight. I am 5’9", and 168lbs. That’s really great considering the fact that I was once almost 200lbs, but I need to lose more. Why? Because I feel like I cant do inverts, or intermediate-advanced tricks because my arms/wrist cant support my weight. I cant even climb properly because of this.

    So, I am reaching out to you guys to see what ideas you have. What has worked or you? What has not?? Please help!?!


    Tara replied 15 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • benicebehappy

    October 7, 2009 at 9:04 pm


    Your weigh wont stop you from inverting. I weigh between 182-187 lbs and i can invert fine. Its all about building your upper body strength up. Have you looked on you tube for a tutorial on inverting? Look at It may help you to see what your doing wrong, also film yourself and post on here so the more experienced members can give you advice

  • FreeTheSun

    October 7, 2009 at 11:35 pm

    I agree. I’m 5’6" and swing between 147 was my lowest since I stopped growing and 156, normally around 150. At first, I couldn’t invert worth crap (I would lightheartedly joke that it’s cause my butt and thighs so big they’re holding me down) because I had zero arm strength, the back was strong but arms just kinda hung there. But then I started getting more arm strength from practicing (like I have biceps now that actually move when I flex them. Even when I was swimming competitvely I didn’t have that) and I can invert pretty easily, and have awesome leg grip when I’m upside-down cause all the skin I got going. So work on that arm and ab strength. I think it was fleur who posted about how to tell you’re ready to invert and various ways to build up strength for it. Those really help too.

  • SissyBuns

    October 8, 2009 at 12:08 am

    Hi Tara!
    Your weight is not what’s keeping you from inverting! It’s all about strength. That strength has to be built up and it doesn’t happen when you lose weight, it happens when you gain strength.

    Heavy girls can invert if they have built up the strength to do so.

    Skinny girls can’t invert if they don’t have the strength to do so.

    I second the suggestion that you read Fleurs post about inverting. You may just not be ready. Keep working at getting stronger. Do push -ups and pull ups and pole ups. Get stonger then go for it again

  • Tara

    October 8, 2009 at 12:26 am


    Thank you for the speedy replies! All of your advice was very helpful, and motivating. I will look into Fluer’s post/advice, as well. I think posting a video (and getting technical advice) is a great idea, too. I will get to it as soon as time permits. Again, Thank you for your words of support… I’m very inspired.


  • Tine007

    October 8, 2009 at 1:42 am

    Hi Tara,
    first of all congrats for the weight you lost, that is truly an accomplishment!!!
    I checked out your pictures and think you look fabulous!!! Nothing wrong with some curves around well-tones muscles

    I’m working on Fleur’s check-list, too, and in class we do similar things to build strength I can already see some biceps I’m carrying a bunch of extra pounds but I’m getting closer and closer to inverting, so hopefully soon…

  • Tara

    October 8, 2009 at 4:40 am

    Where is Fleur’s blog/post. If anyone knows, please send me the link. Thanks.

  • Fleur

    October 8, 2009 at 5:16 am

    I agree with what everyone here has said. If you want to lose weight for your health and for yourself, then by all means go for it, but you will eventually be able to invert regardless of your weight. I am 5’10” and weigh 156lbs so I’m not light either! But with enough strength training you will get there Besides, strength training is a weightloss tip in and of itself!


    PS: the "Am I Ready to Invert?" thread is under the Pole Moves folder and should be on the first page.

  • Tara

    October 9, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    Thanks everyone!!

  • Sanchara

    October 9, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    and of course, if you want to loose weight just for the sake of loosing weight the best things to do are:
    A. entirely cut sugar from your diet. (especially if you live in the US where most sweets are actually made with high fructose corn syrup wich is even worse for you than white sugar) Removing all sugar from your diet can also halp improve emotional stability.

    B. Fix your diet, replace all white bread products with whole grains (the complex carbohydrates in whole graines are needed to burn calories) eat at least 50 grams of protein a day and restrict your caloric intake. I’m about 5’5” and on a day I’m not training I’m only alloud 1000 cakories 1300 if i am trainging.

    C. Train for strength rather than endurance. This means shorter more intense workouts (ie: five minuites of sprinting vs. a twenty- minuite jog.) and more varity in your workouts. if you’re training properly you shouldn’t be able to do more than ten reps of any exercise, (if you can do eleven reps you need to modify the exercise to make it harder) You also know if you’re traing for strength rather than endurance if you’re completely dead-tired at the end of a twenty minuite workout. Remember to give muscles a fourt-eight hour rest between each of these types of workouts to avoid scarring the muscles. Scarring the muscles will result in a "bulky" look that’s just not pretty and reduce flexabillity.

    Anyway. The diet advice is straight from my coaches (I compete internationally in Equestrian Vaulting) …and the strength training advice is really good practice weather you’re trying to loose weight or not,


  • Tara

    October 9, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    Hi Tara,
    first of all congrats for the weight you lost, that is truly an accomplishment!!!
    I checked out your pictures and think you look fabulous!!! Nothing wrong with some curves around well-tones muscles

    I’m working on Fleur’s check-list, too, and in class we do similar things to build strength I can already see some biceps I’m carrying a bunch of extra pounds but I’m getting closer and closer to inverting, so hopefully soon…

    Thank you. I am interested is dropping a few pounds, but I just had the wrong idea as to why I could not invert. And yes, I would like to maintain my curves. LOL!!

  • Tara

    October 9, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    I agree with what everyone here has said. If you want to lose weight for your health and for yourself, then by all means go for it, but you will eventually be able to invert regardless of your weight. I am 5’10” and weigh 156lbs so I’m not light either! But with enough strength training you will get there Besides, strength training is a weightloss tip in and of itself!


    PS: the "Am I Ready to Invert?" thread is under the Pole Moves folder and should be on the first page.

    Hey Fleur! I did check out your thread, as well as the video on the "Monkey Hang". These are both very helpful. I guess patience is what I (really) need the most. Thanks.

  • Tine007

    October 10, 2009 at 6:53 am

    Thank you. I am interested is dropping a few pounds, but I just had the wrong idea as to why I could not invert. And yes, I would like to maintain my curves. LOL!!
    I’m actually also hoping that poling in combination with hula-hooping will shed a few of my extra pounds as side effect Don’t have the energy and time for (healthy) cooking everyday, unfortunately…

  • Runemist34

    October 11, 2009 at 1:55 am

    hehe, I’ll have to agree with everyone…weight doesn’t really matter when it comes down to inversions. Did you know that muscle weighs more than fat? I’m 5’7" and I weigh about 160 or so (I don’t own a scale, so it’s been a while since I weighed myself), and many people look me up and down and say "Where do you keep the weight?" Most of them don’t believe me.
    I’m not that strong, most of my muscle is weak and squishy, not hard and amazing like some of my friends (one of whom is several inches shorter than I, and much stronger!). I’m working on it, though! I know our society places a lot on ‘weight’ equating to beauty, but I don’t believe it! I think all women are beautiful, and the most important thing is that you believe you are beautiful, the way you are. Improvements to strength are great, but don’t judge yourself because you think you’re "fat" or whatever.

    I’ll get down off that soapbox now, sorry! Also, don’t think that I’m some kind of expert on self-esteem, I should really learn to practice what I preach, but I’m getting there. So will you!

  • Tara

    October 11, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    Thank you. I am interested is dropping a few pounds, but I just had the wrong idea as to why I could not invert. And yes, I would like to maintain my curves. LOL!!
    I’m actually also hoping that poling in combination with hula-hooping will shed a few of my extra pounds as side effect Don’t have the energy and time for (healthy) cooking everyday, unfortunately…

    I actually lost a lot of weight when I started poling. I hear lots of professionals say that adding something different to your workout kina shocks your body and makes it respond quickly. As for eating, I end up eating lots of salads, sushi, and shakes (meal replacements). I am a cosmetics manager/makeup artist working in Times Square, so I am constantly surrounded by unhealthy foods. It also seems that the more "healthy" I’d like to eat, the more expensive it is. I’m not even going into my schedule… It is so unpredictable, it is difficult for me to plan my meals, but I am goin to attempt to start bringing my lunch with me (I spend so much money on lunch! Ouch!!). I am sure I don’t eat enough (during the day), because of my work schedule.

    Good luck with the hooping!! I miss that. It’s is so much fun!!

  • Tara

    October 11, 2009 at 7:18 pm

    I know our society places a lot on ‘weight’ equating to beauty, but I don’t believe it! I think all women are beautiful, and the most important thing is that you believe you are beautiful, the way you are. Improvements to strength are great, but don’t judge yourself because you think you’re "fat" or whatever.

    I agree with you! Society does place a high standard of "beauty", most of which is not healthy or realistic. I think that I have a good, realistic self-image and self esteem. I do have goals for my body, which do not include me being super thin, but lighter, healthier, and noticeably toned.

    I just had the wrong idea as to why I couldn’t invert. I think I have better understanding as to why, thanks you you girls, here.

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