Forums Discussions Big girls on the pole

  • Big girls on the pole

    Posted by Jihaleh on August 5, 2014 at 3:36 am

    Right.. so I’m not exactly small. I’m 5’3 and weight over 200lbs. I’m deperately trying to lose weight at the moment, and pole has been my only saving grace for the whole process, but I’m nervous.
    I’m currently doing the 30 day take off, and I’ve finished my first week. I’m sore; and still feel like I’m failing. I can barely lift my own weight in a push up, let alone in a pole hold.
    Are there any other bigger pole dancers, either beginners of advanced who can help me find the motivation? cuz I’m afraid that all I see are thin women (you’re gorgeous, I’m not bashing that), who leave me a bit dazed at how on earth I an achieve some of those things… thanks!

    GlitterSteph replied 10 years, 6 months ago 19 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Jenn1989

    August 5, 2014 at 4:21 am

    Check out some videos of Emma Haslam, she’s proof that bigger girls can absolutely be awesome at pole. Here’s a link to her on Britain’s Got Talent:
    Gaining the strength to do a lot of the moves takes a lot of time, effort and patience. It’s only your first week of the program, eventually you’ll get less and less sore, and the strength will slowly build. I couldn’t do a single push-up or pull-up when I started either. πŸ™‚

  • RoMo

    August 5, 2014 at 6:16 am

    Hi Rosie – I’m not small, and while I’m the biggest girl at my studio, I’d rather call myself curvaceous, sensuous… I’m 5’1″ and 180 lbs (152 cm, 80 kgs) and I started poling about 6 months ago.

    In class, it always seems that all the other girls are so thin, in their cheeky short shorts and teeny tiny sports bras. Yes, I wear longer, high waist shorts and full coverage tank tops. I feel self conscious about how I look. About two weeks ago, I had the confidence to take my tank top off and remain in sports top and shorts. While I am not thin, I think I look well proportioned. I was working on my eighth class working on inverts and I was only beginning to get it. It was their first class working on inverts and they were already trying (and doing!) Gemini. When one of them caught me looking at them, her smirk seemed to say “I’m thin and that’s why I can do this.”
    Needless to say, I went home feeling horrible, despite having finally done an invert.

    I’m relatively new here on SV, but having bought a pole and signing up to this site is probably one of the best things I’ve done for myself. I practice several times a week at home, in addition to class (I’ve started to go to a morning class instead of the evening class, with those girls!), which I keep down to once a week since I’ve joined SV. Veena’s videos are amazing. Also, I really enjoy the discussions, other girls’ videos and photos. I have yet to work up the confidence to tape myself, even for my own viewing, but I know I’ll be doing it soon enough.

    One of the things, I see here girls of all sizes and levels and that really gives me a great boost of confidence. I’m progressing at my own pace (which sometimes seems really slow… took me a long time to get the pole hold and then even longer to manage my first climb!), but then coming on here and reading about other girls’ experiences gives me a boost of energy to keep getting back on the pole.

    I’m really happy that you enjoy poling. Don’t let anyone say or do anything that makes you feel like you can’t. Even if you can’t do something today, doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Keep practicing. Tomorrow’s the day. If you ever need to talk, bitch or vent, feel free to contact me. πŸ™‚
    In the meantime, hug from afar. (>”)>

  • WebJunk

    August 5, 2014 at 9:52 am

    Rosie. The most difficult part of getting in shape is patience. It does not happen overnight. Second you might want to speak with your doctor who should be assisting with dietary advice or a referral to a dietician. Diet is as important (sometimes more so) than exercise for weight loss.
    The fact you are sore means you are using muscles and putting out effort which is fantastic. Keep up with veena’s strength & conditioning videos. They will help early on more than the moves.

  • Aquarian Air

    August 5, 2014 at 11:32 am

    I was close to 190 pounds when I started and the change I have seen has been amazing!! I don’t know what I have lost in pounds because I have gained muscle, a lot of muscle, but I do know I fit into things I wouldnt imagine fitting into! Something I recently told my dad ( he is trying to quit drinking ). *When trying to accomplish a goal never focus on the failures, for there will be a few, but focus on the progress because as long as you keep your mind to it there will always be more progress than failure.* just never give up and you will be amazed at what your body will end up doing!! Happy Poling!!

  • AllysonKendal

    August 5, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    Everyone progresses so differently! I started out so weak, and now I’m seeing my body transform and becomes so much stronger. Everyone’s starting point will be different, and everyone’s journey will be different. The important thing is that you keep going.

    The amazing Polebull posted this on her Instagram and it kind of goes with whatever is saying…

  • AllysonKendal

    August 5, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    What everyone****

  • Phoenix Hunter

    August 5, 2014 at 12:52 pm

    Rosie, I have been pole dancing for a year now. when I first started I couldn’t do a single push up or pole hold either. it actually took a good 3 months before I could do a respectable pole hold. I couldn’t even support my weight to do simple spins very well those first few months. Push ups? I was able to do one of those about 8-9 months into poling. I started out very week. all the girls in my class were getting things on their first try. inverts were very hard for me. I was very behind the others in my class. I’m not the thinnest girl in my studio, I’m not the biggest either. But I felt huge compared to them. I really had to quit comparing myself to others. I realized that by comparing myself to them, not only was I putting myself down, I was JUDGING them too. you are not failing. you are pushing yourself harder than you ever have before. Pole is not easy but it can be done. You have to accept that you will suck before you get better, but you must have faith that you will get better. when you finally achieve one little move that you thought was impossible you will know what I am talking about. it will be a lightbulb turning on in your head. From then on, you will know that you can achieve whatever you want as long as you keep working on it and even if you suck in the beginning. Also, you will see in this process that your own gifts and talents will shine through. And others will be asking you how you did that. You will get stronger by doing, you will get stronger by failing multiple times at a trick , then eventually you get it and it feels great. there is a progression for everything. you don’t just drop to the floor and start doing push-ups. you get on your knees and do modified push ups first. I mean that figuratively and literally. haha! πŸ™‚

  • Phoenix Hunter

    August 5, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    Veena’s pole strength routine worked miracles for me, by the way. I started out only being able to do a couple of each exercise. but it helped me to get stronger. each time I did it, I pushed myself a little harder. maybe adding a couple more. But that routine has been such a blessing for me. Pole holds are not easy and it takes a while to get them. Veena has ways you can modify them and build up to them. one trick is to get into a pole hold and hold the pole between your knees, that way your legs are taking some of the weight. this will help build up your muscles. you can work on releasing your legs little by little so that more weight is in your hands. Also, you can post videos for advice if you need to. I hope you love poling as much as I do and I hope it changes your life as much as it has changed mine. πŸ™‚

  • WebJunk

    August 5, 2014 at 1:52 pm

    Everyone needs to keep in mind it is not a competition. (Unless you are at a pole competition)

    We all learn, grow, change, progress at a different pace. Pole Dancing unlike a lot of activities requires not just learning a skill but also physical strength, flexibility, coordination, mental concentration and a few other things. And we need to add be graceful & creative. How many activities or sports require all of them??? That is why I for one am so impressed with what people do in pole dancing. Less impressed with a linebacker or hockey player.
    Each of these things we will progress at a different pace for each of us. But yet we need all of them. Plus throw in that there are several individual variables like sweaty or dry hands; different pole grip or diameter; distractions from kids, pets, spouses; and just read the discussions for more.

    Some will get the strength earlier. Some coordination. Some are more creative. Some (like me) don’t have any yet πŸ™‚ There are some that have seemed to put most together quickly. But it is not a competition except maybe ourselves. We all struggle with some things or even individual moves. As we each achieve something on our Pole Dancing Adventures (great name for a comic!) there is a sense of fulfillment I am not sure most other people outside of pole can quite understand.

  • Veena

    August 5, 2014 at 8:59 pm

    Everyone has great advice! I just wanted to jump in and say that you’re not alone 😊

  • Thunderbiscuit

    August 5, 2014 at 9:23 pm

    You are totally not alone. I’m the biggest girl in my class (at 5’6″ 210), so believe me when I say that I understand. This is the reason why I’m working towards buying my own pole so that I don’t feel so awful at class.

  • Runemist34

    August 5, 2014 at 9:54 pm

    Hey there!
    Well, first of all, I’ll tell you this: Being able to push yourself up AT ALL in a pushup is a big accomplishment in my eyes, because I cannot do a single one. I still need to work on it, it’s still hard. I can’t lift myself up with my arms, I can barely pole hold for more than three breaths.
    First time I touched a pole was 6 years ago… and I’ve had a lot of setbacks, a lot of “hiatuses” upwards of 8 months, which really set me back!
    But… I am still going at it. I am starting to get moves that I never thought possible, and I an starting to gain more and more strength.

    I also want to point this out: My weight and my height have NOTHING to do with my health or fitness level. I am 5′ 6″ and about 160lbs, and when I was running (I’ve had to take a month and a half off due to heat! I miss it!) I went up to 190lbs, and I was smaller than I’ve ever been. I’ve also been 180lbs and much larger than I have ever been… and it was hard to keep the weight on.

    Your weight may stay the same, it might go down and then up, and it might just go down, or just go up… but your size, the physical makeup of your body, will change.

    You can do this! You’re beautiful and amazing. All of you πŸ™‚

  • Alexis Corinne

    August 5, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    Don’t worry I’m on the same path. I started dancing a few months ago but had to stop bc I got super sick and my landlord ruined my pole πŸ™ I’m getting a new one but haven’t kept myself in shape so I’m totally scared off my ass that I’ll suck again! Don’t give up it will get easier

    As to that awesome girl I the video I wonder where she got that outfit. I must have it. lol

  • Allgold78

    August 6, 2014 at 4:51 am

    Ahhh it makes me pretty sad that you girls have had a horrible experience in a studio setting with other girls’ attitudes. I am very lucky – I go to a studio where the girls are amazing and totally accepting, the instructors are incredible, and I almost consider it my second home!! I’m 5′ 6″ and currently 205lbs. I’m nowhere near the smallest in group but I’m also nowhere near the biggest. My body image issues are my own, I know that, and I’m as entitled to take part and enjoy poling as much as the next person! Regardless of my weight I find myself getting stronger and stronger and nailing more and more spins and tricks. I’m not anywhere near experienced enough yet and I’ve only just got my first invert but I believe like the others said that it’s a personal journey and everyone’s achievements will be different regardless of their weight, size and shape. A classic example is climbing – I got my climb quite quickly but can I bloody side climb?? No! A girl in my thursday night group is stick thin and really struggles to climb yet she nailed the side climb on her first attempt!!! Each to their own battles. Weight and size mean nothing – get stuck in, enjoy your achievements and keep working on the things you can’t do…… yet!

  • yrngrl

    August 6, 2014 at 8:29 am

    All I will say is when you see all the “small” girls in class, don’t assume they are judging you or just magically thin. Some are just farther along in their journey, that’s all.

    I am 5’2″ and used to be over 200 lbs too. Not so much at pole, but I get a lot of snotty looks and have overheard rude comments from larger women at the gym, implying that it “must be nice” to be thinner. Just like them, I worked really hard to get where I am, and I’m not about to be snotty to anyone else who is trying to get in better shape themselves.

    Also, don’t equate being small with being strong…when I first lost the weight I struggled to do pushups at all. Pole made me strong, not losing weight.

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