Forums Discussions Bikram Yoga

  • Bikram Yoga

    Posted by SaschaPoles on October 7, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    So, I really want those splits….and I saw a great bargain on Groupon (10 classes of Bikram Yoga for $20) and figured I'd try something new….have any of you tried it before? I wondered if anyone had any tips for me; I'm thinking of going to my first class tomorrow 🙂 

    SaschaPoles replied 12 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 35 Replies
  • 35 Replies
  • GG357

    October 7, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    Do it! I just started taking hot yoga classss a few weeks ago & it is amazing! I’ve never liked yoga, but got yoga rocks. I don’t think I can really describe how great it makes me feel, but I love it just about as much as I love my pole.

  • megan12

    October 7, 2012 at 4:30 pm

    I tried it and while I think it did help my flexibility, I didn’t particularly care for the experience. You slip and slide all over the place. I did it in the morning and ended up feeling completely exhausted. I’ve never felt more groggy in my entire life. I did hydrate but I think it doesn’t matter how much you drink, it’s still going to dehydrate you.

  • GG357

    October 7, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    Bring a towel to lay on your mat. They sell special sized towels to fit over a yoga mat, makes a big difference. I found one for $20 on amazon. Hydrate for sure. I actually feel really great after a class & even the next day. They say you should try 3 classes before deciding if you like it, but I knew right away I love it. If you really don’t like it, try a different instructor or studio. It’s crazy how different yoga can be just with different teachers.

  • GG357

    October 7, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    Also, show up a little early to get checked in & everything. I like a hot spot in front by the mirror. But, a cooler spot is by the door & being behind someone can help you follow along. Let your teacher know its your first class.

  • SaschaPoles

    October 7, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    Yay!! Thank you guys!!! I think I'll go to the 9am class tomorrow just to see how it makes me feel the rest of the day, then I'll do evening classes. These are awesome tips, thank you 🙂 I'm afraid I'm going to be THAT student that farts or passes out or something lol. 

  • GG357

    October 7, 2012 at 10:07 pm

    You will be great & love it. I just finished a hot cass that uses a lot of the same moves as bikram & I feel so great.

  • SaschaPoles

    October 8, 2012 at 9:12 am

    I didn't realize there were different moves for different types of yoga!! I chickened out this morning; I rationalized that I hadn't hydrated enough and that I'd have a beet red face the rest of the day…..and I'm having company tonight and who wants a red face for company!!! Alright, alright I'm making excuses now. I guess I just got scared lol.

    I think I'll go to an evening class tomorrow. GG what should I wear??? 

  • iceselkie

    October 8, 2012 at 10:14 am

    Hi SaschaPoles

    Wear what you would for pole practice — shorts, sports bra, etc. I made the mistake of wearing capris to my first Bikram class. Never again! They got very sweaty and sloshed around in the most annoying way… You'll want to bring a water bottle and a towel, as someone else mentioned. In addtion to telling the instructor it's your first class, you might want to place yourself so that you have a row or two in front of you to watch. I think you'll really enjoy it. You've actually inspired me to go back to the studio.

    Good Luck!

  • SaschaPoles

    October 8, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    Awww!! Thank you Ice!!!!! 🙂 These are awesome tips, I'm going to force myself to go to the one at 730 tomorrow evening 🙂

  • GG357

    October 8, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    Pole wear is perfect for hot yoga. Something you can sweat in that wont get weighed down from soaking up sweat. I put off going for a while, but am super grateful a friend finally basically made me go.

  • Eden Body

    October 8, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    I love Bikram yoga. It's been a while since ive gone. I have 3 classes left on my membership….I think I'll do them to start off my pole training. How was your class Sascha?

  • Elektra Vallens

    October 8, 2012 at 2:44 pm

    Hey Sascha – I've been meaning to go to hot yoga for the first time for a while myself.  I won't lie, I'm dreading the experience, but I really need to get extra hot to stretch properly, so it seems like the right thing to try.   I'll make a deal: I'll go to a class tomorrow (mine is 6pm) if you do, and then we can trade notes! 

  • Eden Body

    October 8, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    Oh i just realized u said u would go tomorrow:-) let us know how it goes.

  • Chiffon

    October 8, 2012 at 9:32 pm

    I just took a class last week and I found it to be extremely challenging. The room is 105 degrees and the class is 90 min long! You are drenched 15 min into the class so if you like being sweaty then you will probably enjoy the class. What I liked the least were the moments I felt like I couldn’t breathe, especially when I had to lay on my stomach. I am going to try it a couple more times and see if I enjoy it more. Definitely sit by the door, wear as little as possible, bring a towel, bottle of water, and DON’T close your eyes. This supposedly makes you nauseous. I was nauseous and I was told this was one of the causes.

  • Elektra Vallens

    October 9, 2012 at 7:25 am

    Just a heads up to those considering doing this that how hot the room is depends on where you do it.   It sounds like Chiffon did 'true' Bikram yoga, where the room is very hot.  The place I'm going lists it as "hot yoga" (not Bikram) and the room is 95 degrees, not 105.  That 10 degrees probably makes a big amount of difference.  In any case, drinking a lot of water before and after is a good idea. 

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