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Birthday Pole
Posted by Resse22 on April 14, 2009 at 3:46 amI just ordered my pole for my 27th birthday (which was March 26th), and now I have to wait until the end of the month for the 50 mm titianum poles to come in. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the next couple of weeks! I’ve known I was going to get one since January and now after all my saving, I have to wait longer! Jesus, help me! I’m going to go crazy waiting on this thing!
Fleur replied 15 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
Oh I’m sorry that you have to wait longer for your pole! I’d be tearing my hair out over the wait. For now, it’s probably a good idea to work on your stretches – this will definately help once you get your pole and that way you’ll still feel like you’re doing something pole related.
Let us know when you’ve finally had a go on your new pole. How exciting! -
Oh dear, you poor thing! I hate waiting for stuff! I bought my pole from the studio I used to do my lessons with and I had to wait 2 months for it so I feel your pain! Its awful! Caramel is right though, you should work on your stretches and do some strength training while you wait. And do let us know when you get it!
Where and when did you order your pole? If it was from this site how did you find that out? I also ordered on Saturday for my birthday this week and I have not recieved any information. Please let me know.
I’m still waiting on my pole! Thanks for the advice, I’m stretching and doing a lot of ab workouts just to get ready. I ordered my pole from this site and the webmaster emailed me right away. He told me it wasn’t just StudioVeena that didn’t have the poles, he said they were on back order from the x-pole company. He gave me the option of downgrading to a chrome pole, canceling my order, or waiting… I’m waiting. Anyway, he said it would be at the end of April when I get my pole and I’m counting down the days! In other good news, I found a nice spot near my new apartments to jog. It’s in a new gated community and only one person lives there for now. YAY!
that stinks that you have to wait! but you can start preparing yourself now though be sure to stretch and do some strength training!!
Finally got my pole today!!! YAY! Time to get this obsession on the way! I’m putting it up tomorrow!
congrats congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that’s so exciting be sure to put it up properly though, its always so exciting in the beginning….i know for me i didn’t take the time to figure out where my ceiling studs were and then i broke my ceiling lol!!!! congrats and be safe!!!
I just ordered my pole for my 27th birthday (which was March 26th), and now I have to wait until the end of the month for the 50 mm titianum poles to come in. I don’t know how I’m going to survive the next couple of weeks! I’ve known I was going to get one since January and now after all my saving, I have to wait longer! Jesus, help me! I’m going to go crazy waiting on this thing!
I feel your pain!
I have been buying pole after pole all month and having issue after issue. My husband is putting up the cash and buying me a good one this Thursdsay so I’m waiting….and waiting….and waiting…..just like you. Just be patient. Stalk other people that have poles (like I do) and just look forward to the day that it arrives and you get all your new pole bruising and what not
P.S. my Birthday is on the 27th of March. I just turned 30
Yey birthday poles! Boooo Waiting. My lovely boyfriend bought mine (6ft 5" dirty blonde guy, read that as you will. hehe). He said he only had to wait 2-3 days, and we live in aberdeen (though it wasn’t from here). He threatened to take it off me after he saw my bruising! All together now ‘Awwwwwww.’ I practiced priouettes and turns on corners before I got my first pole.
I got my pole from my sister’s house today and brought it home. But there’s a problem. One of the two little sprung pins on the cover flange is stuck inside the cover flange. Does anyone know a way to get the little pin to come out? I can’t fully put my xpole together without getting it to come out.
<Sigh> I’m getting impatient. I can’t believe I had to wait so long for it to come and now I have to wait some more.
In other news, I got a puppy!She’s a schnauzer- shih tzu. She’s adorable! Her name is Sugar and she wondered what the hell I was doing when I was taking out the parts. She chewed on the cardboard box it came in, tho. Thanks all!
I’m confused – are you talking about the little buttons on the ring that holds the adjuster cover up??? I didn’t put the adjuster cover on my pole at all… It’s not completely necessary, just don’t hit it or anything (grease and such, the threads are sharp, etc.).
Is that what you were talking about???
Sometimes the little buggers get stuck, its nothing to worry about, you can still put your pole up. You don’t HAVE to put the cover on, its just cosmetic. I have had this happen with mine before, sometimes it will pop back out if you give it a sharp tap with something. If you really want a new one you can call X pole and they will send you one. I got my pole from my sister’s house today and brought it home. But there’s a problem. One of the two little sprung pins on the cover flange is stuck inside the cover flange. Does anyone know a way to get the little pin to come out? I can’t fully put my xpole together without getting it to come out.
Hey, thanks you guys! The adjuster cover was exactly what I was talking about. I’m going to go ahead and put my pole up. I watched the dvd last night and I’m so excited and ready to get into it!
Oh and Happy Late Birthday, SissyBurns!
Ok, thanks all, I’m going to go bring sexy back!
After my first try: Ouch!
Maybe I’m the dumbest person on earth but you girls make it look so easy! I’m out of my league but I’m not giving up! I needed to work on my arms bad! And I don’t trust myself to take my feet off the ground! I have a long way to go before I’m looking like Veena! lol! But hell, I just shelled out three hundred for this thing, I’m not giving up that easy. I just got to work a little harder to bring sexy back! -
Don’t worry Resse22, we were all there after our first pole workout It will get better and your arms will get stronger! Have fun with it!
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