Forums Discussions Body Beautiful

  • amcut

    May 1, 2009 at 2:58 am

    My sister always says, "a bitch is only as fine as she thinks she is".
    I think that’s the ghetto version of "confidence is beautiful", but it’s definitely more memorable for me.

    …So. Miss Phoenix! You better quit with that disgusting bit! I dig that you’ve got a few years of self loathing to contend with, but when you start saying "205 lbs of delicious" you’ll start ticking away at it. Disgusting my ass!

    As far as currents for me, I’m at 223 now- I guess that’s.. what, 13 lbs down? I’m using photos to compare now since my body seems to look better than it did 20 lbs ago.

    I’m eating REALLY WELL. Seriously.
    SO WELL I’m impressed with myself.

    Tonight was curry chicken- slow and low baked delicious with brown basmati rice and veggies sauteed in broth. That sounds a lot healthier than it tastes. Last night we had super garlicy turkey spaghetti with locally grown spinach. MM. If I were less of a cook .. this menu would seriously gross me out, but I SWEAR ON ALL THINGS HOLY IT WAS GOOD.

    If anyone wants healthy muffin recipes, come to me. I’m the one.

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