Forums Discussions Both sides pole tricks

  • Both sides pole tricks

    Posted by deetron on August 16, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    Hi all. Someone once proposed to me that if you are doing complicated inverts on both sides, you might get confused with your grip at crucial moments and fall!! But I’m always afraid of muscular imbalances, so I’m trying to do as much as I can on my both sides. I was just wondering which moves/tricks people practise on both sides?


    Dee x

    Trena replied 15 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • FreeTheSun

    August 16, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    I practice all my moves on both sides. Initially when I’m learning something new/getting comfy with it I’ll stay on my dominant side but once I’m somewhat comfortable I start practicing both sides so I don’t get unbalanced.

  • PoleDanceABCs

    August 17, 2009 at 11:24 am

    If you feel uncomfortable with inverting on your weaker side maybe you could look into getting a spotter or a pole buddy to help? Maybe lots of pillows and cushions below too? Other than that it is very important to practice both sides. Can you imagine being all buff and flexible only on one side? Not a good look. LOL

  • RoxyPink

    August 17, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    I am an advocate of doing moves on both sides…although I don’t completely do it myself.

    I do all spins and transitions on both sides. I work on almost all inverts on both sides with the exceptions of any hand springs or split grips. I have found that my "weak" side is about 2 mths behind my good side. Usually once I have the muscle memory on my good side I am able to get the move on my bad side fairly easier than if I start working on a new move on both sides at the same time…does that make sense?

    I’ve never heard anything about getting confused about your grips when working both sides…that just sounds silly to me!

  • Trena

    August 17, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    I think practicing on both sides is very very important! And the sooner you start to do it the better! If you leave it too long, like me, it can be disheartening to have to go back to the very start and learn every move on your weaker side. Im still doing it though because I know it’ll be worth it! I only started learning on both sides a couple of months ago but Im already seeing a difference. It doesnt take me as long to learn a new move on my dominant side now because Ive increased the grip and strength of my non-dominant side!
    Best of luck!

  • azzwoo

    August 17, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    I have learnt most moves only on one side, as I have 2 plates in my left arm and one of them sticks out as a lump by my wrist and clashes agaisnt the pole (poor surgery!) on most spins, and its purely too weak to sustain any inverted moves. I have to say I now have a muscle imbalance, my right arm is bigger than my left, and although its (hopefully!) not noticible unless I point it out, I am incredibly paranoid about it.
    I would advocate if at all possible doing moves on both sides as you can build up an imbalance seriously quickly. Muscle imbalances can set off all sorts of associated problems in other more proximal joints so I know its hypocritical but i’d definitely try to learn things on both sides!

  • SissyBuns

    August 17, 2009 at 5:31 pm

    I’ve always been told by my instructors to do everything on both sides.

    I’m right hand dominant but my left hand is stronger and I spin better on that side? Isn’t that wierd? I blame it on Guitar Hero. I finger the keys with my left hand and I think that made it stronger….seriously LOL. Anyway, I always have to tell myself to work on the other side or I’ll forget

  • Jenn

    August 17, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    I think it is important to practice most moves on both sides. It doesn’t have to be perfect on the non dominant side, but it it is important in balancing the body. Just make sure you have a spotter or crash mats on hand! As far as actual performances, I would think doing what is most comfortable for you is best. You wouldn’t want to write and important document with your non-dominant hand, you would write with your best penmanship using your dominant hand.

  • deetron

    August 18, 2009 at 11:22 am

    yes I would be a fan of both sides too, although I do find some moves tricky – aysha and reverse caterpillar and those elbow/forearm grip ones – my body just does not know what to do when I try them on the other side!!! i’m working on it though! glad to hear that there’s other who feel the same!

  • deetron

    August 18, 2009 at 11:29 am

    SissyBuns I’m a total freak with which sides are dominant for things. Some spins are better on my L.H.S, some on right. Then I invert with my right hand inside to the pole, but all my holds used to be the other way (like superman, knees etc.) so I could not do them from inverted easily – I’d have to swap around and it would be a pain. So, I learned them on the other side – now I’m worse at them on the side I used to do them on. My dominant handspring then is the wrong way round – if I mount the pole with it, it’s on the opposite side that I usually would be if I inverted normally!!!

    Trena, I too am slowly and steadily trying to be confident with everything on both sides too. I didn’t do it from the start tho either. Wish I had!!

  • Veena

    August 18, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    You might get confused and fall? Hmm I have never heard that theory before. It maybe confusing at first, but if you have moved on the advanced moves where you really could fall, I’m pretty sure you would be comfortable enough with the pole so you wouldn’t get confused. If you start working on both sides when you begin dancing it will become more natural. I still can’t do every move on both side but almost….the advanced move are pretty darn scary to learn!!!

    As some of the ladies said before…. its important to keep balance between all the muscle groups, you don’t want to end up with one noodle arm and one sexy strong arm Also if you only use one side of you body this can cause back pain and all kinds of uncomfortable problems. IF you insist on only doing one sided poling, then make sure your doing strength training in addition to your pole dance, you may have to hold back on increasing weight on the side you pole on, because it will be stronger. Working both sides is also a great exercise for the brain YOur right to want to work both sides.

  • deetron

    August 18, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    haha one noodle arm! that’s a funny imagining!

  • Trena

    August 18, 2009 at 8:59 pm

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