Forums Discussions Brass x-pole or a Powder coated?

  • ElleML

    May 10, 2012 at 3:47 pm


    That's ok



    Yes I have considered getting my own chrome powder coated. Turns out there's a powder coating company in this city! On their website they're saying that they have a wide range colors, shines and structures. But.. how do I know what's the exact right "shine"? I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking. I just want the right kind of powder coating. Maybe they know what to do. Haven't talked to them yet. And I kind of want to keep using my chrome too, as long as I don't react to it. So I'm not sure yet.

    I don't sweat much, and I tend to have dry legs in the winter. But since dry skin can be a grip issue I try to keep my legs moisturised. Pole-friendly moisture, like "Pole Physics" lotion. Is it the x-poles brass you've tried, or some other brand?

    There aren't really any other studios near by. There are studios in other cities, but I don't know if they use brass, I could ask. But if that's the case it's x-pole's brass for sure. The aren't any other pole webshops/distributors in Sweden that sell any other brand than x-pole.

  • SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow

    May 10, 2012 at 4:13 pm


    That explains how powder coating works. Yes they will usually have a very wide range of colours to choose from. Like Sensual mentioned earlier, I had my chrome pole powder coated. Make sure to also call around to different places, because the price might surprise you. Good luck!!!

  • Dancing Paws

    May 10, 2012 at 5:18 pm

    I haven't tried x poles brass before. I have a platinum stages brass pole and, as I explained before, it can be too grippy when I'm sticky, or I have trouble gripping when I have super dry skin. Shellectra used to have an x pole brass, and now she has a different brand. You might want to try and ask her if she feels a difference between the two brands.

  • fitnesspoledancer

    May 10, 2012 at 9:31 pm

    I have the x-pole brass and it's amazing! I say go for it. You can always contact x-pole customer service and they give you ideas on how to make sure your grip is not a problem. I have a great grip and haven't had any problems. I love it and have found that all xpole products are amazing. They are the best of the best so I trust their products to the fullest. Hope my feed back helps

  • fitnesspoledancer

    May 10, 2012 at 10:09 pm

    Also…could be possible that at the studio you train at they might have a different product and not xpole. If so, you can't assume that your pole is going to do the same thing. 

  • ElleML

    May 11, 2012 at 4:52 am


    No, the poles at the studio are real, genuine X-poles. My home-pole as well.

  • ElleML

    May 11, 2012 at 5:19 am


    Yes I've heard that the x-pole brass has a brushed finish and that other brass poles have high polished. And I agree, what's the point if the finish doesn't give you what yo want in a brass pole.

    You say that the tg pieces on yours feel more like brass than the actual brass pieces.. would you consider the x-pole brass to be less grippy than their titanium gold pole?

    And if so, is it still grippier than their chrome pole?

  • Lyme Lyte

    May 11, 2012 at 8:56 am

    I like the powder coated grip better…just my opinion.

  • tehCammy

    May 11, 2012 at 9:02 am

    It's difficult to say because I have never danced on a complete titanium gold pole. I've tried a "slide test" I slide my hand down the pole or up the pole and see where it sticks, for me I find the adjuster cover is the grippiest part of my pole (it's also high polish) and that part is titanium gold. I've also been testing this "brushed brass is slippery" theory with doorknobs and faucets, everything I can find.

    I have only danced on a chrome pole a handful of times and that was before I had my brass xpole to compare. I think the brushed brass is grippier than chrome for me but only when the brass is all warmed up. You would be better off asking somebody with more experience. My concern with this pole is in the comparison to other brass poles, and my disappointment is just that the finish is not what you would expect, but the pole was still really expensive. When I can move to a place with a higher ceiling I think I will sell my brass xpole and switch to a Platinum Stages multi brass or something similar.

    Don't get me wrong, it's still a very nice pole and a neat finish. It's more comfortable for slides and spins if it's warmed up, but on par with a polished brass pole it is not.

  • Dancing Paws

    May 11, 2012 at 9:31 am

    ElleML – 

    If you want tos ee some pix of the different pole finishes…

    This is a TG x pole (50mm):

    This is a PS brass:

    Webmaster has a pic of the xpert brass here (the bottom part of the pole is TG and the main part of the pole is brass):


    Hope that helps in seeing the difference between the finishes. 

  • JeHanne

    May 11, 2012 at 9:59 am

    We all have our preferred finishes, Stainless Steel is my favorite. I bought a Brass pole and decided to have it Powder Coated. If I do drops on the Powder Coat pole it does cause a light friction burn. It has not torn my skin but that is my experience… I have heard of that happening.

    Experiment with as many poles as you can. You can always have your pole powder coated and it is much cheaper than a new pole. I love the color options in powder coat and think they are totally beautiful! 

    Let us know how it goes and wishing you the best of luck!



  • Almitra

    October 21, 2013 at 2:12 am

    Nickel us in Gold and many high quality jewelry so that isn’t necessary a solution. This is why I don’t wear jewelry unless it says it’s nickel free. I have a rash from my inside leg hang and knee is from nickel. What I want to know is what did x pole use for their protective clear coating? I want to put more on. I went to Lowes and bought a spray on clear coat but don’t like it.
    Btw who the heck is webmaster? you are really not needed as a meditator. I think us ladies got this , so you can excuse yourself from your peacekeeping duties Lol!!!!
    I have nickel allergies, from my x pole and need more coating. whet is it?
    Mahalos, Mitra

  • chemgoddess1

    October 21, 2013 at 9:20 am

    I would suggest maybe learning a little more about the site before you trash talk the creator. There were quite a few comments that were deleted from this thread.

  • Veena

    October 21, 2013 at 9:48 am

    Webmaster and myself own this site….

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