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Bruising/pain when is it too much?
Posted by Phoenix Hunter on August 21, 2013 at 11:33 pmI am fairly new to pole. I was so excited to get a pole for my home because I thought- ,Now, I can practice as much as I want! This isnt true. I am so sore, I'm lucky if I can do twice a week. Believe me, I want to practice everyday but my body just wont be able to hold me up if I tried. I hear that the pain will get less and less but just need to hear from others on how it was for them as a beginner. I am covered in bruises!
SpyralBound replied 11 years, 6 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
I was fairly fit when I started, I had been doing cardio and free weights for a year or two, this did not help any when if come to starting pole I managed 3 times a week in thf beginning and I was very sore after each time so much that I wondered what the heck I was doing to myself but my love of it kept me going, after 3 years I still get sore if I have a heavy session, I still get massive bruises, but it is not as bad as the first 12 months, make sure you warm up and cool down with stretching it helps also a nice bath with Epsom salts. The burning gets better too.I am 51 years old now and I do get very tired after my sessions but I hear the young ones do too!:-) I take s good quality multivitamin drink plenty of water and eat well This to will help you.:)
Start drinking protein drinks after practice. I like the ones from Health Foods Unlimited. Also, try 30 minute baths in Epsome salts. You can get them at Target or Walmart. If you are getting a lot of large dark bruises, you may need an iron vitamin. I do all of the above and most important. Just rest when your body tells you to. I have stretch days in between pole.
Yeah, and also, if bruises are holding you back, then practice different moves, so you can let them heal.
And if you had an intense session and your muscles are screaming with pain the next day, just gently massage/ice/stretch it, whatever feels good, and again work on some different things involving different muscles if you can
If things really hurt, take a nice break, it really sucks to feel held back by pain as you may have noticed 🙂
Hi robinb, When you are new, poling everyday can lead to excessive bruising, overuse injury and excessive muscle soreness. Time off is just as important as practice time! New dancers think that practice everyday is what should be done, but that is not true. You'll be more likely to stick with it and prevent injury by following a schedule.
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I very much doubt I'll ever stop bruising, I am a redhead with lily-white skin and get a bruise if I sneeze too hard, LOL. Not literally, but it does take very little, especially on areas where the skin is a little thinner like my inner arms and thighs. Pretty much anything where I have to grip with my armpit or inner part of my bicep, I have huge nasty bruises there for days. Which reminds me, I'm attending a wedding in a few months and should probably avoid practicing that week so I don't show up in all the photos with massive purple and brown spots all over me….
If you're concerned about the appearance of bruises, rather than the pain (mine often don't actually *hurt* they're just ugly), Arnica gel does help, if you put it on *right* after your practice. Next day, not as useful. I have some but I never remember to use it, silly me. You can usually get it at whole-foods type stores or in the organic section of your supermarket if it has one. It, allegedly, helps the bruises heal faster and not appear so dark. Take that with a grain of salt as with all "natural" remedies, but it's inexpensive and could be worth a try.
@pankake..I don’t know how long you’ve been poling. I’m also a Lilly white redhead and at two years I bruise very little. You really do get the finesse that you don’t hit the pole so hard.
@robinb.. it takes time. I understand. I wanted to progress rapidly too. Keep at it. It will come.
Thank-you everybody for the advice and encouragement. @ stylynzy and pankake, I'm a natural redhead too!! haha! maybe that has something to do with the massive bruises. I too sometimes wonder what the hell am I doing to myself but I love it too much. 🙂
I too sustain massive bruising and soreness but it is getting better. Be sure to give your body down time. It is when we work our muscles and then allow them to heal that we gain strength and make improvements. You can over do it and that will set you back in any type of workout. It can also make you physically sick because your body gets so broke down that your immune system is affected. Good luck! Arnica Gel is great for bruising and soreness!!
stylynzy, I've been poling for about 2.5 years. It's usually not *hitting* the pole that makes me bruise (more often, I hit the floor from an awkward dismount!), it's the pulling on my skin in certain poses that make me use skin I don't normally put pressure on. Like anything that uses an inner arm, elbow or armpit grip. like Teddy, Flag and Yogini, I can't even do one of those without incurring bruises on the inside of my bicep (where, even just looking at it, I can tell the skin is more delicate and fragile). And inside leg hang (Scorpio) still bruises my inner thighs – again, fragile skin in those areas. Maybe that means I'm relying too much on skin grip/resistance vs. gripping with my muscles.
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