Forums Discussions Building abs from nothing

  • Building abs from nothing

    Posted by miss fern on January 13, 2009 at 4:50 am

    Hello everyone!

    I think I have lumbar lordosis / forward tilting pelvis – the symptoms of which are:
    – posture with belly and bum sticking out
    – weak abs
    – weak hip flexors
    – tight glutes

    I am trying to correct my posture and stretch my glutes (it’s only tight on my right side, I am very uneven when I sit cross legged, one knee is much much higher than the other) — but my problem is strengthening my abs. Most ab workouts (crunches, situps, prone bridge hold) are too advanced for me at this stage. Anyone got some advice?

    pole-twista replied 16 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Deirdre

    January 13, 2009 at 4:44 pm

    Sorry to hear about your lower back problem! First off, do you know what causes your lordosis? If you have overly-tight lower back muscles that are causing that exaggerated curve, you’ll want to make sure you get in lots of lower back stretching and massages if possible. This will make it easier for the antagonist muscles (in this case your abs) to work out if they have less resistance to put up with.

    Now as far as exercises: try lying on the floor, legs straight and arms at your sides. Now bend one knee and put that foot flat on the floor, so that your leg is basically making a triangle with the floor. Bring your lower back to the floor (think about pulling your belly button down into the floor) and hold for a few seconds then release. Repeat several times. Then switch legs. It won’t feel like you’re doing much at first, but you’ll feel it if you do it long enough!

    Another suggestion is to make gravity less of a problem. When you feel ready to try crunches again, use an exercise ball. This way, instead of laying flat on your back you are already sitting up at an angle and have less gravity to wrestle with. Plus, the ball provides great back support!!


  • pole-twista

    January 15, 2009 at 5:10 pm

    i noticed a huge diffrence once i started doing pilates as the main focus in pilates is your core (abs/back) i was unable to do even 1/2 the vid when 1st tired and was so sore in abs after hurt to sneeze, but i kept at it i would put it on in the am after work (i work nights) do as much as i can even if you have to pause or skip some moves while you catch breath (which is another really important thing remember to breath! i was surprised at how much i had been holding my breath when doing moves) than again when i woke up (even if its only 5mins at a time this week, 8 next week or whatever ) than again after dinner

    now that video is something i do to warm up i dont have a 6 pack believe me, (bc you need cardio to burn fat thats over muscles you could do sit ups all day, but if you have a layer of fat over that you’ll never see the results your looking for) but i have a pretty strong core i also think sit ups are no good for you and crunches on floor are not very effective they only work a small portion of ab/back muscles and most people do not do them correctly making them less effective and even causing injury for some crunches on a ball are more effective but pilates really forces you to use all your muscles as you move through diffrent moves crunches do nothing for that lower belly pooch or love handles for that matter pilates has you you using side/upper/lower muscles as well as the deeper transv. muscles that really help with back problems alot of people with back pain have weak ab/back muscles
    i also like doing free weights or calistetics ( lunges, squats, push-ups ect ) on a buso board anythime you do moves oin an unstable surface, youforce your abs to work to stabalize you have you thought of beely dancing? i wouldnt recommend that alone, but for days when you still want to do something to work on condition, but dont feel like exersising you may find it helpful and fun at same time as well as improving your pole dancing sorry for long post diet/nutriton/exersise ect is a topic i could go on and on about ( dont get me wrong im far from a health nut.. huge plate of fried chicken with an even bigger glass of beer for dinner.. whoops! but i know a little on the subjects and enjoy trying to encourage/help other people ) hope this was helpful

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