Forums Discussions Buy a pole or take classes?

  • PennyGirl

    August 25, 2009 at 5:06 pm

    Oh and I’d jump on BeSpun classes if you are in the LA area. I love their style of dancing and they have lots of classes to offer! Your lucky because that area seems to have lots pole dance schools.

    Yeah, I’ve seen leigh anne’s videos and they are AWESOME. I wish I had that type of "politude" I watch the bespun videos on youtube and I’m like mesmerized! If I were there…I’d be all over that class.

  • Angeee

    August 29, 2009 at 6:04 pm

    What a great topic. I signed up for a beginner’s pole class and I learned some safety tips. I just want to get a good pole and teach myself. I will take a private lesson when I feel that I am advancing. I believe there is a teacher in my area who does private lessons but that’s down the road for me and my budget.


  • TrophyWife

    August 30, 2009 at 5:22 pm

    well, I was a gymnast aswell, also a dancer and a cheerleader, so I think I have picked up poling a TAD faster than the average person with no athletic background. I taught myself with online vids, i DEFFINATLY got a good pole, anything cheap is a total waste of money…go X Pole for sure =) I also have the 45mm and I love it! Im starting classes now after Ive had my pole for 3 months, i learned alot. I finally found a class by me in here in chicago and I contacted the instructor and told her that i had a bit of experiance and didnt want to spen the full tutuion on an 8 week class at level 1 if I was maybe at level 3 ect, so Im doing a "teaser" class that was $40 bucks then she’ll figure out what class im in and the 40 comes off my tuition, so se if they do something liek that. I bet there are AMAZING classes in LA…i think thast where your from…isnt BeSpun in LA? not sure either way i was in your shoes and i got pole first played for a bit then did classes. good luck!!!!

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