Forums Discussions Can I poledance?Am I able?

  • Can I poledance?Am I able?

    Posted by Machiv Leahna on April 6, 2012 at 9:30 pm

    Okay.My mom was a professional poledancer.She was on coke and left me at the hospital.My family is pretty conservative,but I have half way convinced my mom.She said what would Jesus do?…I showed her poledancing for Jesus……*evil grin*!I am not very strong.When I was younger I climbed a skinny tree with no branches alot though.I hate working out,but I put blood,sweat,and tears into doing something someone says I can’t.Moving all the furniture in the room at 7,desk,bunk bed,and lazy boy included count?Or playing piano with a broken wrist,finger,and arm?I can’t dance well,but dirty is a different story.That is moving hips,butt,getting low.Alone.I’m abit of a tomboy….but love feminine appeal.I caught myself watching poledance vids like TaraKarina,Felix in Australina and my heart was racing with every spin,climb up the pole…..l am not that strong,or enduring,I can’t climb the monkey bars,but I really think I’m hooked.I dance all day,spins,toe pointing,butt clinching,and try to avoid it being seen.I will dance all day.Could I do this though?I think I got my Dad with the sports aspect,and my mom with me actually being passionate about something other than a doberman.We have not had company in a year,and I can’t remember the last time someone came in my room.I want do do this as an art and a sexy workout.Do you think I could do it?

    Jasmyne replied 12 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Vanessaccruz2384

    April 6, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    You should wait till you’re over 18 for various reasons. I’ve never seen a studio that allows under age girls but they could exist but not often. Although you say you enjoy dirty dancing. Most people don’t and shouldn’t encourage children to dance erotically as some as these classes can be. Once you’re an adult, you won’t need parent permission and your body might be much more developed by that age to be strong enough without injury.

  • CreativityBySteffie

    April 7, 2012 at 4:23 am

    Dont hide it from your mom and dad. I dont think you will be able to have a pole without them finding out. Also, it is good to have someone around wen you learn poledance. Just in case..

    It sounds like you almost have your familiy on board with it, and then I see no harm in you doing something you seem passionate about. And you will get strong with pole. I couldn't climba three when I was little. Now, I lift my own bodywheigt on my pole without hesitation.

    Only thing is, if you are under 18, focus a bit on the art of the poledance and not the more erotic version. I wish I had started when I was a teenager instead of when I was 20. Maybe I'd be really awesome at it by now. 

    And dont worry, you dancing poledance, does not mean you are on the same track as your mother. I would know 🙂

  • Veena

    April 7, 2012 at 9:25 am

    Hi there, Polariz5. You must be over 18 to use the site. However, I feel pole dance is for everyone regardless of age. You should speak with your mom and dad have one of them sign up as a member, if they approve, then you can use you're mom or dads "account" to watch the lessons. It is difficult to find a studio who will teach anyone under 18. It's important to learn proper technique so you don't end up with a life long injury. 

  • chemgoddess1

    April 7, 2012 at 10:23 am

    If you look into studios that teach more aerial arts and circus type stuff they will take those under 18.  Most regular pole dance studios will not though because of backlash from the community.


    April 7, 2012 at 11:51 am

    Wow, polariz, sounds like you've had a tough road and are thinking of a positive outlet of excercise. Most pole studios are not really about being sexy but rather building confidence through strength. It isn't bout shakin that booty for mens entertainment. Felix and the others trained for years and yes you too would need to start somewhere. I would look into your local studios to see age requirements. I know one friend who was going to teach a mother daughter class in Florida-even open to 7/8 yr olds, so anything is possible. Good luck and I wish you well.

  • Jasmyne

    April 7, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    It is really good to have a outlet and it sounds as if pole dancing is your outlet. I come from a rough life as well and when I pole I can escape from all of it. I agree with the other posters in that it is good to have your parents consent if you are under 18 but that does not mean that you cannot be preparing for it. Pole dancing is a beautiful art, it is sensual but it also requires grace strength, flexibility and coordination. There are workouts that you can do off of the pole for pole dancing, there are many different youtube videos about floor work and exotic chair routines, and you can practice your flexibility (please dont hurt yourself though!) It sounds like you are a very determined person andall those activites that you were doing are actually helping to build up your bones which is good. And you did it all naturally, pole dancing will just positively emphasize that. It is always good to have a outlet and I applaud you for not only reaching out to this site but in finding something that you can express yourself and put all your passions into. It is important to know that at the end of the day you are doing this for your own enjoyment and not necessarily for someone else's and that beauty can be expressed in many way. And it sounds like this is what you are already doing. Welcome to the world of exotic fitness!

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