Forums Discussions Canadian competitions?

  • moonflower

    July 19, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    Just call it Miss Pole Art ________. Problem solved.

  • Anonyma

    July 19, 2011 at 11:18 pm

    i  did  do not have a positive opinion on mpdc  in the past, but looking at the organizor argument on here and its not getting better eighter.

    I find your arguments very arrogant and out of purpose

    "The organization has paid tens of thousands of dollars to protect their idea and their content in the court of law.  When you spend that kind of money, you have lawyers on retainer to enforce it."

    uhhhh ill save my comments on that one… it looks like its all about controling the pole fitness worls… yes mpdc is the only and first competition of pole fitness for canada, but we need more!


  • Runemist34

    July 19, 2011 at 11:35 pm

    Well aside from the MPDC, I think what you guys are talking about here is conventions- we want our conventions, just the same as the Burlesque dancers have Miss Exotic World, as well as many others, and the anime fans have theirs, too!

    A convention his a HUGE undertaking, and I know from those who put them on that sometimes…sometimes they wonder if it's all worth it. Sometimes it's so stressful that they can't enjoy it while at the event. Sometimes they have to deal with horrible things, like their Guest of Honour has come down with something and can't do their act, or possibly the lighting and sound is shot, or there's no booze, or…whatever! Even the press can be horrible for stress on a convention!

    If you love it that much, you can do it, but it's one of those things that you really have to love, or it's not worth it.

  • Anonyma

    July 19, 2011 at 11:45 pm

    there  is a pole convention! Very well organised i couldnt go but only heard good things about it

  • MPDAlbertaOrganizer

    July 20, 2011 at 12:34 am

    Olivia. The post was not intended to be rude. It was to express how much work, time, money and effort has been put into something by someone.

    I will express that the MPD Alberta contest only follows the guideline of MPDC, it is not run by or part of MPDC. I do not know previous issues as this is my first time organizing this event, and working with MPDC.

    There are a number of conventions, showcases, contests and pole battles across Canada! I hope there continues to be more. International Pole Camp, Aradia Student Competitions and Showcases, Battle of the Pole are among the few running this year!

    My only intent on this forum was to provide information on Canadian Competitions, my apologies if it was not received in that fashion.

  • Cocoa0

    July 20, 2011 at 12:56 am

    When I initially posted this thread I thought no one would reply. I love that this seems to be a hot topic, it shows that we need more comps here. @ Oliviaaa I agree that there need to be more competitions in Canada, but I don’t understand your frustration with MPDC. If you look at the U.S. they have lots of competitions that are not affiliated with USPDF or APFA. MPDC is a national competition. Someone has to be in charge. And thank you to Tammy for taking the bull by the horns and organizing a national event. I’m sure that it has not been easy (or profitable) for her.
    @MPDAlbertaOrganizer Battle of the Pole? I have not heard of this one. Details/links would be appreciated!

  • Anonyma

    July 20, 2011 at 2:27 am

    we should have a STUDIO VEENA canadian competition!!!

    THIS would be awesome!

    (and no frustration here, just find it very "insistant" on the copy right story thing, when its really unecessary)

    and it almost looks like its the same person talking to themselves…

  • PJ Piglet Poles

    July 20, 2011 at 8:02 am

    Thank you Sheryl for the information.  I will contact you!

     Yes, planning for a Regional event will take a lot of money, time, blood, sweat and I'm sure tears.  Moreover,not everyone is going to be happy, it's just the nature of the beast.  All that being said, I'm going to organize an event committee and a showcase here in Toronto to get the ball rolling.  I'll be working on venue dates with a club owner today and hopefully discussing liability with a Studio owner.  I will be sending an email to my lawyer to get the lowdown etc…Dustbunny has offered to help me…any other takers?  We can meet on Skype or Chat here.

    I'm fine with MPD "O"…if that is the case…I think it's better to work together as a team to build something up rather then pull it down.  Politics is everywhere, we just need to work with it and find our comfort zone to make things happen! (that is what Vodka is for) Ultimately, what I read from this thread is people just want things to happen but we need to step into the arena….so let's do it!  Moonflower, MissNaughtywed…you're Ontario girls are you interested in joining a committee?  I'll be at the Caribbean Pole Jam on Saturday in Mississauga I'm sure it will be a hot topic of conversation around the pool and pole.

    Peace, love and Pole!



  • MPDAlbertaOrganizer

    July 20, 2011 at 6:46 pm
  • Anonyma

    July 20, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    this is the first edition, is is part of the just pour rire festival

    the organiser is no one else than dominic lacasse the FLAGMAN

    Felix cane is one of the judges, everyone is excited to see her!! The participants are from all over the world wich is amazing for a canadian competition,  we are very lucky to have such a big event here

    This is an amazing event and i look forward to meet the ladies from studio veena there !!

  • Sarahb69

    July 20, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    Finally some talk on more competitions/showcases in Canada! I was just talking to several people at my studio as well as poling friends about the fact that there seem to be no other competitions or showcases except MPDC. I have nothing against that competition, other than the fact that it is the ONLY one, and many people I know would be just too intimidated to participate in it as a first event.

    Piglet, if I can help at all with anything, I am willing…although I don't have any knowledge of how to go about arranging anything!

  • Anonyma

    July 20, 2011 at 7:32 pm

    i was approached by a friend of mine to organise one … (big international compagny but i wont say the name)

    after looking at the financial aspects of the thing…they  gived up! We turned the thing upside down to make it work, but of course they wanted to do it for money



  • PJ Piglet Poles

    July 20, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    Thank you Sarah!  I'll be in touch!  

  • seamripper18

    July 20, 2011 at 11:54 pm

    LOVE the toronto idea! I live about an hour away from T.O. and I've just started out about a year ago but this whole east/west thing and the toronto showcase would be a great motivator to push myself! I hope it works out and that I can eventually participate!

  • dustbunny

    July 21, 2011 at 10:07 am

    I agree with Sarah, I have nothing against MPDC but it is very intimidating.  Even their amateur divisions seem like pros to me.  I just want something near me (not the other side of the country) that I actually stand a chance of getting into!  

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