Forums Discussions Canadian competitions?

  • Tammy at MPDC

    July 26, 2011 at 11:10 am

    Hi All!  Somone directed me to this forum and I have to say, I am really shocked and hurt by Olivia's comments.  I am not sure if anyone realizes that I run this competiton soley because of my passion for pole dancing.  I have never charged a fee for entering, I paid for flights and accomodation for the first year and lost thousands of dollars so I sitll ran the competiton the second year but could nto pay for extra's.  This year, I am paying for accomodation again because I want to make it easier for the girls that are coming from out of town.  I got Xpole as a sponsor so I am hoping to not lose money again this year.  I do not understand how anyone can call me greedy?  Running a competiton takes a lot of hard work, money and organization.  I have a 1.5 year old baby and two studios, I don't have a lot of extra time on my hands but I do it because of my love of Pole Dancing and the need for a non biased platform for eveyone to compete on.  I have judges from other studio's to keep everyone involved and keep it fair, so I do not even use it to exclusively promote my own studio.  It hurts me to the point that I feel like I shouldn't even bother next year.   I have never denied anyone to be a part of this competition.  The requests I have had from people are to host a Miss Pole Dance (insert province), please send me all the info.  Of course I am going to charge a fee if someone wants all the work that I have done for years handed to them on a platter.  If anyone wants to hold a competition under a different name and send them to Miss Pole Dance Canada, I would never say no!  I want to find the best pole dancer in Canada to represent our Country to the rest of the world.  I trademarked the name so that no one could just take it and use it.  Do you think Studio Veena would want me opening a studio with their name for nothing?  Anyone can run any competition they like, I am not stopping anyone, you just can't call it Miss Pole Dance Canada.  Olivia, if you have any more concerns, or anyone else for that matter.  Instead of saying hurtful things on a public forum, I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.  Thank you,  Tammy Morris

  • Anonyma

    July 26, 2011 at 11:34 am

    i dont know what s sooo wrong about what  i could have said… other than anyonw can do a competition with another name than "miss pole dance canada"  just call it miss pole fitness canada,

    check out what your people were arguiing about … the trademark ect ect  , maybe they shouldnt post on a public forum

    "The organization has paid tens of thousands of dollars to protect their idea and their content in the court of law.  When you spend that kind of money, you have lawyers on retainer to enforce it."

    i mean…. lol…. this is too much …

  • Anonyma

    July 26, 2011 at 12:02 pm

    AGAIN i ve read the post i ve wrote and i dont understand how can it  upset anyone…  i didnt said any hurtful thing

    i am just following the discussion and  posting my opinion about the legal aspects of the trademark name (wich they seem  to push a lot and  is unrealistic  )

    i  think you are doing a great job promoting pole fitness and i didnt said the opposite 🙂

    Now tammy instead of accusing me  to say hurtful things on a forum,  please read what your representative are arguing about , this doesnt help to get good comments!  It almost means WE RUN POLE FITNESS IN CANADA AND NO ONE can run a competition…



  • FreeTheSun

    July 26, 2011 at 12:37 pm


    It may seem ridiculous but that's how all trademarked names work. That's how companies, like xpole, can sue those that use their product images, name, and reputation without actually using their product. It's an business integrity thing and if you don't start when the company is small then you have no chance of protecting it when/if it grows big.

    The owner of the studio I worked at trademarked her studio name and when she found out another studio on the other side of the country had just opened and was going by that name she made them change it. It seemed a bit extreme to me since she's only in Seattle, but she made the point that if she ever wishes to expand beyond that to other cities or states (which I doubt will happen but you don't want to limit your possibilities) that is would be confusing to customers. Especially if the two studios focused on different aspects of pole, or one ended up being kinda shady.

    That's also why Burger King in most of Australia is Hungry Jacks. A small business already had the name trademarked so even though the Burger King corporation is huge and the business was one little store. It was their first, so they had to change their name. That how trademarks work.

    They never said, nor implied, that no one else can run a pole fit comp in Canada. They're just saying no one else can run a non-sanctioned "Miss Pole Dance Canada ______." Like you said, they can run one and call it anything else (like The Most Awesome Pole Champ Canada…ok not that, but that's be a rad title to have on your pole resume) , but as you also noted, competitions cost a lot of money, which is why not many other comps have popped up yet. Hopefully more people in Canada will begin to host competitions and showcases, but it takes time for people to plan and fund them.

    As for how your comments could be hurtful. You might not have meant anything in a hurtful way, but tone is difficult to convey accurately in written form and what seems like stating opinions to you can easily be seen as abrasive to someone reading it.

    @ Everyone

    Good luck with the comps/showcases that are in existance and those that are in the planning process. Canada has some great talent and I'd love to have more opportunities to support it (as well as an excuse to visit my birth country)! Happy Poling 😀

  • Tammy at MPDC

    July 26, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    "i  did  do not have a positive opinion on mpdc  in the past, but looking at the organizor argument on here and its not getting better eighter.


    Can I ask you why you did not have a positive opinion on Miss Pole Dance Canada?

    Oh and I am the orgainzer and I have not argued a thing until my last comment so I think you are talking about the organizers of Miss Pole Dance Alberta and that is completely separate.

  • Tammy at MPDC

    July 26, 2011 at 9:22 pm

    Sorry, that last question and comment was directed at Olivia..

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    July 27, 2011 at 12:51 am

    YAY!!! About time you got in here Tammy~~~Welcome!!!!


  • Tammy at MPDC

    July 27, 2011 at 12:08 pm

    Thanks Reenie:)

  • Tammy at MPDC

    July 27, 2011 at 12:09 pm

    oh and thank you Freethesun for that very educated answer!

  • PJ Piglet Poles

    July 31, 2011 at 7:08 pm

    Just wanted to give everyone an update.  I've been working on securing a venue and I have a meeting with a club owner on Tuesday to hammer out a date for a Metro Toronto Showcase! YAY!

    I'm so excited!

    Peggy Jo.

  • Sair

    August 3, 2011 at 10:20 am

    Yay @ Piglet! 🙂

    Please do let me know if you need help with anything 🙂


  • PJ Piglet Poles

    August 15, 2011 at 9:07 pm

    The Toronto Pole Dance Fitness Showcase 2011 is born!   Sunday October 16th, 2011 @ 7pm

    $10 at the door

    $10 to submit a video along with the required registration form the video needs to display your skill level, it doesn't have to be your performance piece.  All videos need to be submitted by August 31st.

    You can use google documents for this or a utube link.

    More deets to follow.

    So far we have a facebook page and the submission form is on the page.  Our website link isn't up an running as of yet but we are accepting submissions and payment via paypal.


    We are happy to send the form to anyone who would like to participate please email us at




  • Sair

    August 15, 2011 at 9:15 pm

    That is awesome news!!! 🙂
    So excited!!! 🙂

  • MrsNaughtywed

    August 16, 2011 at 6:50 am
  • PJ Piglet Poles

    August 16, 2011 at 8:09 am

    Thank you MNW!xo




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